HWVA Championship Show 2024 – Fourteenth Championship Show

The Fourteenth Breed Championship Show – Saturday, 11th May 2024

Judge – Karen Richardson (Carlequin)

BEST IN SHOWSh Ch Belatarr Kodiak
BEST OPPOSITE SEXHerlinga Hextilda
BEST PUPPYDeifstock Dare to Dream
RESERVE BEST PUPPYDeifstock Drunk in Love
BEST DOGSh Ch Belatarr Kodiak
BEST BITCHHerlinga Hextilda
RESERVE BEST DOGEwtor Barking at The Moon
RESERVE BEST BITCHSh Ch Enryb Tickled Pink
2024 Champ Show BIS and RBIS
2024 Champ Show BIS and RBIS
Class 1 Baby Puppy Dog (0 Entries)
Class 2 Minor Puppy Dog (1
1st Deifstock Drunk in Love
Class 3 Puppy Dog (1 Entry)
1st Deifstock Drunk in Love
Class 4 Junior Dog (2 Entries)
1st Twelveoaks Goodwood Pippin
2nd Haywire Texana Vadasz
Class 5 Yearling Dog (2 Entries)
1st Haywire Texana Vadasz
2nd Zoltarous Wasabi for Dhalascar
Class 6 Novice Dog (0 Entries)
Class 7 Graduate Dog (2 Entries)
1st Zenzoes Romeo with Oakberrow
2nd Canalgame Giovanni
Class 8 Post Graduate Dog (0 Entries)
Class 9 Limit Dog (2 Entries)
1st Ewtor Barking at The Moon JW
2nd Zoldmali Ezmi (Imp Srb)
Class 10 Open Dog (2 Entries)
1st Sh Ch Miadsc Cast A Spell
2nd Ch Bardantop Banoffee
Class 11 Champion Dog (2 Entries)
1st Sh Ch Belatarr Kodiak
2nd Sh Ch Belatarr America
Class 12 Veteran Dog (3 Entries, 1 Abs)
1st Belatarr Jupiter
2nd Belatarr North by Northwest
Class 13 Special Working Dog (1 Entry)
1st Canalgame Giovanni
Class 14 Baby Puppy Bitch (0 Entries)
Class 15 Minor Puppy Bitch (1 Entry)
1st Deifstock Dare to Dream
Class 16 Puppy Bitch (3 Entries)
1st Deifstock Dare to Dream
2nd Miadsc Tropical Sunrise
3rd Zabosfai Jade at Starshot (Imp Hun) NAF
Class 17 Junior Bitch (2 Entries, 1 Abs)
1st Cuffnells Sweet Dreams
Class 18 Yearling Bitch (2 Entries, 1 Abs)
1st Herlinga Hextilda
Class 19 Novice Bitch (4 Entries, 1 Abs)
1st Deifstock Dare to Dream
2nd Cuffnells Sweet Dreams
3rd Starshot Hawkeye
Class 20 Graduate Bitch (1 Entry)
1st Starshot Hawkeye
Class 21 Post Graduate Bitch (2 Entries, 1 Abs)
1st Twelveoaks Carolina Red
Class 22 Limit Bitch (3 Entries)
1st Hazean Donetsk to Deifstock (IKC)
2nd Ewtor Guilty As Sinn
3rd Twelveoaks Crimson Delight
Class 23 Open Bitch (1 Entry, 1 Abs)
Class 24 Champion Bitch (4 Entries, 2 Abs)
1st Sh Ch Enryb Tickled Pink JW
2nd Sh Ch Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin JW
Class 25 Veteran Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Sh Ch Tragus Honey Bee JW
2nd Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue at Miadsc ShCM
Class 26 Special Working Bitch (0 Entries)
Special Awards
Judge: Colette Perkins (Brent/Silkridge)
Class 27 Marion McAngus Special Award Junior (4 Entries)
1st Twelveoaks Goodwood Pippin
2nd Cuffnells Sweet Dreams
3rd Miadsc Tropical Sunrise
4th Haywire Texana Vadasz
Class 28 Marion McAngus Special Award Post Graduate (2 Entries)
1st Zoldmali Ezmi (Imp Srb)
2nd Canalgame Giovanni
Class 29 Marion McAngus Special Award Open (6 Entries)
1st Sh Ch Enryb Tickled Pink JW
2nd Ewtor Barking at The Moon JW
3rd Sh Ch Belatarr America
4th Sh Ch Miadsc Cast A Spell
5th Ewtor Guilty As Sinn



HWVA Championship Show Critique 2024 (Fourteenth Championship Show)

Judge Karen Richardson (Carlequin)

HWVA Championship Show Saturday May 11th 2024.

A big thank you to the committee of the HWVA for inviting me to judge at their 15th Breed Championship Show, it was such an honour. The committee worked so hard, as did my stewards, and the show ran very smoothly. A big thank you to the exhibitors for the wonderful sporting & relaxed atmosphere & the generous applause around the ring.


1. ROSE DEIFSTOCK DRUNK IN LOVE – Such a well proportioned & balanced baby, developing well. The most adorable head, kind eye, with a gentle expression, Lovely reach of neck, set into well laid shoulders, straight front, correct length of back & well sprung rib. Good rear angulation & harsh wire coat, positive steady movement for one so young. BEST PUPPY DOG




1. COURT TWELVEOAKS GOODWOOD PIPPIN. Well built youngster with strong bone & substance. Clean in outline, super front assembly, strongly developed chest with well developed quarters. Masculine in head, in good coat & condition. He moved well with drive & purpose.

2. CAMPBELL HAYWIRE TEXANA VADASZ. Another well built youngster, liked his reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders, firm topline with good front & rear angulation. Needs to strengthen in pastern, which will come in time. Appealing masculine head & expression, harsh wire coat. Moved well.



2. SWANN – ZOLTAROUS WASABI FOR DHALASCAR. Strongly built with good balance overall. Excellent front assembly with a well developed chest & muscular hindquarters. Super wire coat but sadly proud of his tail on the move.


1. SAURO & GRAY – ZENZOES ROMEO WITH OAKBERROW. Sadly not showing at his best today, as a little unsettled. He has a handsome masculine head, strong bone, straight forelegs, deep in chest, harsh wire coat, with well muscled hindquarters, moved well once settled.

2. SAMSON – CANALGAME GIOVANNI. First show experience for both dog & handler, so quite a challenge to assess. He then appeared in Special Working Dog, after some coaching from another kind exhibitor, sporting the correct lead, he was a much improved exhibit. Well put together with a good wire coat.


1. MOSS – EWTOR BARKING AT THE MOON. A medium sized dog who oozes breed type, with a super outline. Good body proportions, robustly built but everything fitted & flowed as it should. He had good depth & strength to his body & was shown in perfect coat & condition. Loved his beautifully balanced head with soft expressive eyes & good facial furnishings. His movement was sound with good reach & drive from the rear, just wished he had more animation. RCC

2. TASKER – ZOLDMALI EZMI (IMP SRB) Robustly built with good bone, sound in body with pleasing outline. Masculine head & harsh wire coat.


1. SUMMERFIELD – SH CH MIADSC CAST A SPELL. Close decision between these two boys. Presented a pleasing outline, nicely made with good balance overall. Straight front, good depth of chest with plenty of heart room, moderate rear angulation & sporting a super wire coat. Appealing head & eye with good furnishings.

2. GUEST – CH BARDANTOP BANOFFEE. Strongly built, workmanlike & muscular throughout. Good depth & width to chest, firm topline which he kept on the move. Well balanced head with good facial furnishings & harsh wire jacket.


1. SPILLANE – SH CH BELATARR KODIAK. Such an eyecatching young man with an impressive outline. He has such a balanced, proportionate & strong body. Good depth thoughout with well sprung ribs, level back, firm loin, moderate rear angulation with good width of thigh. A masculine head with an intelligent eye & a great beard. Quite the showman on the move, he powered around the ring with reach & rear propulsion from his clearly visable muscular hindquarters. Dog CC & BEST IN SHOW.

2. COLLIER – SH CH BELATARR AMERICA. Judged him as a puppy & he has matured into a well balanced & soundly built dog with good body proportions. Handsome head with his expressive eyes revealing his exuberant personality. Harsh wire coat & super facial furnishings. He moved soundly with a free stride.


1. SPILLANE – BELATARR JUPITER. A strong & fit Seven year old dog, well built throughout with good bone. Super front assembly with well developed forechest, level topline which he retained on the move. Handsome masculine head with a kind eye & excellent facial furnishings. In super coat & muscular condition.

2. COLLIER – BELATARR NORTH BY NORTHWEST ShCM . At almost 9 years old, he still has a super outline despite carrying a few extra pounds. Good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders, deep chest with well sprung ribs, super rear angulation. Masculine in head & his personality showing such a happy disposition. He thoroughly enjoyed being back in the ring & made sure everyone knew it!




1. COOPER – DEIFSTOCK DARE TO DREAM. Such a sweetheart, so focused & showing such promise for the future. She is beautifully balanced with a super outline. A nicely arched neck which flowed into a super front assembly, well placed shoulder & moderate angulation front & rear. Good body proportions throughout with a super wire coat. Feminine head developing well, kind expression & such concentration in her eyes! Sound, steady movement for one so young.



2. SUMMERFIELD – MIADSC TROPICAL SUNRISE. Liked her overall shape, straight front, neat feet, sweet feminine head but needing a little more furnishings to soften. Close fitting russet coat with wire coming through. Moved well.



1. REED – CUFFNELLS SWEET DREAMS. She presented a good clean outline when stacked, slightly bigger than I would prefer but nevertheless well built with good body proportions, well placed shoulders & good front assembly. Level back, slightly sloping croup & moderate rear angulation .Excellent wire coat, sound & purposeful movement.


1. RICKMAN – HERLINGA HEXTILDA. Just what I was looking for, she fits the breed standard perfectly, medium sized, correct build & not overdone in any way. Loved her head, good shape, kind expressive eyes & super facial furnishings. A nicely arched muscular neck leading cleanly into well developed shoulders, straight front, neatly tucked elbows with good front angulation. Deep in chest, well sprung ribs, firm loin & moderate rear angulation. Correct wire coat. She covered the ground with ease & purpose showing strength in her rear propulsion. Bitch CC, RBIS & BOS






1. BUSBY – STARSHOT HAWKEYE. Seemed a little unsettled today, pleasing in outline with good body proportions. Sweet balanced head with a kind expression. She moved out well once settled.


1. COURT – TWELVEOAKS CAROLINA RED. Strongly built with good front assembly & good depth & well muscled throughout. Balanced head & expressive eye. Moved well.


1. COOPER – HAZEAN DONETSK TO DEIFSTOCK. Not as mature as 2 but she presented a clean outline. Well laid shoulder, straight front, level back & well angulated front & rear with a moderate turn of stifle. Feminine head of correct proportions.

2. MOSS – EWTOR GUILTY AS SINN. In profile she is pleasing to the eye, medium sized, very typy & full of substance. Such a lovely head with a square finish to the muzzle & dark, kind eyes & sporting a super dense wire coat.



1. LOYND – SH CH ENRYB TICKLED PINK JW. A quality bitch, medium sized & well worthy of her title. Beautifully constructed , robust, with no exaggerations. Appealing feminine head & expression, correct length of skull to muzzle. Good front assembly, depth of brisket, muscular loin & good finish to the croup with well developed muscular thighs. In her best wire jacket, expertly handled & moved so well with drive & purpose. RCC

2. SMILLIE-GRAY SH CH OAKBERROW LET THE FUN BE GIN. Pleasing overall type, balanced & proportionate. Clean muscular neck leading into well placed shoulder. Good depth of chest & moderately angled muscular hindquarters. Carrying too much weight today but has the sweetest of heads with a kind eye & lovely expression.


1. UPTON – SH CH TRAGUS HONEY BEE. At 7 & a half, she still has the most beautiful head with soulful dark eyes that melt your heart & such a kind, gentle expression. Excellent confirmation, full of breed type, balanced throughout with super shoulder placement, well bodied with good depth of chest & brisket, firm loin & good finish to the croup. Firm topline which she retained on the move. In super condition, carrying the right amount of weight & sporting a super russet harsh wire jacket. BEST VETERAN IN SHOW

2. SUMMERFIELD AMBERMOORE TANZANITE BLUE AT MIADSC ShCM. Another beautiful mature lady in great shape at 10 years old. She presented a super clean outline, well constructed body, level back, which she held on the move. A beautiful head with a sprinkling of white & kind gentle expressive eyes. A close fitting wire coat.


Karen Richardson 


HWVA Special Awards 2024 (Fourteenth Championship Show)

Judge Colette Perkins (Brent/Silkridge)

Special Award Classes

JR D/B (4,0)

  1. Court’s Twelveoaks Goodwood Pippin – Male that won this class on his overall balance and soundness. Not the easiest to judge as he was really giving his handler a difficult time, but when he stood, you could appreciate his qualities. He is masculine without being strong in head, moderate skull and stop. He has enough bone, well laid shoulders, straight forelegs and a slight slope to the pasterns. Well sprung ribs and not overly long in loin. Moderate hindquarters and tight feet. Moved out straight away and back and covered the ground well in profile. Just enough furnishings which I’m sure will develop.
  2. Reed’s Cuffnell’s Sweet Dreams –Attractive girl of a similar stamp to the winner, but she just lost out on her movement to the dog. Alert expression, her head has good covering with her dense eyebrows and beard. Overall, she has a pleasing outline, muscular neck, well laid shoulder, deep brisket and well sprung ribs, with enough length to the loin. Moderate angulation but could be stronger behind, particularly on the move.
  3. Summerfield’s Miadsc Tropical Sunrise

PG D/B (2,0)

  1. Tasler’s Zoldmadi Ezmi –2yo male, masculine in head with an alert expression, strong neck, good shoulder placement, well boned and tight feet with arched toes. Well proportioned body, level backed and deep brisket. Good length to his ribcage and muscular hindquarters. On the move he was straight away and back and covered the ground so well in profile. An eye-catching boy.
  2. Samson’s Canalgame Giovanni – More difficult to judge this boy as he wasn’t co-operating with his handler. He is well boned with good feet, I would prefer a better lay of shoulder and return of upper arm and he still needs to strengthen up behind. Rather unruly on the move so difficult to assess but he was clearly enjoying his outing.

O D/B (6,1)

  1. Loynd’s Sh Ch Enryb Tickled Pink – Quality bitch of good breed type. Nothing overdone on this girl. She is feminine, slightly rounded skull, good muzzle length, clean and muscular neck, well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm. Ribs are carried well back to her muscular loin, level topline and powerful yet moderate hindquarters. Couldn’t fault her on the move, she is straight in all directions and effortlessly covers the ground, whilst maintaining her outline. Tail carried out but not high and showing herself well. In good harsh coat and presented in top condition.
  2. Moss’s Ewtor Barking At The Moon – Another lovely example of the breed. Strong and masculine but not overdone. Good coat on the head, moderate skull, oval eyes, medium set ears, strong neck and good front construction. Well sprung ribs and muscular loin. Powerful hindquarters and built on enough bone. Still not the finished article but a lot to like. He is very sound in all directions and can really drive from the rear. I just preferred the overall balance of the class winner.


HWVA Championship Show 2023 – Thirteenth Championship Show

The Thirteenth Breed Championship Show – Sunday, 11th June 2023

Judge – Rachel Thompson (Moricroft)

BEST IN SHOWBelatarr Kodiak
BEST PUPPYEwtor Barking At The Moon
RESERVE BEST PUPPYMorganna Anais Anais
DOG CCBelatarr Kodiak
BITCH CCBelatarr Asia
DOG RESERVE CCEwtor Barking At The Moon
Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog (2 Entries)
1st Tragus Mr Bumble Bee
Class 2 Puppy Dog (5 Entries)
1st Ewtor Barking At The Moon
2nd Zenzoes Romeo With Oakberrow
3rd Zoltarous Wasabi For Dhalascar
Res Farnfield Huntsmen
Class 3 Junior Dog (5 Entries)
1st Belatarr Kodiak
2nd Zoldma li Ezmi (Imp Serb)
3rd Farnfield Pickpocket For
Res Pedamoak Adventurer
Class 4 Yearling Dog (2
1st Fitzrovia Take A Chance
Class 5 Novice Dog (2 Entries)
1st Ewtor Fly Me To The Moon
Class 6 Graduate Dog (2 Entries)
1st Ewtor Fly Me To The Moon
Class 7 Post Graduate Dog (0 Entries)
Class 8 Limit Dog (4 Entries)
1st Throstlenest Helios
2nd Enryb True Blue At Whitgun
3rd Belatarr America
Res Fitzrovia Gideons Way
Class 9 Open Dog (2 Entries)
1st Ch Bardantop Banoffee
2nd Belatarr Jupiter
Class 10 Champion Dog (2 Entries)
1st Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal
2nd Ch Enryb Simply Red
Class 11 Veteran Dog (1 Entries)
1st Belatarr North By Northwest
Class 12 Special Working Dog (0 Entries)
Class 13 Minor Puppy Bitch (5 Entries)
1st Morganna Anais Anais
2nd Harti Z Talchejow
3rd Emily’s Choice At
Res Lanspar Zarla
Class 14 Puppy Bitch (5 Entries)
1st Morganna Anais Anais
2nd Herlinga Hextilda
3rd Harti Z Talchejow
Res Emily’s Choice At
Class 15 Junior Bitch (6 Entries)
1st Enryb Tickled Pink Jw
2nd Herlinga Hextilda
3rd Enryb Lily The Pink
Res Pedamoak Ambassador
Class 16 Yearling Bitch (4 Entries)
1st Kisdon Happy Memories
2nd Starshot Hawkeye
3rd Hazean Donetsk To Deifstock
(Ikc) Jw
Class 17 Novice Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Starshot Hawkeye
2nd Venatordream Lille
Class 18 Graduate Bitch (1 Entries)
1st Starshot Hawkeye
Class 19 Post Graduate Bitch (8 Entries)
1st Kisdon Goldhill
2nd Herlinga Henrietta
3rd Adel Liliana
Res Bardantop Witchway Benmorbry
VHC Thoradale Rule The World
Class 20 Limit Bitch (5 Entries)
1st Belatarr Asia
2nd Jaktays Vida
3rd Aldozovolgyi -Drotos Csermely
At Enryb Jw (Imp Hun)
Class 21 Open Bitch (2Entries)
1st Enryb Scarlett O’hara At Ewtor
Class 22 Champion Bitch (4 Entries)
1st Sh Ch Tragus Flirty Fox
2nd Sh Ch Morganna Anise
3rd Sh Ch Tragus Honey Bee
Class 23 Veteran Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Lanokk Violeska
Class 24 Special Working Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Deifstock Desert Rose
2nd Venatordream Lille
Special Awards
JUDGE Name (Affix)
Class 25 Special Award Puppy Dog or Bitch (4 Entries)
1st Ewtor Barking At The Moon
2nd Farnfield Huntsmen
Class 26 Special Award Junior Dog or Bitch (4 Entries)
1st Enryb Lily The Pink
2nd Zo ldmali Ezmi (Imp Serb)
Class 27 Special Award Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Bardantop Witchway Benmorbry
Class 28 Special Award Open Dog or Bitch (6 Entries)
1st Throstlenest Helios
2nd Belatarr America



HWVA Championship Show Critique 2023 (Thirteenth Championship Show)

Judge Rachel Thompson (Moricroft)

Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Championship Show
held at the 3 Counties Show Ground on Sunday 11th June 2023

It was a huge honour to be invited to judge the Association Championship show thank you to the committee for the invitation. I’d like to thank all the exhibitors for their entries and for taking my decisions with grace. Also these must be the cleanest dogs I’ve ever gone over as my hands were spotless.

A big thank you to the stewards on the day for keeping things moving as time was of the essence, especially to Christine Morgan who did most of my paperwork and without whom I doubt I would have been able to take the appointment. I’m sure that committee will discuss the holding of three shows and the specials in one day as things were very tight time wise and I felt that the uniqueness of a Club show was lost somewhat. I was very pleased with what I considered to be a quality entry with excellent temperament all round and only one level bite. I did feel that the breed is finally coming together with more consistency especially with regard to the coat although I didn’t feel that there were many double coats today I put this down to the weather.

MPD 1 Upton’s Tragus Mr Bumble Bee – 8 month old male of good make all through. Sweet head needing to broaden lovely eye giving gentle expression. Well put together front with bone suitable for his size level topline leading to well set on tail and firm hind quarters. His coat is yet to come through properly and I hope he grows on to fulfil his potential. Moved ok for his age.

PD 5/1 1 Moss’s Ewtor Barking At the Moon – 10 months. Medium sized boy presenting a good outline. Well balanced head with good width of skull and lovely eye. Strong neck into a well made front with strong bone and tight feet. He has a good depth of chest ribbed well back. Correct topline and tail set. He moved with fluidity from well angulated and muscular rear. His coat was harsh to touch.
2 Grey’s Zenzoes Romeo With Oakberrow – 11 months. A handsome boy with a lovely head and expression. Lovely front with prosternum and strong bone and tight feet. Well proportioned with good shoulder and rear angulation. Well muscled rear using it to advantage when moving . Pleasing coat.
3 Swann’s Zoltarous Wasabi for Dhalascar

JD 5/1 1 Spillane’s Belatarr Kodiak – Up to size boy with pleasing head and furnishings. Presenting a pleasing overall outline. Strong bone and good straight front. Moved well from well muscled rear. Topped with a coat of harsh texture.  BD, BIS.
2 Tasker’s Zoldmali Ezmi (imp Ser) – Overall impression is of a dog of a nice size and good proportions. Lean head and paler eye which may change with age. Moved well, sporting a good harsh coat.
3 Stephen’s Farnfield Pickpocket For Brightmeadow

YD 1 1 Harris’s Fitzrovia Take A Chance – A sound dog of medium size. Good head and furnishings Well made front with strong bone and good feet. Well let down chest with correct topline and strong powerful rear. Good wire texture to his coat. Moved with ease.

ND 2/2

GD2/1 1 Stephen’s Farnfield Pickpocket For Brightmeadow – Well made through and through from his well proportioned head with kindly eye to his well muscled rear. He has a well made front with some pro-sternum and a level top line that slopes towards the croup. He moved with drive. Topped with a textured coat..

PG 0

LD 4 1 Davidson’s Throstlenest Helios – Medium sixed dog with pleasing head and kind expression. Well made front and rear with level topline. Wire coat of good colour. Moved well although he tended to fly his tail that spoilt the outline a bit.
2 Whitney’s Enryb True Blue At Whitgun – A different type of boy being bigger and heavier all through. Well sized boy who stands over his ground. Correctly proportioned head with lovely eye strong neck into good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Lots of bone and good depth of chest. Well angulated stifles helping him to move soundly. He had a wire coat and good furnishings.
3 Collier’s Belatarr America

OD 2 1 Spillane’s Belatarr Jupiter – Lovely boy who has come into his own. On the bigger side but beautifully put together. Head of correct proportions with a dark eye and furnishings. Strong neck into well made front with good bone and forechest. Deep in rib with the correct proportion of back and lovely strong muscled rear. This dog has a harsh wire coat and moved with ease around the ring. Hopefully his third CC wont be long in coming.
2 Guest’s Ch Bardantop Banoffee – Smaller boy of good make. Well proportioned head with good eye and furnishings. Strong neck into straight well boned front. Correct topline with a well muscled rear just found him a tad to short for me. Moved soundly.

CD 2 1 Upton’s Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal – Dog of nice size and make. He is beautifully schooled and shows to his advantage. Love his head and expression. Well put together shoulders and front, correct topline and well angulated rear. Moved well and very much in tune with his owner. Wirey coat and good furnishings.
2 Byrne’s Ch Enryb Simply Red – Powerful male who gives the impression of substance which is backed up when you lay hands upon him. Masculine head, plenty of bone, good depth of chest and a well muscled rear. He moved well covering his ground with ease.

VD 1 1 Collier’s Belatarr North By Northwest – A lovely gent enjoying his day out. Dog on the top end for size but in proportion with a lovely head and eye, straight front and well muscled rear. Coat was of wire texture. Rather exuberant front on the move.


MPB 5/21 Newman’s Morgana Anais Anais – 8 months. This girlie has a feminine head with a lovely cheeky expression. Overall a balanced bitch with good angulation for and aft. Well off for bone with tight feet, well muscled rear. Her coat is coming through and is a harsh texture. Moved well with ground covering stride. Just pipped to BP by the more mature dog. BPB,
2 Cooper-Hall’s Harti Z Tachejow – 8 months. Well put together youngster who gave a good account of herself. Pleasing head and eye good front and shoulder. Correct topline with slope to the croup. Well muscled and moving well. Correct harsh coat.
3 O’Keefe’s Emily’s Choice At Castlegarnstone

PB 5 1 Newman’s Morganna Anais Anais
2 Rickman’s Herlinga Hextilda – 9 months. Another youngster with the attributes to go far. Correct body proportions with a femine head and corresponding eye colour to go with coat. Well boned front tight feet. Good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Moved soundly and with drive.
3 Cooper-Hall’s Harti Tachejow

JB 6/2 1 Loynd’s Enryb Tickled – feminine but with bone. I liked her head; she has a soft expression. She has depth to her chest and her ribs are well back Lovely front and rear angulation . In good coat and moving with drive.
2 Rickman’s Herlinga Hextilda
3 Lewis’s Enryb Lily The Pink

YB 4/1 1 Edminson’s Kisdon Happy Memories – What a happy girl. Head of good proportions with well set ears and a lovely eye. Strong neck into a straight front with bone. Correct topline held on the move. Coat of good texture.
2 Busby’s Starshot Hawkeye – Smaller bitch with a pleasing head and well set ear. Neck flows into her shoulder. Needs to deepen a little in chest, well muscled and angulated rear. Coat needed some attention moved ok.
3 Cooper’s Hazean Donetsk To Deifstock

NB 2 1 Busby’s Starshot Hawkeye –
2 Jones’s Venatordream Lille – Lots to like. Good overall appearance with correct proportions and well muscled. Depth to chest and ribbed well back. Moved well.

GB 1 1 Busby’s Starshot Hawkeye

PGB 8/11 Edminson’s Kisdon Goldhill – A lovely promising youngster of good breed type. Shapely head with smooth ear and reasonable furnishings . Strong neck into well made front assembly. Depth to chest and well ribbed back. Strong well muscled rear moving well with ease off low hocks. RBCC
2 Rickman’s Herlinga Henrietta – Another pretty girl from this kennel I had to look twice because she is so like her kennel mate. Lovely feminine headed bitch with good proportions and musculature. Correct angulation fore and aft, moving out well.
3 Lewis’s Adel Liliana

LB 5/2 1 Branney’s Belatarr Asia – Lovely femine and balanced through out. Pleasing head with smooth ear and dark eye. Strong neck flowing into good well angled shoulder and upper arm. Depth of chest and good couplings. Strong rear used to advantage on the move covering her ground with ease. BCC
2 Newton’s Jaktays Vida – Excellent head slightly arched neck into well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, well proportioned body, level back, deep brisket moderately angulated hindquarters moved well and soundly.
3 Byrne’s Aldozvolgyi-Drotos Csermely At Enryb

OB 2/1 1 Moss’s Enryb Skarlett O’Hara At Ewtor – Pretty headed bitch with a lovely dark eye and correct head proportions. Good body proportions and well angulated rear. Could have been in better coat. Moved ok

CB 4/11 Richardson’s Sh Ch Tragus Flirty Fox – A pleasing sized feminine bitch with a pretty head and good eye colour. Slightly arched neck leading into good shoulders with a straight front and good feet. Well ribbed back . Moved with drive from low hocks.
2 Newman’s Sh Ch Morganna Anise – A lovely type of bitch. Well made head of correct proportions good furnishings and smooth ears. Strong neck into well made front assembly. Level topline sloping to the croup. Moved with drive, lost out to one as she is carrying a little too much weight
. 3 Upton’s Sh Ch Tragus Honey Bee

VB 2/11 Newman’s Lanokk Violeska – What a grand lady very well put together with a soft expression and correct furnishings. Strong neck into well made front. Good depth of chest well ribbed back. Driving from a well muscled rear. BV

SWB 2 1 Cooper’s Deifstock Desert Rose – nicely made bitch, balanced skull, well set ears, deep chest, stands over her ground, has width of thigh with moderate angulation. Covered her ground on the move.
2 Jones’s Venatordream Lille

Judge Rachel Thompson

Marion McAngus Special Awards Critique


I was delighted to be asked to judge the Special Award classes at this show and was heartened to discover that the classes have been named in memory of the lovely Marion McAngus whom I knew for many years.

P (2, 2a): 1 Moss’ Ewtor Barking At The Moon, 11 months dog presents a pleasing outline with good length of body & level topline. Tight arched feet, clean neck of moderate length into well laid shoulders, good spring of rib, strong over the loin, good turn of stifle. Long day for him but he went well; 2 Davidson’s
Farnfield Huntsman, almost 12 months & much more raw. He has a lovely outline with level topline & good ribbing. He is smart & has a showy presence. Clean neck into well laid shoulders, just needs to drop down into himself for everything to come back south including his angles – this will come with maturity.
J (4, 2a): 1 Lewis’ Enryb Lily The Pink, thought this bitch to be of lovely quality, feminine but robust, correct in outline with good body length, clean neck into well laid shoulders, good spring of rib & clean over the topline. Good texture to coat, in good muscular condition so held a taut loin & good underline. Well
handled; 2 Tasker’s Zo ldmali Ezmi (Imp), dog, good for size & bone, brisket down to elbow, level topline, good turn of stifle, very well muscled throughout including through the loin. Correct coat to the touch. A little compact in body – preferred the ratios of 1.
PG (2, 1a): 1 Connolly’s Bardantop Witchway Benmorbry, bitch, presents a pleasing outline with good body length, level topline & good underline. Correct bend of stifle, good rear pasterns. Would like more depth & fill in forechest.
O (5, 3a): 1 Davidson’s Throstlenest Helios, the best head in terms of ratio properties. Clean neck, well laid shoulders, brisket down to elbow, good ribbing, muscle tone & coat. Scored in movement with strength from good rear pasterns with hocks well let down; 2 Collier’s Belatarr America, upstanding rangy male,
robust, nice outline with good body ratios, correct bend of stifle. Not as good as 1 on rear movement.


HWVA Championship Show 2022 – Twelfth Championship Show

The Twelfth Breed Championship Show – Sunday, 27th March 2022

Judge – Gary Upton (Tragus)

BEST IN SHOWFourlums Tavaszi
RESERVE BEST IN SHOWFassfields Like A Baroness
BEST OPPOSITE SEXFassfields Like A Baroness
BEST PUPPYFitzrovia Gideons Way
BEST DOGFourlums Tavaszi
BEST BITCHFassfields Like A Baroness
RESERVE BEST DOGFitzrovia Gideons Way
Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog (No Entries)
Class 2 Puppy Dog (1 Entry)
1st Fitzrovia Gideons Way BPIS & Reserve Dog CC
Class 3 Junior Dog (No Entries)
Class 4 Yearling Dog (No Entries)
Class 5 Novice Dog (No Entries)
Class 6 Graduate Dog (I Entry)
1st Navarro Del Fatalbecco At Cragvallie (Imp) It
Class 7 Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries)
1st Belatarr America
Class 8 Limit Dog (5 Entries)
1st Zoldmali Iszkiri At Cragvallie (Imp Serb)
2nd Fourlums Heath
3rd Throstlenest Helios
Res. Zoldmali Latin Lover
VHC Phantomfuror Guava
Class 9 Open Dog (5 Entries)
1st Fourlums Tavaszi Dog CC & BIS
2nd Bardantop Banoffee
3rd Zoldmali Lipton At Brecalde Taf
Class 10 Champion Dog (1 Entry)
Class 11 Veteran Dog (2 Entries)
1st Belatarr North By Northwest Sh.CM
2nd Zoldmali U R Special (Imp Hun)
Class 12 Special Working Dog (2 Entries)
1st Fourlums Tavaszi
Class 13 Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Starshot Hawkeye
2nd Dansopity Ocknell
Class 14 Puppy Bitch (5 Entries)
1st Fitzrovia Amber Nectar
2nd Kisdon Happy Memories
3rd Thoradale Rule The World
Res Dansopity Ocknell
Class 15 Junior Bitch (3 Entries)
1st Morganna Anise
2nd Oakberrow M'lady Gin
Class 16 Yearling Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Oakberrow M'lady Gin
2nd Starshot Limited Edition
Class 17 Novice Bitch (5 Entries)
1st Adel Liliana Reserve Bitch CC
2nd Oakberrow M'lady Gin
3rd Zoltarous Guelder Rose
Res Lanspar Kivalo
Class 18 Graduate Bitch (1 Entry)
1st Oakberrow M'lady Gin
Class 19 Post Graduate Bitch (6 Entries)
1st Holsan Lenti
2nd Trebus Tanselle At Goldpaw
3rd Mestervadasz Aktiv Of Starshot (Imp Hun)
Res. Twelveoaks Carolina Red
Class 20 Limit Bitch (5 Entries)
1st Gwaithmaes Aoife
2nd Deifstock Desert Rose
3rd Twelveoaks Crimson Delight
Res. Indriel Eowyn
Class 21 Open Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Fassfields Like A Baroness Bitch CC & Best Opposite Sex
2nd Sh Ch Sh Ch Kisdons Custom Made
Class 22 Champion Bitch (1 Entry
1st Sh Ch Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin JW
Class 23 Veteran Bitch (4 Entries)
1st Bardantop Plum Duff
2nd Kidsdons Attribute
3rd Honey Buzzard
Class 24 Special Working Bitch (1 Entry)
1st Zoltarous Guelder Rose
Special Awards
JUDGE Rose Summerfield (Miadsc)
Class 25 Special Award Puppy Dog or Bitch (HWV) 2 Entries
1st Fitzrovia Amber Nectar
2nd Fitzrovia Gideons Way
Class 26 Special Award Junior Dog or Bitch (HWV) 2 Entries
1St Morganna Anise
Class 27 Special Award Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (HWV) 11 Entries
1st Holsan Lenti
2nd Adel Liliana
3rd Zoltarous Guelder Rose
Res Navarro Del Fatalbecco At Cragvallie (Imp) It
VHC Trebus Tanselle At Goldpaw
Class 28 Special Award Open Dog or Bitch (HWV) 10 Entries
1st Deifstock Desert Rose
2nd Bardantop Plum Duff
3rd Lanokk Szivos JW
Res. Zoldmali Latin Lover
VHC Throstlenest Helios



HWVA Championship Show Critique 2022 (Twelfth Championship Show)

Judge Gary Upton (Tragus)

Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog (No Entries)

Class 2 Puppy Dog (1 Entry)

1st Fitzrovia Gideons Way BPIS & Reserve Dog CC 11 months. Nice dog, good head but would like a darker eye. Good front and feet, good shoulders but needs more depth of chest which should come when he matures. Good topline and bend of stifle. Good wire coat. Moved well. One for the future.

Class 3 Junior Dog (No Entries)

Class 4 Yearling Dog (No Entries)

Class 5 Novice Dog (No Entries)

Class 6 Graduate Dog (I Entry)

1st Navarro Del Fatalbecco At Cragvallie (Imp) It.  Good head and eyes, good bone and feet. Good reach of neck into good shoulders. Good topline and stifles. Good wire coat. Could have moved better today.

Class 7 Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries)

1st Belatarr America. Quite broad on head, good eye, good front and feet but nails need attention. Good topline and depth of chest. Good wire coat, moderate stifles. Moved very well and was in lovely condition.

Class 8 Limit Dog (5 Entries)

1st Zoldmali Iszkiri At Cragvallie (Imp Serb). Very nice dog. Good head shape and eyes. Good front and feet. Good reach of neck into good shoulders, good topline and tailset. Good wire coat, moved very well.

2nd Fourlums Heath. Lovely head and eyes, good front and front but would like better feet. Good topline and stifles. Good wire coat. Moves well, just tail carriage a little high. Two nice dogs.

3rd Throstlenest Helios

Class 9 Open Dog (5 Entries)

1st Fourlums Tavaszi Dog CC & BIS. Lovely correct shape head and dark eye. Good front and feet. Good russet colour coat. Good reach of neck into good shoulders, good topline and stifles. Moved very well. Such a happy dog, never stopped wagging his tail. Handled very well and in super condition. Well deserved.

2nd Bardantop Banoffee. Lovely head and eyes, good front and feet. Good neck into good shoulders, good topline, moderate bend of stifle. Good wire coat and in lovely hard condition. He just was not settled on the move today.

3rd Zoldmali Lipton At Brecalde Taf

Class 10 Champion Dog (1 Entry)


Class 11 Veteran Dog (2 Entries)

1st Belatarr North By Northwest Sh CM. Very nice dog but up to size. Good head and eyes, good front and feet, good topline. Good wire coat in lovely condition. Moved well. He was full of himself, gives his handler a hard time.

2nd Zöldmáli U R Special (Imp Hun). Another nice dog, good head and eye, Good front and tight feet. Good coat. Topline and stifles but was not settled on the stand. Moved well.

Class 12 Special Working Dog (2 Entries)

1st Fourlums Tavaszi

Class 13 Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries)

1st Starshot Hawkeye BPS & RBPIS. Lovely baby. Very sweet head, good eyes. Good bone and feet. Good wire coat, body, topline and stifles. Moved well for her age. I wish her well for the future. Close decision for BPIS.

2nd Dansopity Ocknell. Very immature. Nice head and eyes. Needs more wire coat. Could not assess movement. Handler and dog need some ringcraft training.

Class 14 Puppy Bitch (5 Entries)

1st Fitzrovia Amber Nectar. Nice head shape but needs a darker eye. Good front, super tight feet. Good neck and shoulders. Good wire coat. Good topline and stifles. Moved well.

2nd Kisdon Happy Memories. Another well put together girl. Pretty head with good furnishings. Would like a darker eye. Good wire coat. Good front and feet. Moved well.

3rd Thoradale Rule The World

Class 15 Junior Bitch (3 Entries)

1st Morganna Anise. Very pretty head and good eyes. Good bone and feet, good neck into good shoulders. Nice wire coat and colour. Tending to just dip her topline on the stand but she moved very well.

2nd Oakberrow M’lady Gin. Bigger bitch, good head would like a darker eye. Good front and feet. Well put together. Moved very well. Would like a harsher wire coat.

Class 16 Yearling Bitch (2 Entries)

1st Oakberrow M’lady Gin

2nd Starshot Limited Edition. Pretty head. Very fine all over, good coat and colour. Moved quite well. Just needs to mature.

Class 17 Novice Bitch (5 Entries)

1st Adel Liliana Reserve Bitch CC. Very pretty head and good eyes. Good front and feet, good reach of neck into good shoulders, good topline and stifles. Good wire coat and in good condition. Moved very well. The handler got the best out of her. So well deserved and good luck for the future.

2nd Oakberrow M’lady Gin

3rd Zoltarous Guelder Rose

Class 18 Graduate Bitch (1 Entry)

1st Oakberrow M’lady Gin

Class 19 Post Graduate Bitch (6 Entries)

1st Holsan Lenti. Another pretty head and eye. Good front and feet. Good neck into good shoulders. Good depth of chest, topline and tailset. Good wire coat. Moved well.

2nd Trebus Tanselle At Goldpaw. Another nice one, lovely head and eye. Good front and feet. Good topline. Would like more wire coat. Moved well.

3rd Mestervadasz Aktiv Of Starshot (Imp Hun)

Class 20 Limit Bitch (5 Entries)

1st Gwaithmaes Aoife. Nice pretty head and eyes. Good front and feet. Good reach of neck into good shoulders. Good depth of chest. Good topline and stifles, good wire coat. Moved very well I just wish there was more of her.

2nd Deifstock Desert Rose. Another really nice one. Lovely head shape, would like a darker eye. Very well put together. Good wire coat and colour. She was not happy here today which let her movement down.

3rd Twelveoaks Crimson Delight

Class 21 Open Bitch (2 Entries)

1st Fassfields Like A Baroness Bitch CC & BOS. Lovely shape head and good eye. Good front and tight feet. In lovely wire coat and great condition. Good neck and shoulders. Good topline and tailset. Good stifles. She moved so well and handler got the best out of her.

2nd Sh Ch Kisdons Custom Made. Another lovely shape head and eyes. Good front and feet. Good neck and shoulders. Good topline. Moved very well, also, good wire coat.

Class 22 Champion Bitch (1 Entry)

1st Sh Ch Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin JW. Another nice one. Lovely head and dark eye. Good front and feet. Good neck and shoulders. Good topline and stifles. Good wire coat but was not her happy self.

Class 23 Veteran Bitch (4 Entries)

1st Bardantop Plum Duff BVIS. Lovely head and eyes. Good front and feet. Good neck and shoulders. Super topline and tailset. Good wire coat in excellent condition. Moved very well. A credit to her owners.

2nd Kidsdons Attribute. Another nice one. Lovely head and eyes. Good front and feet. Good wire coat. Moved well. Close decision.

3rd Honey Buzzard

Class 24 Special Working Bitch (1 Entry)

1st Zoltarous Guelder Rose. Nice head and eyes. Well put together but would like tighter feet. Good wire coat. Moved well.

Special Awards Critique

Judge Rose Summerfield (Miadsc)

I would like to thank the HWVA for inviting me to judge the Special Awards at this years Championship Show. I thank those competitors who entered under me and took my decisions in good grace. I thank my steward Karl. I would like to thank Peter Upton for doing my Kennel Club Assessment for my Judges Education Programme.

Class 25 Puppy Dog/Bitch 2 (0)

1st Harris’s Fitzrovia Amber Nectar. 11 month old bitch. Pleasing head of correct proportions, kind eye of good colour for age, correct dentition. A neater package than her litter Brother in 2nd place. Possibly a little fine of bone for the breed, time will tell. Lovely length of neck and good chest and tight elbows, Level back nicely sloping croup to correct tail set. Good feet and coat. Moved out with a good stride and confidence for her age.

2nd Harris’s Fitrovia Gideons Way Litter Brother to 1st place. Nice head with kind eye, correct length of neck with a good arch leading into super lay of shoulders, lovely level back into slightly sloping croup with correct tail set. Long legs with a little too much daylight under him spoilt the picture for me. Didn’t move out a well as his sister did.

Class 26 Junior Dog/Bitch 1 (0)

1st Newman’s Morganna Anise. 12 month bitch. Sweet head with kind eye. Correct dentition, good length of neck with nice lay of shoulder. Straight topline, would like a little more slope to the croup. Good coat covering. Moved out with confidence and good rear drive.

Class 27 Post Graduate Dog/Bitch 11 (4)

1st Bendikas’s Holsan Lenti. A lovely head on this bitch of correct proportions. I like the length of her and she has a nice gently slope to her croup. Good length of leg. I would like to of seen a little more rear angulation, but she moved out well with good drive. Lovely coat of good texture and colour.

2nd Lewis’s Adel Liliana. Not quite as mature as 1st and a slightly smaller bitch all through. Loved her sweet head and beautiful kind eye. Well made front, elbows fitting nicely into her body and good length of leg. Correct length of body with a slope to her croup. A balanced picture and moved out with good drive.

Class 28 Open Dog/Bitch 10 (2)

1st Cooper’s Deifstock Desert Rose. Such a lovely balanced bitch. Muzzle slightly longer than ideal. Nice length of neck leading into well laid shoulder, a lovely length of back with the correct slope to the croup. Correct length of leg with lovely angulation. Moved out effortlessly. Coat of good colour and texture.

2nd Guest’s Bardantop Plum Duff. lost out on movement to 1. Lovely head of correct proportions, correct length of neck leading into good shoulders and a level back with the correct slope to the croup. Good angulation. Her coat needs a tidy to complement the picture. Moved out with drive.

HWVA Championship Show 2021 – Eleventh Championship Show

The Eleventh Breed Championship Show – Monday 30 August 2021

Judge – Chris Guest (Bardantop)

BEST IN SHOWFourlums Tavaszi
RESERVE BEST IN SHOWBelatarr Charlie Parker Sh.CM
BEST VETERAN IN SHOWBelatarr Charlie Parker Sh.CM
BEST PUPPYEnryb True Blue
BEST DOGFourlums Tavaszi
BEST BITCHTragus Honey Bee
RESERVE BEST DOGBelatarr Charlie Parker Sh.CM
RESERVE BEST BITCHDeifstock Desert Rose
Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog (No Entries)
Class 2 Puppy Dog (1 Entry)
1st Enryb True Blue BPD & BPIS
Class 3 Junior Dog (3 Entries)
1st Kutyahaus Fred Finbar
Class 4 Yearling Dog (No Entries)
Class 5 Novice Dog (2 Entries)
1st Belatarr America
Class 6 Graduate Dog (2 Entries)
1st Fourlums Heath
2nd Twelveoaks Blackjon Apple
Class 7 Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries)
1st Twelveoaks Blackjon Apple
2nd Phantomfuror Guava
Class 8 Limit Dog (1 Entry)
1st Hosokter Tompa At Odinsmoke
Class 9 Open Dog (2 Entries)
1st Fourlums Tavaszi Dog CC & BIS
2nd Belatarr Jupiter
Class 10 Champion Dog (1 Entry)
1st Sh Ch Belatarr Hercules
Class 11 Veteran Dog 3 Entries
1st Belatarr Charlie Parker Sh.CM Res Dog CC & RBIS
Class 12 Special Working Dog (No Entries)
Class 13 Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Oakberrow M'lady Gin
2nd Cuffnells Queen Mirana
Class 14 Puppy Bitch (4 Entries)
1st Enryb Skye Blue BPB & RBPIS
2nd Oakberrow M'lady Gin
3rd Ewtor Guilty as Sinn
Res Twelveoaks Dandee Red
Class 15 Junior Bitch (3 Entries)
1st Deifstock Desert Rose Res Bitch CC
2nd Twelveoaks Dandee Red
Class 16 Yearling Bitch (1 Entry)
1st Lanspar Kivalo
Class 17 Novice Bitch (7 Entries)
1st Maiashy Akori
2nd Twelveoaks Crimson Delight
3rd Trebus Tanselle At Goldpaw
Res Lanspar Kivalo
VHC Twelveoaks Carolina Red
Class 18 Graduate Bitch (7 Entries)
1st Belatarr Asia
2nd Maiashy Akori
3rd Twelveoaks Crimson Delight
Res Adel Liliana
VHC Amiryck Ilse For Hornbaek
Class 19 Post Graduate Bitch (1 Entry)
1st Enryb Scarlett O'hara At Ewtor
Class 20 Limit Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin JW
Class 21 Open Bitch (4 Entries)
1st Tragus Honey Bee Bitch CC & Best Opposite Sex
2nd Aldozovolgyi - Drotos Nyuzsgo At Enryb JW
3rd Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue At Miadsc
Res Morganna Anisette JW
Class 22 Champion Bitch (No Entries)
Class 23 Veteran Bitch (2 Entries)
1st Honey Buzzard
Class 24 Special Working Bitch (1 Entry)
1st Miadsc Eternal Flame
Special Awards
JUDGE Deborah Hamlyn (Amestorah)
Class 25 Special Award Puppy Dog or Bitch (HWV) 9 Entries
1st Enryb Skye Blue
2nd Ewtor Guilty As Sinn
3rd Oakberrow M'lady Gin
Res Twelveoaks Dandee Red
Class 26 Special Award Junior Dog or Bitch (HWV) 2 Entries
Class 27 Special Award Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (HWV) 12 Entries
1st Belatarr America
2nd Enryb Scarlett O'hara At Ewtor
3rd Belatarr Asia
Res Phantomfuror Guava
VHC Trebus Tanselle At Goldpaw
Class 28 Special Award Open Dog or Bitch (HWV) 8 Entries
1st Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin JW
2nd Aldozovolgyi - Drotos Nyuzsgo At Enryb JW
3rd Phantomfuror Guava



The HWVA Eleventh Breed Championship Show 2021

Critique – Chris Guest

It is a privilege to judge at your own breeds club show and I thank both the Association and its members for allowing me that privilege.The committee are to be congratulated for the mammoth undertaking of holding three shows,plus a special award classes in one day,it ran like a well oiled machine,although personally I felt it lacked atmosphere ringside. Some general observations re the breed as I saw them on the day:dogs carrying far too much weight,the HWV is a running breed,some had little or no tuck,exhibiting the belly line I would expect to see in another HPR breed,and were far too heavy to run far!poor flat or,almost hare feet with nails that needed trimming.Grooming/presentation was lacking in some cases,both myself and the student judge had dirty hands after going over some of the dogs.’Twizzles’ of hair needed removing from the end of tails and the males needed their ‘under carriages’ washed and trimmed!Height continues to be an issue with some dogs and bitches either at the top of,or over the standard,that said I was did not penalise these dogs providing balance and construction was right.Very few exhibits had the correct muzzle to skull ratio,with the majority having equal length muzzle to skull.On the plus side:eyes were of good colour and commensurate with coat colour.Coat colour and texture were very good and all dogs had good bone and were robustly made.Temperament on the whole was good with nervous dogs being in the minority. I was looking for a moderate,balanced dog,free from exaggeration that was capable of a days work.


PD(1) 1) and BPIS WHITNEYS:Enryb True Blue……..at 10 months old presents a balanced outline,stands comfortably over his ground on neat feet.Nice head with good furnishings,kindly expression, eye colour commensurate with coat colour.Coat of good length and texture.Nicely arched neck flowed into a well constructed front,straight fore limbs,good shoulder placement.Firm top line flows to decent rear angulation and a correctly set on full length tail.Just needs to deepen all through and fill the frame he has.Good profile movement to just pip his litter mate and earn BPIS.

JD(3,2abs) 1)ASHTONS,Kutyahaus Fred Finbar……..a typical gangly junior being at that ‘wings and legs’ stage.At this moment a golden sand coat of good texture covers a well boned chap,but he is long in limb and over his loin.Needs to deepen all through,rather than grow up.Well muscled.Untidy mouth.


ND(2,1abs) 1)COLLIERS,Belatarr America……mature 2yo of nice type,workmanlike in outlook.Stacked looked a little stuffy in neck,but he carries a lot of good,harsh,coat so may benefit from taking some of the weight from his coat?Tidy front and elbows,with good depth to chest.Firm top line flows over correct coupling into his quarters,needs more width in his thigh,but he is still maturing and this will come.Tailset OK.Good muscle tone.Can be untidy in front movement.

GD(2) 1)SAUROS,Fourlums Heath……..workmanlike in size,with good coat,but would benefit from some tidying up around head and shoulders.Reasonable lay of shoulder,although lacking a little in upper arm.Good depth to chest,and tidy at elbow.Nicely rounded quarters which he used on the move. 2)WHITWORTHS,Twelveoaks Blackjon Apple………there is so much to like on this dog,workmanlike in outlook,moderate all through.Clean neck, into good front construction,well ribbed and firm over loin.Tight fitting wire jacket.BUT his feet/nails need some attention,poor feet made for untidy movement.

PGD(2) 1)WHITWORTHS Twelveoaks Blackjon Apple……repeat2)CLYMERS Phantomfuror Guava…….much to like on this dog but needs to be less of him!He has a good frame which when ‘filled in’ will help him look less rangy.That said he presents a balanced outline,moderately arched neck leads to a firm topline and decent couplings.Correct ochre colour eyes in a well proportioned head.Good coat.

LD(1) 1)THOMAS, Hosokter Tompa at Odinsmoke ………..very much a working dog and all male,but not coarse in any way.Strong all through from his neck,to a good forehand,firm topline,strong couplings,excellent well rounded muscular quarters,finished off with a well set on docked tail.For balance in the head I felt he needed a tad more depth in muzzle,but good muzzle to skull length ratio and a good eye which complimented his dark russet coat.Needs more depth to coat.

OD(2)Two cracking dogs,very similarly possessing of breed qualities,but preferred the more workmanlike size of my eventual winner. 1)DCC and BIS DEIGHTONS,Fourlums Tavaszi……..at Crufts I gave him the RCC and today he was deserving of his ‘upgrade!’ he has matured into a good example of the HWV. He is free from any exaggerations,moderate in size and stands on excellent feet.Moderate neck flows into decent shoulders,well boned fore limbs. Lacks a little in forechest,but has plenty of heart and lung room,neat at elbow. Firm and strong in topline and loin.Good quarters,excellent muscle tone.Good profile movement,was light on his feet and covered his ground with ease.Had a kind dark eye in a nicely balanced head and an excellent coat of russet completed the picture.His correctly set on tail never stopped wagging. 2)SPILLANES,Belatarr Jupiter……….beautifully presented mature male,bigger all through than 1,but similar remarks apply.A strong dog with plenty of heart/ lung room,good topline,but would prefer to see more ‘tuck’ as you would expect in a running breed.Slightly longer over the loin,good muscular quarters which he used to good effect,correctly set on tail.Russet coat of good texture.Decent head piece,but preferred eye and expression of my winner.

CD(1) 1) SPILLANES,Sh Ch Belatarr Hercules……..masculine dog,looking to be at the top of the standard,but he is well balanced and well constructed throughout.Good fore quarters,with good depth,straight well boned forelegs.Strong in topline and loin,rounded quarters all this held up by excellent feet.Russet coat of correct wiry texture.Kind eye.(3,2abs) 1) RDCC,RBIS and BVIS SPILLANES,Belatarr Charlie Parker Sh.cm……..cannot understand why this dog hasn’t his title like his brother.Like my ticket winner he is workmanlike and moderate.Lighter in colour than his kennel mate,he,too has an excellent coat,which is harsh and well presented.Nicely proportioned,lean head with an expressive ochre eye.Hands flows easily down his neck into clean shoulders,elbows neat, and although carrying a bit of weight has a firm topline and is firm over loins.Good width and muscle across his quarters which was reflected in his movement with good foot placement.Another with good,strong feet.Must be noted that every dog from this handler was immaculately groomed and presented,thank you your dogs were a pleasure to go over.

WD(0) More quality in the bitches and a couple of close decisions made.

MPB(2) 1 SMILLIE-GRAYS,Oakberrow M’Lady Gin……….very much a minor puppy,but lots to like on this ultra feminine girl.Balanced in outline and already beginning to deepen in chest,neat at elbow.Moderately arched neck to nice lay of shoulder,hands flow easily over her ribs and loins into great quarters,well set full length tail.Feet could be tighter.Coat of golden sand,plenty of it with good texture,but will need work as it develops. Ochre eye with a hint of mischief.2)REEDS,Cuffnells Queen Mirana

PB……….very different in type and although similar in age not as mature in body as 1.Stood over her ground on excellent feet.Well constructed front,exhibiting forechest,which was lacking in so many,clean shoulders.Lack of depth made her look longer than she is.Quarters beginning to round and muscle.Her eyes need to darken and furnishings will soften her expression.Loved her colour,but she needs coat to come,which I think it will.(5,1abs) 1)and RBPIS ELDERS,Enryb Skye Blue……..doesn’t need to grow on anymore,just fill her frame.Well constructed,strong,straight forelegs,neat elbows under good rib cage.Firm topline and couplings,with good width over and across the quarter’s.Correctly set on tail which she used on the move to take this class.Feminine in outlook,decent headpiece with ochre eyes.Coat golden sand in colour and of good,wiry texture. 2) SMILLIE-GRAYS, Oakberrow M’Lady Gin……..repeat 3)MOSS Ewtor Guilty as Sinn……….feminine,yet workmanlike girl of ideal size.Moderate neck,clean shoulders but could be tidier in elbow,already shows good depth.Ribbed well back,good quarters,correct tailset.Whole frame covered in a good,harsh russet coat.Loved her on the stack,but very untidy on the move

JB(3,1abs) 1) and RBCC COOPERS Deifstock Desert Rose………such an easy bitch to go over,so balanced in outline when free stood.Hands flow easily throughout from her moderate neck,good shoulders over a firm topline and loins to good quarters.Elbows neatly tucked under her rib cage which is deepening nicely.Superb russet coat of excellent texture and depth.Moved with drive and precision on neat feet.Being critical would prefer a darker eye and slightly more feminine.2)FINCHS’,Twelveoaks Dandee Red………..very raw and immature as yet,particularly when stood alongside the class winner.She has made her frame and needs to fill it then would present a different picture.Harsh,russet coat,more furnishings would soften her expression and give her head and muzzle a more balanced appearance.

YB(1)HUNTS,Lanspar Kivalo…………liked this bitch,but was only able to assess visually.Correct size,forechest,decent lay of shoulder,looked firm over back,loin and quarters.Tail of moderate length was correctly set.Excellent feet.Feminine expression,but very fearful.Russet coat that looked harsh and tight fitting.

NB(7,1abs) 1)HOLTS,Maiashy Akori……..maturing into a nice overall type.A feminine girl with a sweet expression,ochre eyes.Tidy enough in front,elbows tucked in.Decent quarters,correct tail set,moved well on good feet.Golden sand coat of good texture. 2)COURTS,Twelveoaks Crimson Delight……liked this girl very much for breed type.Arched neck goes into decent front construction,but she needs to ‘drop’ in chest yet.Well ribbed,firm loin,good quarters,lacking rear angulation.Correct,harsh russet coat,dark ochre eye,but not the feminine expression of my class winner.3)NOKES,Trebus Tanselle at Goldpaw ………..very similar in many ways to 2.Harsh russet jacket covering a workmanlike frame.She,too,needs to deepen.

GB(7) 1)BRANNEYS,Belatarr Asia………very seriously considered for the RCC,a neat and feminine girl free from exaggeration.Balanced fore and aft on the stack,with a neat forehand,although lacking in upper arm her elbows are well tucked in.Adequate depth,firm in topline to good quarters with correct tailset.Moved well on good feet.Expressive eyes of dark ochre.Russet,wiry jacket completed the picture. 2) HOLT’S Maiashy Akori….repeat 3)COURTS,Twelveoaks Crimson Delight…….repeat

PGB(1) 1)MOSS Enryb Scarlett O’Hara at Ewtor ……..golden sand bitch of nice size and outline.Sweet feminine head with an expressive dark eye,correct muzzle to skull ratio.Decent front assembly,clean neck and shoulders,could use a little more depth.Correct height to length ratio,but soft in topline and long in loin.Good tailset off nicely rounded quarters.Liked her stacked but untidy on the move,think improved muscle tone would help this youngster no end.

LB (1,1abs) SMILLIE-GRAYS,Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin……..good coat of golden sand,feminine in outlook with a hint of mischief about her which seems to be the norm from this kennel!Moderate neck, lacking in upper arm,but decent lay of shoulder with good depth and rib cage,tidy elbows.Good quarters,tail well set, used her quarters to good effect.Profile movement was OK.

OB(4) This was an excellent open bitch class of top drawer bitches and I would have been pleased to award any of them first place,as it was it came down to splitting hairs to make my final decision 1) BCC and BOS UPTONS,Tragus Honey Bee………this feminine young bitch is on a roll at the moment and when you put your hands on her you can appreciate why,my notes say,’a neat package of good breed type.’A compact and robust frame covered in a harsh russet jacket.A feminine head,with correct proportions and an expressive dark eye.In outline she is balanced fore and aft,clean in neck and shoulders,tidy at elbow,with good heart/lung space.Firm topline,neatly coupled to well rounded rear and well set on tail.Happy girl on the move with positive footfall just not the presence of the younger dog on the move in the challenge. 2)BYRNES,Aldozovolgyi-Drotos Nyuzsgo at Enryb …………different in type to my winner having a shorter,harsh tight fitting coat of golden sand.Liked the balance of her head piece showing good proportions with an expressive eye.Exhibited robustness all through,plenty of heart/lung space.Good rib cage and well ribbed back,but looked heavy and was just starting to drop her topline……it had been a long day!Lovely well rounded quarters. 3)SUMMERFIELDS,Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue at Miadsc……….a favourite of mine and stood in good company today.She is compact and workmanlike in outline,yet possessing a dignity about her that others lack,due to her expressive dark eye.Well constructed forehand,with forechest,good depth and neat at elbow.Just drops away over her croup to docked tail,but has good quarters,good feet all contributed to lively positive movement.


VB(2,1abs) 1)COURTS,Honey Buzzard WB(1) ………..a dignified,feminine lady of 9 yrs.Correct texture coat of golden sand with a sprinkling of grey throughout her furnishings.Presented a balanced outline,slight arch to neck, with good front angulation and exhibiting a good fore chest.Beginning to drop in topline.Decent quarters with well set tail of moderate length.Movement was lively and sprightly,but she decided when she’d done enough! SUMMERFIELDS,Miadsc Eternal Flame………at 4yo this bitch is just coming into her own.A lovely shape stacked,particularly nice and clean through neck and shoulders,neat at elbow.Shows the correct amount of tuck,with a firm topline is well coupled,tailset a tad low.Strong quarters, good muscle tone made for strong,precise movement on good feet.The sweetest of heads,super feminine in outlook with a dark eye.Just lacking in coat which would complete the picture.

Special Awards Critique – Deborah Hamlyn

Firstly, I wanted to thank the Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla committee for inviting me to judge the special awards at the recent combined breed championship and open show. It was heart-warming to hear the encouragement and applause ringside, thanks must go to all of the exhibitors; for your entries and for accepting my placings with such good grace.

Puppy D/B

Entries 5, Absentees 1

  1. ENRYB SKYE BLUE (Miss J Elders)

Loved this youngster! Feminine head with lovely expression. Strong neck into well laid back balanced shoulder, and good corresponding length of upper arm. Flowing into robust oval boned forelegs and neat slightly oval feet. Well developed ribs with short coupling into strong hind quarters, with hocks well let down. Moved with a smooth flowing gait covering the ground well.


This girl is another one to watch. Plenty of type here with pleasing head and soft expression. Well balanced in front and behind with good forechest and spring of rib into short coupling. Strong hindquarters with good with width of thigh. Lost out to 1 on the move today but will no doubt swap places in the future.

  1. OAKBERROW M’LADY GIN (Mrs D Smillie-Gray)


Junior D/B

Entries 1, Absentees 1


Entries 6, Absentees 1

  1. BELATARR AMERICA (Ms I Collier)

Lots to like about this boy. He presents a well-balanced picture, with correct head shape, moderate stop and furnishings giving a square appearance. Strong clean neck flowing into well laidback shoulders. Good length of upper arm and forechest. Well sprung deep ribs with level top line into strong hindquarters. Hocks set square. Coat of good wire texture. Moved with ease covering the ground well.


A very typey girl, with a pleasing head and expression with moderate stop and broad nose. Neck of moderate length, into well laid-back shoulders. Pleasing spring and depth of rib with tight elbows and short coupling. Strong hind quarters with good width across second thigh. Lost out to 1 on the move today.

  1. BELATARR ASIA (Mr T Branney)

Res. PHANTOMFUROR GUAVA (Miss H E & Mrs E Clymer)


Open D/B

Entries 4, Absentees 1


So much to like about this super girl. Well balanced head with lively expressive eyes. Strong slightly arched neck into well laidback shoulders. Well sprung ribs with good depth of chest, level top line and correct underline. Strong hindquarters powered this girl around the ring with ease.


Super bitch with correct head, intelligent expression and broad nose. Strong neck into well laid shoulders. Well balanced fore and aft with level top line and slight tuck in underline. Strong hindquarters, with well let down hocks and neat feet. Coat of good wire texture.

  1. PHANTOMFUROR GUAVA (Miss H E & Mrs E Clymer)

HWVA Championship Show 2021 – Tenth Championship Show

The Tenth Breed Championship Show – Monday 30 August 2021

Judge – Mike Lewin (Vynesbrook)

BEST IN SHOWSh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal
RESERVE BEST IN SHOWEur Kisdons Custom Made
BEST OPPOSITE SEXEur Kisdons Custom Made
BEST VETERAN IN SHOWSh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh.CM VW
BEST PUPPYEwtor Guilty As Sinn
BEST DOGSh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal
BEST BITCHEur Kisdons Custom Made
RESERVE BEST DOGSh Ch Belatarr Hercules
RESERVE BEST BITCHOakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin JW
Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog (No Entries)
Class 2 Puppy Dog
1st  Enryb True Blue Res BPIS
Class 3 Junior Dog
Class 4 Yearling Dog (No Entries)
Class 5 Novice Dog
1st  Belatarr America
Class 6 Graduate Dog (4 Entries)
1st  Fourlums Heath
2nd Twelveoaks Blackjon Apple
3rd  Belatarr America
Res. Phantomfuror Guava
Class 7 Post Graduate Dog (1 Entry)
1st  Twelveoaks Blackjon Apple
Class 8 Limit Dog (2 Entries)
1st  Enryb Simply Red
2nd  Zoldmali Lipton At Brecalde Taf
Class 9 Open Dog (3 Entries)
1st  Fourlums Tavaszi
2nd  Belatarr Jupiter
3rd  Ewtor Nobody Does It Better
Class 10 Champion Dog (3 Entries)
1st  Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal Dog CC & BIS
2nd  Sh Ch Belatarr Hercules Res. Dog CC
Class 11 Veteran Dog (3 Entries)
1st  Belatarr Charlie Parker Sh.cm
Class 12 Special Working Dog (1 Entry)
1st  Ch Zoldmali Szeles Morganna JW
Class 13 Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries)
1st  Oakberrow M'lady Gin
2nd  Cuffnells Queen Mirana
Class 14 Puppy Bitch (6 Entries)
1st  Ewtor Guilty As Sinn BPIS
2nd  Enryb Skye Blue
3rd  Oakberrow M'lady Gin
Res Twelveoaks Dandee Red
VHC Tragus Fairy Tale Fox of Ammerswick
Class 15 Junior Bitch (4 Entries)
1st  Deifstock Desert Rose
2nd  Twelveoaks Dandee Red
Class 16 Yearling Bitch (2 Entries)
1st  Kisdon Goldhill
Class 17 Novice Bitch (8 Entries)
1st  Maiashy Akori
2nd  Adel Liliana
3rd  Twelveoaks Crimson Delight
Res Twelveoaks Carolina Red
VHC Twelveoaks Dandee Red
Class 18 Graduate Bitch (7 Entries)
1st  Maiashy Akori
2nd  Twelveoaks Crimson Delight
3rd  Amiryck Ilse For Hornbaek
Res Twelveoaks Carolina Red
VHC Trebus Tanselle At Goldpaw
Class 19 Post Graduate Bitch (3 Entries)
1st  Enryb Scarlett O'hara At Ewtor
2nd  Bardantop Sticky Toffee With Cuffnells
Class 20 Limit Bitch (3 Entries)
1st  Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin JW Res Bitch CC
2nd  Indriel Eowyn
Class 21 Open Bitch (4 Entries)
1st  Eur Kisdons Custom Made Bitch CC
2nd  Tragus Honey Bee
3rd  Morganna Anisette JW
Class 22 Champion Bitch (No Entries)
Class 23 Veteran Bitch (3 Entries)
1st  Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh.CM VW BVIS
2nd Honey Buzzard
Class 24 Special Working Bitch (1 Entry)
1st  Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh.CM VW


I would like to thank the officers and committee of the HWVA for their kind invitation to judge at their championship show. It was no mean feat to hold two championship shows, an open show and special award classes all on the same and they should be applauded for the determination in ensuring that the show carried on. There was a friendly atmosphere and applause for class winners.

BIS was the dog Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal; RBIS the bitch, Sh Ch Kisdons Custom Made; BPIS Ewtor Guilty As Sinn; and BVIS Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson.

A couple of points I feel worthy of a mention are that a number of exhibits were short in upper arm, upright in shoulder and out at elbow which was reflected with poor movement. There were a number of exhibits with untypical hard expressions caused by incorrect eye colour. That said, I was extremely happy with my final line-up and major winners.

MPD (0). PD (1) 1 Whitney’s Enryb True Blue, appealing head and with good length of neck into balanced body with correct coat. Steady movement for age, on tight feet. JD (1) A. YD (0). ND (2,1) 1 Collier’s Belatarr America, of the correct type with a masculine head and kind eye. Well put together with a decent coat. Movement was untidy today and feet could benefit from some more roadwork. GD (4) 1 Sauro’s Fourlums Heath, correctly proportioned head with good depth of muzzle and kind expression. Adequate length of neck into soundly constructed body with good depth and well set tail. Correct jacket and moving steadily; 2 Whitworth’s Twelveoaks Blackjon Apple, masculine headed dog with good length of neck and adequately put together body. Harsh wire jacket feet would benefit from road work and shortening of nails; 3 B America. PGD (1) 1 T Blackjon Apple. LD (2) 1 Byrne’s Enryb Simply Red, nice sized dog with lovely shaped head with kind expression and eyes of the correct shape and colour. Strong front construction with adequate length of neck and good depth of body and harsh jacket. Moved well; 2 Coxhead’s Zoldmali Lipton at Brecalde, different type to the winner with nice eye shape and colour and moderate angles all through with correct bone and lovely well arched and tight feet. Didn’t match the movement of the winner today. OD (3) 1 Spillane’s Belatarr Jupiter, from a larger mould this dog appeals for his sound construction and movement. He is balanced with a good harsh coat and lovely tight feet; 2 Moss’ Ewtor Nobody Does It Better, this boy is ozzing in breed type, with a handsome head, kind expression and correctly shaped and coloured eyes. Lovely depth of body and soundly put together. Feet would benefit from roadwork; 3 Deighton’s Fourlums Tavaszi CH D (3,1) 1 Upton’s Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal, of an ideal size and excelling in breed type. He has an outstanding head with correct eye colour and shape. Good length of neck into a soundly constructed body with correct depth, tail carriage and wire jacket. He has effortless sound movement and he and his handler make a great partnership. Delighted to award him the CC & later BIS; 2 Spillane’s Sh Ch Belatarr Hercules, at the top end of the standard size wise with correct head shape, and adequate length of neck. His body is correctly constructed, covered by his wire jacket and has a well set tail. He has quality bone and was a positive mover. RCC. VD (3, 2) 1 Spillane’s Belatarr Charlie Parker ShCM, in lovely condition, typical head with good depth of muzzle and appealing expression. Beautifully put together with nice depth of body and correct wire coat. He moved soundly on well padded tight feet a real credit to his owner. WD (1) 1 Newman’s Ch Zoldmali Zzeles Morganna JW, presenting a typical outline standing with a very dark russet coat and moderate length of neck. All dog and soundly made, he has a great wire jacket and good tail set. Felt his movement was lazy today.

MPB (2) This class consisted of 2 very different puppies. 1 Smillie-Gray’s Oakberrow M’Lady Gin, very feminine puppy, beautiful head with correct eye shape and expression. Good length of neck and depth of body, movement was loose as you would expect at this age but everything required is there; 2 Reed’s Cuffnells Queen Mirana, at her first show a well put together girl but raw, very dark, I hope her coat will come. PB (6,1) 1 Moss’ Ewtor Guilty As Sinn, beautiful puppy with correctly proportioned head and depth of muzzle. Good length of neck and depth of body, sound fore and aft with correct coat and well set tail. Moved well once settled. BP; 2 Elder’s Enryb Skye Blue, I see she is litter sister to 1 and similar comments apply, I just hope that she has done all her growing; 3 O M’Lady Gin. JB (4,2) 1 Cooper’s Deifstock Desert Rose, darker coated bitch and well put together. I would prefer a softer expression but everything is in the right place. She has a wire coat and she is very sound moving on the tightest of feet; 2 Linsell-Clark’s Twelveoaks Dandee Red, another darker coated young lady, good length of neck, longer cast with adequate angles fore and aft, I would prefer a softer expression. She needs time but moved soundly on tight feet. YB (2,1) 1 Edminson’s Kisdon Goldhill, 18 mths old and unhappy with the noises in the venue today. Completely understandable in the circumstances we have found ourselves in. Very well put together with correct depth of body, quality bone, a harsh coat and lovely tight feet. Her movement was erratic today but one to watch. NB (8,2) This class was very mixed in type. 1 Holt’s Maiashy Akori, excelling in breed type this bitch has a feminine head with correct eye shape and colour giving a soft expression. Adequate construction with required depth of body, correct coat and sufficient bone. A pretty and typical bitch; 2 Lewis’ Adel Liliana, another very pretty bitch who is full of the correct type. Beautiful head with correct eye shape and colour giving a soft expression. I would prefer her a size bigger but she is well made all through with the correct jacket and in great condition. I hope that her handler perseveres; 3 Court’s Twelveoaks Crimson Delight. GB (7,2) 1 M Akori; 2 T Crimson Delight, up to size but eye catching with good length of neck and depth of body, well set tail and correct wire jacket. There is much to like. PGB (3,1) 1 Moss’ Enryb Scarlett O’Hara at Ewtor, full of breed type with typical head with correct eye colour and shape. Good length of neck and depth of body, adequate angles fore and aft with quality bone; 2 Reed’s Bardantop Sticky Toffee with Cuffnells, taller bitch with lovely head and kind expression. Correct depth of body but slightly tucked up, harsh wire jacket movement was not as positive as the winner. LB (3,1) 1 Smillie-Gray’s Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin JW, excelling in type with the correct head, eye shape and colour. Good length of neck into a balanced body of pleasing depth. Sound movement completing the picture. RCC; 2 Smith’s Indriel Eowyn, presents a pleasing picture standing with typical head, eye shape and expression. Correct front, and good depth of body with correct coat and well set tail. Could not match the movement of the winner today. OB (4,1) 1 Edminson’s Sh Ch Kisdons Custom Made, eyecatching bitch who oozes breed type and is well made. Beautiful head, correct eye shape and colour. Good length of neck with correct depth of body and balance. Quality bone and correct wire jacket with fluid movement completing the picture. A pleasure to award her CC; 2 Upton’s Tragus Honey Bee, another bitch of excellent breed type with lovely head, good reach of neck and excelling in construction. She has the required depth of body and is balanced with a harsh wire jacket. Didn’t match the movement of the winner today; 3 Newman’s Morganna Anisette JW. Ch B (0). VB (1) 1 Collier’s Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson ShCM VW, it was an honor to judge this well known and beautiful bitch as this show was her swansong and my RCC last time I judged. Lovely head and expression with good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Balanced all through with correct depth of body and no tuck up. Wire jacket and positive movement. BV; 2 Court’s Honey Buzzard, presenting a typical outline standing, pleasing head and good length of neck into well balanced body. No exaggeration and a good wire jacket a credit to her owner. WB (1) 1 Sh Ch B Mahalia Jackson.

HWVA Championship Show 2019 – Ninth Championship Show

The Ninth Breed Championship Show – Sunday 24th March 2019

Judge Diane Parry (Leiborschy)

BEST IN SHOWSh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal
RESERVE BEST IN SHOWSh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet
BEST OPPOSITE SEXSh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet
BEST VETERAN IN SHOWSh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet
BEST PUPPYOakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin
BEST DOGSh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal
BEST BITCHSh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet
RESERVE BEST DOGCh Zoldmali Szeles Morganna (Imp) JW
Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog 1 Entry
Class 2 Puppy Dog 1 Entry
Class 3 Junior Dog 2 Entries, 1 ABSENT
1stGUEST, Mr & Mrs P Bardantop Banoffee
Class 4 Yearling Dog No Entries
Class 5 Novice Dog 1 Entry
1stCLYMER, Mrs E & Miss H. Phantomfuror Guava
Class 6 Graduate Dog 1 Entry
1stCLYMER, Mrs E & Miss H. Phantomfuror Guava
Class 7 Post Graduate Dog 6 Entries, 1 absent
1STSPILLANE, Mr D & Mrs J. Belatarr Jupiter
2ndTHOMAS, Mr R, Hosokter Tompa At Odinsmoke
3rdSMITH, Mr D B & Mrs B E & SMITH, Miss A S, Indriel Faramir
4thBELASSIE-PAGE, Mrs D, Zoldmali Misi
5THHOWARD, Mrs S M & Mr L W. Zoldmali U R Special (Imp)
Class 8 Limit Dog 4 Entries
1STHOWARD, Mrs S M & Mr L W., Lanokk Szivos JW
2ndMOSS, Mrs A E, Ewtor Nobody Does It Better
3rdGOWER, Mr S., Fassfields Fame And Fortune
4thMCNEILL, Mr C& Mrs Y Auchinner Fionn At Galirose
Class 9 Open Dog 4 Entries
1stUPTON, Mr P, Mrs L & Mr G., Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal
2ndCOLLIER, Ms I, Belatarr North By Northwest Sh.CM
3rdMOSS, Mrs A E, Helios Sol At Ewtor
4thSMITH, Mr D B & Mrs B E & SMITH, Miss A S, Indriel Faramir
Class 10 Champion Dog 2 Entries
1stNEWMAN, Mrs R J., Ch Zoldmali Szeles Morganna (Imp)
2ndSPILLANE, Mr D & Mrs J., Sh Ch Belatarr Hercules
Class 11 Veteran Dog 3 Entries, 1 Absent
1stALDRIDGE, Ms Y L, Sh Ch Gwaithmaes Shameless
2ndSPILLANE, Mr D & Mrs J., Belatarr Charlie Parker Sh.CM
Class 12 Special Working Dog 1 Entry
1stNEWMAN, Mrs R J., Ch Zoldmali Szeles Morganna (Imp)
Class 13 Minor Puppy Bitch 5 Entries, 1 Absent
1stUPTON, Mr P & Mrs L, Tragus Fox Angel
2ndSUTTON, Mrs R & Mr S, Amiryck Ilse For Hornbaek
3rdFISHER, Mrs P, Nyari Rose At Zamiyl
4thPRYER, Mrs T, Fradaikee Love On The Rocks
Class 14 Puppy Bitch 4 Entries 1 Absent
1stGRAY, Mr S, Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin
2ndHALSTEAD, Mrs K, Maiashy Jinzu
3rdHOLT, Mr & Mrs P., Maiashy Akori
Class 15 Junior Bitch 5 Entries
1stNEWMAN, Mrs R J., Morganna Anisette
2ndHARRIS-MAYELL, Ms C T S & Mr A E, Fitzrovia To Be A Pilgrim
3rdREED, Mrs J, Bardantop Sticky Toffee with Cuffnells
4thCONNOLLY, Mrs S M, Bardantop Rumbaba with Benmorbry
5thHOPE, Miss J & RAMPTON-CARTER, M, Calverkeys Bernadette
Class 16 Yearling Bitch 5 Entries 1 Absent
1stALDRIDGE, Ms Y L, Gwaithmaes Aoife
2ndBELASSIE-PAGE, Mrs D, Bardantop Treacle Tart
3rdMILNER, Mr L & Mrs C., Russetranger Princess
4thHISCOX, Miss R, Lilli Maja
Class 17 Novice Bitch 5 Entries
1stGRAY, Mr S, Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin
2ndBELASSIE-PAGE, Mrs D, Bardantop Treacle Tart
3rdREED, Mrs J, Bardantop Sticky Toffee with Cuffwells
4thHALHEAD, Mrs M & Mr R., Belatarr Thirtynine Steps
5thHOPE, Miss J & RAMPTON-CARTER, M, Calverkeys Bernadette
Class 18 Graduate Bitch 1 Entry
1stHALHEAD, Mrs M & Mr R., Belatarr Thirtynine Steps
Class 19 Post Graduate Bitch 9 Entries 2 Absent
1stSMITH, Mrs B E & Mr D B, Indriel Eowyn
2ndJAMESON, Mrs L C & WAITES, Mr J, Blamtrinever Bloomer
3rdPRYER, Mrs T, Herlinga Helewise
4thUPTON, Mr P & Mrs L, Tragus Honey Bee
5thSUMMERFIELD, Mrs R D, Miadsc Eternal Flame
Class 20 Limit Bitch 4 Entries 2 Absent
1stGUEST, Mr & Mrs P, Bardantop Plum Duff
2ndMOSS, Mrs A E, Electra Atlantis At Ewtor
Class 21 Open Bitch 5 Entries
1stCOLLIER, Ms I E, Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh.CM
2ndSMILLIE-GRAY, Mrs D, Oakberrow Gintastic
3rdSUMMERFIELD, Mrs R D, Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue At Miadsc Sh.CM
4thRICHARDSON, Mr S & Mrs K. Tragus Apricot Beauty of Carlequin
5thSMITH, Mrs B E & Mr D B, Indriel Eowyn
Class 22 Champion Bitch 2 Entries 1 Absent
1stREED, Mrs J, Sh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet
Class 23 Veteran Bitch 4 Entries
1stREED, Mrs J, Sh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet
2ndUPTON, Mr P & Mrs L, Tragus Honey Buzzard JW
3rdALDRIDGE, Ms Y L, Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow
4thNOKES, Mrs S J & Mr A R, Kenmillix Sparta Of Eurotas At Goldpaw
Class 24 Special Working Bitch 3 Entries
1stBLACKMAN, Mr M., Zoldmali Zeller
2ndISSITT, Mr C J & Mrs C, Canterwey Coree at Forgun
3rdHISCOX, Miss R, Lilli Maja
Judge Adrian Marett (Gayteckels)
Class 25 Special Award Puppy Dog No Entries
Class 26 Special Award Junior Dog 1 Entry
1stGUEST, Mr & Mrs P, Bardantop Banoffee
Class 27 Special Award Post Graduate Dog 5 Entries 1 Absent
1stSMITH, Mr D B & Mrs B E & SMITH, Miss A S, Indriel Faramir
2ndTHOMAS, Mr R, Hosokter Tompa At Odinsmoke
3rdMOSS, Mrs A E, Helios Sol At Ewtor
4thHOWARD, Mrs S M & Mr L W, Zoldmali U R Special (Imp)
5thCLYMER, Mrs E & Miss H. Phantomfuror Guava
Class 28 Special Award Open Dog 6 Entries
1stUPTON, Mr P, Mrs L & Mr G, Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal
2ndCOLLIER, Ms I E, Belatarr North By Northwest Sh.CM
3rdMOSS, Mrs A E, Helios Sol At Ewtor
4thHOWARD, Mrs S M & Mr L W., Lanokk Szivos JW
5thMCNEILL, Mr C & Mrs Y, Auchinner Fionn At Galirose
Judge Max Munday (Kubear)
Class 29 Special Award Puppy Bitch 5 Entries 1 Absent
1stSMILLIE-GRAY, Mrs D S, Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin
2ndHALSTEAD, Mrs K, Maiashy Jinzu
3rdSUTTON, Mrs R & Mr S, Amiryck Ilse For Hornbaek
4thHOLT, Mr & Mrs P., Maiashy Akori
Class 30 Special Award Junior Bitch 5 Entries
1stHARRIS-MAYELL, Ms C T S & Mr A E, Fitzrovia To Be A Pilgrim
2ndALDRIDGE, Ms Y L, Gwaithmaes Aoife
3rdCONNOLLY, Mrs S M, Bardantop Rumbaba with Benmorbry
4thREED, Mrs J, Bardantop Sticky Toffee with Cuffwells
5thHOPE, Miss J & RAMPTON-CARTER, Calverkeys Bernadette
Class 31 Special Award Post Graduate Bitch 9 Entries 1 Absent
1stSUMMERFIELD, Mrs R D, Miadsc Eternal Flame
2ndISSITT, Mr C J & Mrs C, Canterwey Coree at Forgun
3rdBLACKMAN, Mr M., Zoldmali Zeller
4thMCNEILL, Mr C & Mrs Y, Fassfields Pride Rock At Galirose
5thHALHEAD, Mrs M & Mr R., & Mr R., Belatarr Thirtynine Steps
Class 32 Special Award Open Bitch 5 Entries
1stCOLLIER, Ms I E, Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh.CM
2ndSUMMERFIELD, Mrs R D, Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue At Miadsc Sh.CM
3rdALDRIDGE, Ms Y L, Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow
4thGUEST,Mr & Mrs P, Bardantop Plum Duff
5thMOSS, Mrs A E, Electra Atlantis At Ewtor


The HWVA Ninth Breed Championship Show 2019

What an honour to award my first Challenge Certificates at my breed club show. Thank you to the committee for inviting me, to the exhibitors for bringing your lovely dogs for me to asses and to my unflappable stewards Mike and Sarah for their efficiency and humour. I had a thoroughly enjoyable day.

It’s 8 years since the breed obtained CC status and although numbers in the ring have remained static I had some quality dogs to go over. As I expected temperaments, without exception were sound. Coats were good with just a handful lacking the required double coat and length. This breed is always challenging to judge with a variety of head shape and body size, type is hard to find. Mouths, with the exception of one, were correct but I was dismayed to find a large number of dogs with a narrow under jaw and consequently crammed in front bottom teeth. Breeders please be aware of this as narrowing of the underjaw will lead to smaller teeth and eventually a reduction in teeth numbers as the mouth becomes too small. The square appearance of the head that the breed standard calls for will be lost and muzzle shape will change. I found shape and length of rib lacking in many exhibits and varying length of loin.

I was satisfied that my principal winners had the attributes that I consider make a Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla.

Minor Puppy Dog. 1 entry

1st Shaw and Pryer’s Fraidikee Legends of Loki.  8 month old youngster at that leggy stage but has time to deepen all through, good coat. Correct head, eyes need to darken.  Good rear angulation, excellent feet and he moved steadily with the correct tail carriage.

Puppy Dog. 1 entry (1a).

Junior Dog 2 entries ( 1a)

1st Guest’s Bardantop Banoffee. 14 month old with an excellent coat. Correct head, although I’d prefer a more moderate stop.  Good neck into well laid shoulders, he has balanced angulation, a straight front and good feet. A little more length of body would create a more balanced picture. Moved steadily but tended to over reach.

Yearling Dog No entries

Novice Dog 1 entry

1st Clymer’s Phantomfuror Guava. Up to size dog with a correct coat but needing to deepen all through. Balanced angles. Good head, eyes need to darken. Stood on good feet. He played his handler up but once settled he moved soundly.

Graduate Dog 1 entry

Repeat of Novice Dog.

Post Graduate Dog 6 entries (1a)

1st Spillane’s Belatarr Jupiter. Up to size, impressive male with a good coat. His head is all male with correct eye colour for his coat. Good front but I would prefer more rear angulation for balance. Excellent shape and length of ribs. He moved well with a firm, level back and was skillfully handled.

2nd Thomas’s Hosokter Tompa at Odinsmoke. A medium sized, cobby dog with a short but correct coat. Good front, excellent pro sternum and decent upper arm. I would like more width to brisket so that his elbows tuck. Moderate rear.  He moved soundly. Preferred size of 2.

3rd Smith’s Indriel Faramir.

 Limit Dog 4 entries

1st Howard’s Lanokk Szivos JW. An easy class winner. Medium sized, balanced dog with an excellent front. Decent coat. Excellent head with the most fabulous broad nose and correct colour eyes for his coat. He is super from all angles but today was carrying a little weight. He moved out well and I forgave him his high tail carriage. Considered for Res CC.

2nd Moss’s Ewtor Nobody Does It Better. Tall dog with a decent coat.  A little less body  length would give him more balance, excellent depth.  Super head and eye. Decent front but excels in rear with a correct croup. Moved with animation and was skillfully handled.

3rd Gower’s Fassfields Fame and Fortune.

Open Dog 4 entries

1st Upton’s Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal. Correct size with a super head and eye. He is moderate all through and has excellent balance. Good coat. His level back is firm stood and moving. Moved very well with animation and drive. Didn’t put a foot wrong today, outshone every other dog and ensured I would make it his day.  Dog  CC and Best in Show

2nd Collier’s Belatarr North By Northwest Sh. CM. Very different dog to the winner. Well up to size with a decent coat. Good head, would benefit from stripping. Moderate angles, well let down brisket. I would prefer more length of body and his topline is sloping, excellent croup. Shapely ribs. He moved very well and with verve.

3rd Moss’s Helios Sol at Ewtor.

Champion Dog 2 entries

A small but very difficult class, two worthy champions in the breeds first ever champion class.

1st Newman’s Ch Zoldmali Szeles Morganna. Excellent coat on a super size dog, a really nice package. Strong head with a dark eye, preferred the head on 2.Correct bone.  He is well balanced but I would prefer more shape to his ribs. His back is level standing and moving. Handler tended to overstretch him, losing his angulation. Correct croup and tail carriage and moved with drive and purpose. Delighted to award him top honours. Res CC

2nd Spillane’s Sh Ch Belatarr Hercules. Well up to size impressive male, a little short of coat today. Preferred size of 1. Correct head and eye. Deep brisket and good front. Better rear angles would provide more overall balance. Well shaped ribs. Correct croup and tail carriage.

Veteran Dog 3 entries ( 1a)

1st Aldridge’s Sh. Ch Gwaithmaes Shameless. Well up to size with ample bone. This dog is in superb condition. He is balance but has with better angles at the rear. Correct head with a lovely eye. He is pretty impressive stood but on the move takes it up a level. His drive was unsurpassed by any other dog or bitch on the day. What a super veteran and was considered for Res CC. Unlucky to meet the Bitch CC winner to challenge for Best Veteran.

2nd Spillanes Belatarr Charlie Parker Sh.CM. Very different to 1. Up to size dog that was showing his age today.  Correct head and eye. Balanced angles, level back. Excellent croup. Good coat, good feet. Moved steadily and skillfully handled.

Special Working Dog 1 entry

1st Newman’s Ch. Zoldmali Szeles Morganna.

Minor Puppy Bitch 5 entries (1a)

1st Upton’s Tragus Fox Angel. 7 month old with a correct coat. She presents a balanced picture with super depth. Good front, would prefer more angle to upper arm. She excels over the croup and second thigh. Good rear angulation although a little weak in the hocks. A lovely eye catching youngster. Moved steadily but occasionally a bit close behind. Res Best Puppy in Show

2nd Sutton’s Amiryck Ilse for Hornbaek. 8 month old with an excellent coat. Correct head and eye. Level back, good feet. Enough depth but ribs are short creating a pronounced tuck up. Would prefer more angulation front and rear and was a little bum high today. Has lots of time to mature .Moved steadily with precision.

3rd Fisher’s Nyari Rose at Zamiyla.

Puppy Bitch 4 entries (1a)

1st Smillie-Gray’s Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin. 9 month old impressive strong bitch who exuded joy. Well of for bone, decent coat. Correct head, eyes need to darken. She is a balanced picture in depth and angles. Excellent croup and second thigh. Moved with drive and animation, there was no doubting that she was happy. Best Puppy in Show

2nd Halstead’s Maishy Jinzu. 10 month old tall bitch who because of her length was balanced.  Coat could be harsher. Correct head and eye, decent front. Nails need cutting. Good depth and shape to ribs. Level back stood and moving.  Correct rear angulation.On the move she was precise and steady, well handled.

3rd Holt’s Maiashy Akori.

Junior Bitch 5 entries

1st Newman’s Morganna Anisette. On the bottom end of the size scale and if there was more she would be even better. Immediatley caught by eye for balance, bone and moderation. Excellent coat, head and eye. My preference would be for a longer upper arm but superbly angulated front and rear. Short, level back and correct croup. Moving she was steady with precision, a little wide coming towards me but this did not detract from what is a lovely bitch, just my type. Res CC

2nd Harris-Mayell’s Fitzrovia To Be A Pilgrim. Very different bitch to the winner. Presents a balanced picture with a correct coat would prefer more bone. Correct head and eye, my preference would be for a little more length of muzzle. Straight front, good feet. Level back, correct croup and tail set. Moved steadily but was close behind.

3rd Reid’s Bardantop Sticky Toffee With Cuffnells.

Yearling Bitch 5 entries (1a)

1st Aldridge’s Gwaithmaes Aoife. Correct size with a good coat, would prefer more bone. Correct head and eye, straight front. Brisket needs to deepen to balance with height and length. Level back and excels in croup. Balanced angulation. On the move she was expertly handled and moved with animation and purpose.

2nd  Belassie-Page Bardantop Treacle Tart. A balanced bitch with good depth and a straight front. Coat a little soft and head needs stripping to appreciate the correct skull shape. Decent bone, level back, well ribbed back. Moved well but was a little proud of her tail and moving away she was close behind.

3rd Bardantop Sticky Toffee with Cuffnells.

Novice Bitch 5 entries

1st Smillie-Gray’s Oakberrow Let The Fun Be Gin.

2nd Bellassie-Page’s Bardantop Treacle Tart

3rd Reid’s Bardantop Sticky Toffee with Cuffnells.

Graduate Bitch 1 entry

1st Halhead’s Belatarr Thirty Nine Steps. Correct coat, good depth and bone. Correct head and eye. Balanced when stood but tended to dip in the back, might be  handler error. Moved ok.

Post Graduate Bitch 9 entries  (2a)

1st Smith’s Indriel Eowyn. Although this bitch hid her light under a bushel I was able to see it shining through ! Superbly balanced, excellent coat, size and length. Her head is correct but also lovely with excellent eye colour. Moved well and would move better with an ounce more confidence. I really liked her.

2nd Jameson’s Blamtrinever Bloomer. Another lovely bitch. Longer cast  with a correct coat that would benefit from stripping. Super correct angles front and rear. Straight front, good feet, nails need cutting. Moved well with purpose.

3rd Pryer’s Herlinga Helewise.

Limit Bitch 4 entries (2a)

Two very different bitches.

1st Guest’s Bardantopn Plum Duff. Lower end of size scale, decent coat, moderate angles. Correct head and eye. Straight front, good neck. Excels in the rear with a good second thigh and correct croup. Moved ok.

2nd  Moss’s Electra Atlantis At Ewtor. Thought this to be my class winner on the stack but when moving she appeared to be favouring a front left leg. Correct balance, depth and coat. Correct and lovely  head with super eye colour. Super neck. Excels in rear. Moved well but just favoured a leg.

Open Bitch 5 entries

1st Collier’s Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh.CM. Eye catching bitch, balanced with the most exquisite shape, depth and length of rib. Correct bone, robust.  Up to size.  Coat OK  but head and especially eyebrows would benefit from stripping so you can see her lovely head. Comes alive on the move with precise footfall and drive.

2nd Smillie-Gray’s Oakberrow Gintastic. This was without doubt the happiest dog in the show and she made sure everyone knew, she made me smile.  Excellent bone, depth and length. Coat OK. Correct head and eye. Level back, excellent croup and second thigh. Although balanced she has better rear angles. On the move she has drive from the rear but her front angles didn’t allow her to reach as she needed to.

3rd Summerfield’s Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue At Miadsc Sh.CM

Champion Bitch 2 entries (1a).

1st Reid’s Sh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet.  Last time I judged this bitch in 2015 she was a bit lack lustre. Today she was on top form and in superb condition. She is superbly balanced with an excellent coat. Correct head and eye, level, strong back, firm when stood and moving. She is undeniably correct all through. On the move she had drive and yes could be more animated but she did enough to secure the top spot. I loved her but she to give way to the dogs youth and verve in the challenge.  Bitch CC,  Best Opp Sex, Best Veteran and Reserve Best in Show

Veteran Bitch 4 entries

1st. Sh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet.

2nd Upton’s Tragus Honey Buzzard. Another bitch I have always loved and unlucky to meet 1 today. A veteran, where does time go! She has balance, an excellent coat, super head and eye. Her back is short and level and she has excellent angulation front and rear. Her ribs are deep, long and shapely. She takes off on the move and adores her handler. What a treat to have these two lovely senior girls to go over.

3rd Aldridge’s Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow.

Special Working Bitch 3 entries

1st Blackman’s Zoldmali Zeller. My notes say what a cracking coat! I was taken with this bitches balance and length. Correct, and I loved it, head and eye. Prominent pro sternum but would prefer more length of upper arm. Her rear angles are excellent. Good feet, straight front. Moved well and although it was obvious her and her handler would benefit from more practice, but they showed me enough to win the class. Considered for the Res CC.

2nd Issitt’s Canterway Coree at Forgun. My notes say lovely bitch. Correct coat, head and eye. Straight front.Deep ribs but a little tucked up. Correct body proportions with a strong, level back. I preferred the head on 1. Moved steadily.

Judge: Diane Parry, Leiborschy


Thanks to the HWVA for inviting me to judge these classes. I had an enjoyable day and thank the exhibitors for their entries.

(1) 1 Guest’s Bardantop Banoffee, 14 months, square in outline, masculine head, good set on of ears, muscular neck, well boned, correct coat texture, strong quarters, tight feet, covered the ground well maintaining topline and tailset.

PG (5,1a) 1 Smith’s Indriel Faramir, felt he was the typiest in the class, strong in head, dark eye, well proportioned in body, deep chested, well angulated, moved out well, maintaining topline; 2 Thomas’ Hosokter Tompa at Odinsmoke, masculine head, good earset, well boned, neat feet, deep chested, moved with purpose, maintained topline well, did not have the coat of 1; 3 Howard’s Zoldmali U R Special.

(6) Strong class. 1 Upton’s Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal, impressive dog, all in proportion, dark eye, intelligent expression, correct muzzle proportions, good front, clean neck and shoulders, muscular neck, well angulated, covered the ground with strong action, held topline and tail carriage correct; 2 Collier’s Belatarr North By Northwest, stallion of a dog, masculine expression, strong muzzle, dark eye, correct muzzle proportions, good length of neck, nice tight feet, well muscled, well angulated, topline and underline spot on, good coat texture, covered ground with ease; 3 Moss’ Helios Sol at Ewtor.



Thank you supporting these classes I thoroughly enjoyed my day

Puppy (5,1abs) 1st Smillie-Gray Oakberrow Let the Fun Be Gin 9 1/2 months maturing well, correct balance of head with broad nose, eye matching coat colour, moderate length of neck, strong in bone with correct slightly oval feet, decent front, excels in depth of body with spring of rib, moderate angulation, retained level topline when moving with speed, has length & harshness to body coat. A balanced picture. 2nd Halstead Maiashy Jinzu  slower maturing  than 1, pleasing head shape & lively expressive eyes, clean arched neck, shoulder placement ok, straight long forearm onto slightly oval feet but nails need trimming, correct body length to wither, sloping croup to correct tail set, coarse jacket moved out well preferred stronger bone & better rear angulation of 1. 3rd Sutton & Hollyhocks- Amiryck IIse For Hornbeak.

Junior (5) 1st Harris-Mayell-Fitzrovia To Be a Pilgrim This girl caught my eye as soon as she entered the ring perfect size for 16 months, kind expression from her oval tight fitting eyes, although colour & pigment a little light she has time on her side & she is rich russet ! She is moderate all through, excelled in sternum & front assembly. Muscular neck, strong topline & enough body depth, straight well boned limbs , correct tail set & length reaching to hock, best mover in class , flowed with strong reardriving action.I hope she has a great future, 2nd Aldridge- Gwaithmaes Aoife, Bigger than 1, loved her expression, skull slightly longer than her broad nosed muzzle, decent shoulder & desired depth of chest to elbows, oval feet with arched short nails, level backed with rounded croup, correct textured coat, easy on the move covered the ground well, thought 1 was stronger in the rear. 3rd Connolly-Bardantop Rumbaba with Benmorbry.

Post Graduate (9,1abs) 1st Summerfield-Miadsc Eternal Flame, Great muscle tone to this girl, eye colour & pigment matches coat colour. Good head qualities having slightly rounded skull. Superb muscled slightly arched neck leading to good lay of shoulder, straight well boned legs, strong chested with marked sternum & spring of rib, level topline with sloping croup to correct tail set, well angulated giving animated ground covering stride, more furnishings to complete the picture but what she has is harsh & she’s still young. 2nd Issitt-Canterwey Coree at Forgun taller that 1 but still balanced ,lovely head shape medium ear set giving lively expression, another correct eye & pigment colour to match coat, great to see both these girls have slightly sloping pasterns-too many are upright. Correct slightly longer body to height & decent bone structure, low tail set giving horizontal carriage, straight true mover covered the ground well. Well textured coat, very close between these ladies 1 had slightly better bend of stifle & more animated moving.3rd Blackman-Zoldmali Zeller.

Open (5) 1st Collier Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh CM, such a balanced picture nothing exaggerated she is up to size for me but no denying her quality, best topline, tail carriage & impulsion of movement in the class. Typical head ,moderate arched neck, ample bone, strong deep body with length to ribcage , close fitting elbows, angles to shoulder & hindquarters giving the reach to cover the ground with purpose .2nd Summerfields Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue At Miadsc Sh.CM ideal size ,robust in looks & fit condition yet with feminine head type, her oval eye shape giving intelligent yet kind expression, powerful chest & decent length of leg ,tight toed oval feet ,deep in brisket, correct body length, well developed thigh with straight rear giving precise movement just lacked the impulsion of 1 .3rd Aldridge – Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow.

Maxine Munday-Judge.

HWVA Championship Show 2018 – Eighth Championship Show

Judge Sandra Marshall

BISCh Morganna Star Anise JW Sh.CM
Res BISGwaithmaes Shameless
Best Opp SexGwaithmaes Shameless
BVISGinger Lillie Around Oakberrow
BPISAldozovolgyi -Drotos Nyuzsgo At Enryb (Imp)
Res BPISGwaithmaes Aoife
Dog CCGwaithmaes Shameless
Res Dog CCZoldmali Szeles Morganna (Imp) JW
Bitch CCCh Morganna Star Anise JW Sh.CM
Res Bitch CCKisdons Custom Made
Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog – No Entries
Class 2 Puppy Dog – No Entries
Class 3 Junior Dog – 8 Entries
1Helios Sol At Ewtor
2Belatarr Jupiter
3Fassfields Silver Lining
4Hosokter Tompa
5Gingerwire My Kinda Hero
Yearling Dog – 4 Entries
1Zoldmali Szeles Morganna (Imp) JW
2Fassfields Silver Lining
3Gingerwire My Kinda Hero
Graduate Dog 5 – Entries 
1Ewtor Skyfall At Mindszenty
2Fassfields Silver Lining
3Zoldmali Story Of Lanokk (Imp)
4Ewtor Nobody Does It Bette
Post Graduate Dog – 6 Entries
1Auchinner Fionn
2Fassfields Fame And Fortune
3Indriel Farami
4Zoldmali U R Special (Imp)
Limit Dog – 5 Entries
1Aldozovolgyi – Drotos Nador At Enryb JW (Imp
2Belatarr North By Northwest Sh.CM
3Lanokk Szivos JW
4Napvirag Dolgos Arlo (Imp)
Open Dog – 5 Entries
1Gwaithmaes Shameless
2Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal
3Belatarr Charlie Parker Sh.CM
4Indriel Faramir
Veteran Dog 2 – Entries
1Riannor Oszkar
2Monkstrod Horne
Special Working Dog – No Entries
Minor Puppy Bitch – 1 Entry
1Gwaithmaes Aoife
Puppy Bitch – 3 Entries 
1Aldozovolgyi -Drotos Nyuzsgo At Enryb (Imp)
2Holsan Electra
Junior Bitch – 10 Entries
1Aldozovolgyi -Drotos Nyuzsgo At Enryb (Imp)
2Tragus Honey Bee
3Leiborschy Allium For Riannor
4Holsan Electra
5Fassfields Pride Rock
Yearling Bitch – 3 Entries
1Redrafi Ol Tukai
2Fassfields Pride Rock
3Miadsc Eternal Sta
Graduate Bitch – 2 Entries
1Canterwey Coree At Forgun
Post Graduate Bitch – 7 Entries
1Leiborschy Give A Tuppence With Swnydwr
2Holsan Wirestone From Morganna
3Blamtrinever Bloomer
4Lanokk Violeska
5Majestic Lady
Limit Bitch – 3 Entries
1Kisdons Custom Made
2Tragus Foxy Lady
3Zoldmali Kefir Of Lanokk (Imp) JW Sh.CM
Open Bitch – 2 Entries 
1Ch Morganna Star Anise JW Sh.CM
2Majestic Lady
Veteran Bitch – 5 Entries
1Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow
2Zoldmali Duna at Genlusa
3Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
4Zoldmali Ubrez At Genlusa (Imp)
5Kenmillix Sparta Of Eurotas At Goldpa
Special Working Bitch – 2 Entries
1Zoldmali Anizs At Genlusa
2Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
Dogs – Judge: Mrs Ilex Whiting (Cragvallie), Bitches – Judge: Ms Debra Revell
Special Award Junior Dog – 4 Entries
1Fassfields Silver Lining
2 Helios Sol At Ewtor
3Hosokter Tompa
4Gingerwire My Kinda Hero
Special Award Post Graduate Dog – 6 Entries
1 Zoldmali U R Special (Imp)
2Ewtor Skyfall At Mindszenty
3Indriel Faramir
4Auchinner Fionn
Special Award Open Dog – 3 Entries
1Napvirag Dolgos Arlo (Imp)
2Zoldmali Szeles Morganna (Imp) JW
3Lanokk Szivos JW
Special Award Junior Bitch – 6 Entries
1Gwaithmaes Aoife
2Aldozovolgyi -Drotos Nyuzsgo At Enryb (Imp)
3Redrafi Galdessa
4Fassfields Pride Rock
5Belatarr Pandora
Special Award Post Gradute Bitch – 4 Entries
1Redrafi Ol Tukai
2Lanokk Violeska
3Blamtrinever Bloomer
4Indrielle Quelle
Special Award Open Bitch – 4 Entries
1Zoldmali Anizs At Genlusa
2Zoldmali Ubrez At Genlusa (Imp)
3Zoldmali Duna At Genlusa (Imp)
4Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow


The HWVA Eighth Breed Championship Show 2018

It was a pleasure to judge at this friendly Club show. JD. (9,2). 1. Moss Helios Sol at Ewtor. Lovely shape and balance. Liked his head and expression. Strong neck, good topline and depth and is well boned. Excellent coat texture. Sound driving movement. 2. Spillane Belatarr Jupiter. Balanced head, clean neck fitting into a well laid shoulder. Tight elbows. Good depth. Plenty of substance combined with quality. Moved on a reachy stride. Good coat texture. Close up to winner. 3. Gray Fassfield Silver Lining. YD. (4,1). 1. Newman’s, Zoldmali Szeles Morganna. RCC. Lovely balanced shape. Typy head with correct ear set. Clean neck fitting into well laid shoulder giving good return of upperarm. Correct height to length ratio. He has depth and is well ribbed back leading into a short loin. Well muscled quarters. Moved on a reachy strong stride. Wiry coat. 2. Fassfield Silver Lining. Lighter in build than winner. Well furnished head. Good in neck, length of rib and topline. Shapely quarters. 3. Davidson’s, Gingerwire My Kinda Hero. GD. (5,1). 1. Hibbert Ewtor Skyfall at Mindszenty. Excellent type and quality. Liked his size. Super head, good ear set. Strong neck into shoulders. Firm topline and good length of rib. Shapely quarters. Moved on a reachy driving stride. Good coat and colour. 2. Fassfields Silver Lining. 3. Walker Zoldmali Story of Lanokk. PGD. (6,2). 1. McNeil Auchinner Fionne. Nice type. Moderately sized with a dark russet coat. Pleasing head and expression, good ear set. Strong neck, good legs and feet. Positive movement. 2. Gower’s, Fassfields Fame and Fortune. Pleasing shape. Masculine head. Strong neck. Firm topline and quarters. Moved on a steady stride. 3. Smith’s, Indreil Faramir. LD.(5,1). 1. Byrne’s Aldozovogyl-Drotos Nador at Enryb. Lovely quality dog. Masculine head. Arched neck, plenty of forechest and depth of brisket. Strong loin. Moved on a ong free stride. Wiry coat. 2. Collier’s, Belatarr North by Northwest. Good head shape. Clean neck and well laid shoulders and is well ribbed back. Moved on a sound stride. Not as good in coat as winner. 3. Howard’s, Lanokk Szivos. OD. (5,1). 1. Aldridge Gwaithmaes Shamless. CC. Lovely typy dog who has oddles of quality. Ticked all the right boxes. Well shaped head with dark eye. Good neck, shoulders and topline. Hars coat. Moved on a sound driving stride. 2. Upton’s, Sh Ch. Tragus Fox Appeal. Medium sized dog who presented a pleasing picture. Excellent head of correct shape and balance. Strong neck and well laid shoulders. Well sprung ribs of good length. Good topline and tail set. Moved on a ground covering stride. 3. Spillane Belatart Charlie Parker. VD. (2). 1. Lawson and Wright’s, Riannor Oszkar. Splendid veteran. Pleasing headm eye colour commensurate with coat colour. Good balanced all through with moderation. Plenty of bone and substance but not coarse. Moved on an easy stride. Wiry coat. 2. Allison Monkstrod Hornet. Smaller dog. Pleasing outline and proportions. Well firnished head. Good texture to coat. Good rear angulation with a moderate stifle. Steady on the move. MPB. (1). 1. Aldridge Gwaithmaes Aoife. 6 months old baby. Lovely feminine head. Good neck, front and feet. Moderate stifle. Held her topline. Very promising. PB. (3,1). 1. Byrne Aldozovolgyl-Drotos Nyuzsgo. Super puppy of lovely type and quality. Loved her shape, everything fitting togther and presenting a balanced picture. Good coat and colour. Very free on the move. BPIS. 2. Bendikas Holsan Electra. Well balanced. Good head with breadth of skull and slight stop. Clean neck and shoulder. Enough depth of brisket. Strong topline and well made quarters. Moved well both up and down in profile. JB. (10,1). 1. Aldozovolgyl Drotos Nyuzsgo. 2. Upton Tragus Honey Bee. She has excellent proportions and is a lovely type and size. Feminine head, strong neck, good ribbing, topline, croup and tail set. Moderate all through. 3. Lawson and Wright’s, Leiborschy Allium for Riannor. YB. (3). 1. Sweeney Redrafi Ol Tukai. This bitch has plenty of breed attributes and is a lovely shape. Balanced head with a good earset, strong legs and feet. She has depth and is well ribbed back, shapely quarters. Excellent coat texture. Moved on a reachy, driving stride. 2 McNeill’s Fassfields Pride Rock. pleasing and feminine head and expression, firm topline and moderate bend of stifle. Free mover. 3 Johnson’s Miadsc Eternal Star. gb (2,1) 1 Issitt’s canterwey Coree at forgun. Pleasing colour. Balanced and feminine head with good eye colour. Strong neck, has depth and a good top and underline, well muscled quarters. moved on a sound and free stride. PGB (7,2) 1 Quigley, Day and piper’s Leiborschy Give A Tuppence with Swyndwr. Pleasing bitch who is typy and balanced. Has strength combined with femininity. Excellent head and eye, good front and feet. Good forechest and depth of brisket, firm topline and balanced quarters. Easy movement. 2 Bendikas’ Holsan Wirestone from morganna. Well balanced all through. Excellent head and expression, well laid shoulders but would prefer more length of upperarm. free movement. 3 Jameson and Waite’s Blamtinever Bloomer. LB (3) 1 edminson’s Kisdon’s Custom Made. Res CC. Lovely bitch who is so typy and balanced. Appealing and well furnished head, clean eyes. Well laid shoulders, good length of upperarm, well ribbed back with a strong topline held on the move. Well angled and muscled quarters. moved on a ground covering stride.  Should make up. 2. Upton Tragus Foxy Lady. Another very lovely bitch who was close up to winner. Excellent type and quality. Just not as positive in hind movement as winner. 3. Walker’s, Zoldmali Kefir of Lanokk. OB. (2). 1. Newman Ch Morganna Star Anise. CC and BIS. Super quality girl. Nothing exaggerated and is so well balanced. Excellent head and expression. Clean in neck and shoulder with good return of upperarm. Well ribbed with a short loin and slight tuck up. Well muscled quarters with defined second thigh and well let down hocks. Wiry coat. Moved on a positive reachy stride. 2. Wollfenden Majestic Lady. Cast in a smaller mould than winner. Pretty head, good neck, depth and held her topline. Needs more  stength in her rear. Easy mover. Vet B (5) 1 Aldridge’s Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow. BVIS. Scopey bitch who has a feminine head with a lovely expression, good legs and feet. Has depth and strength in her topline, shapely quarters. moved out on a reachy, driving stride. 2 Wearing’s Zoldmali Ubrez at Genlusa. Smaller than the winner. Pretty head, good neck, slightly short in rib, good feet. moved on a sound and free stride. 3 Johnson’s Blamtrinever Dancing Queen. SWB (2) 1 Wearing’s Zoldmali Anizs at Genlusa. Quite an athletic bitch of lovely size. Very sound all through. 2 Johnson’s Blamtrinever Dancing Queen. Smaller in build and slightly shorter in body. Moved very smoothly.

Sandra M Marshall


I would like first to thank the HWVA for inviting me to judge the Special Classes (Bitches) at this 2018 Championship Show and the steward Sarah for her skill and patience. I also thank each of you who entered under me, it is always an honour to have the support of your peers.

I was pleased to find mouths and feet were all of a good standard, and that coats were more uniform than I have ever seen them.

I also found some dogs were quite narrow; the chest is the engine room of the dog and needs to have width and depth, heart and lung room. The most noticable issue throughout the day was the proliferation of poor tailsets, the tail should be an extension of the spine, giving the correct outline to the dog, not something that gives the appearance of being added later.

I was looking for a moderate dog throughout, well balanced and workmanlike, and without any exaggeration.

Junior Bitch (5/1)

(1)Y. Aldridge Gwaithmaes Aoife,  7 month pup exactly right for her age, typical head with already darkening almond eyes, good bone, Good width to chest, strong neck into well laid shoulders, correct angulation front and rear, moved well with balance. She behaved impeccably for her first Champ. show,  a star in the making.
(2) J Byrne Aldozovolgyi Drotos Nyuzsgo at Enryb (imp) 11 month pup, very nice head, correct outline, good for width and depth of chest, longer in profile than 1, good topline, correct rear angulation and tailset. Moved well but elbows not as tight as required.

Post Graduate Bitch (4/0 )

(1) J Sweeney Redrafi ol Tukai, 13 month junior coming along nicely, a little unsettled today but did enough. Lovely outline, correct size, strong neck into well laid shoulder, slight tuck and strong at the loin. Correct tailset and moderate rear angulation completed the picture. Superb double coat with correct furnishings, just a touch wide at the front, but elbows still tight.  The best movement and balance in the class
(2) S Newman Lanokk Violeska 3yr old, Nice all round, a little longer in body than 1, determined expression but eyes not as harmonious as I would like. Deep chest, correct width, strong to the rear good double thigh, but a little high in the stack, spoiling the outline. Moved out well.
(3) LC Jameson & J Waites Blamtriniver Bloomer 2 yr old. Very similar in type to 2, good neck and chest, wider in front, longer and leaner, hocks not as straight as I would like. Moved cleanly.

Open Bitch  ( 4/0 )

(1) D Wearing Zoldmali Anizs at Genlusa 4.5 years old Correct width and length, nice eye and head, well laid shoulders, good topline with correct tailset, well muscled throughout. Nice angulation leading to the best of balanced movements, moved out well with purpose.
(2) D Wearing Zoldmali Ubrez at Genlusa 9 year old veteran Good type, similar to 1,  still straight and balanced, strong at the neck and shoulders, very nice angulation front and rear, straight topline, good double thigh, well balanced on the move, looks much better when she lifts her head!

Debra Revell (Judge)


Many thanks to the committee for inviting me to judge at this very well-run show at a lovely venue, where even the weather was kind to us.  Special thanks to my very efficient steward Sarah for her help, and particularly to the exhibitors for their entry.  I hope none of you suffered from the heat, some of the dogs seemed a bit lethargic because of it, and some movement was very “sloppy”.

The lack of docking emphasized some very poor tail carriages which ruins the outline particularly on the move, in some cases the set was also too high.  Flagpoles are not easy to breed out once established and do seem to be becoming much more prevalent.  Coats varied a little but most were of a good wire texture.  Thankfully all my exhibits were of a reasonable size.

Special Award Junior Dog (4)

  1. Gray and Riley’s FASSFIELDS SILVER LINING  14 month old young man with  coat of a good wire  texture and pleasing colour.  Rather proud of his tail on the move, sound positive movement covering the ground well.  Balanced in body with nice prominent breast bone and good depth of brisket.  Well off for bone with straight front legs and tight feet, strong hindquarters to compliment the front.  Should have a bright future.
  2. Moss’ HELIOS SOL AT EWTOR  Pleasantly surprised by this 17 month old who is shaping up into a decent adult.  Kind expressive head with good furnishings and clean ears.  Profuse coat of correct harsh wire texture covering balanced body with good front assembly, good turn of stifle to rear and well developed second thigh.  Sound in movement but needs to tighten in front, will take time to come together.
  3. Thomas’ HOSOKTER TOMPA  The baby of the class at just over 1 year and had to give way to the more mature first two dogs.  Soundly constructed with correct angulation to body, pleasing head.  A little untidy in movement but in profile had a good length of stride and held his topline.

Special Post Graduate Dog (6, 2 abs)

  1. Howards ZOLDMALI U R SPECIAL (IMP HUN)  He is a dog of ideal size with a super tight wire coat of rich red colour.  Balanced in outline slightly longer than high with a good front and elbows close to body  correct rear angulation.  A lovely  head, dark  oval eyes  with soft kind expression.    Moved soundly fore and aft, with easy ground covering profile gait
  2. Hibbert’s EWTOR SKYFALL AT MINDSZENTY  Paler golden sand colour with harsh wire coat texture and kind head with soft expression.  Strong bone, plenty of depth to brisket and good forchest.  Moderate angulation both ends.  Moved soundly and steadily.
  3. Smith’s INDRIEL FARAMIR  Heavier dog all round compared to first two, with tremendous depth to body.  Well off for bone, with good straight legs, good rear angulation.  Covered plenty of ground on the move.

Special Open Dog (3)

  1. Allison’s NAPVIRAG DOLGOS ARLO (imp)  Won this class on his outstanding movement.  Absolutely sound viewed from every angle with footfall fore and aft totally true.  Ground covering side gait which appeared effortless and economical with good forward extention driving from strong hind quarters, looked like he could keep it up all day.  Good wire texture to his rich red jacket, kind head of correct proportions with dark eyes and nicely held ears. Balanced throughout with correct construction.  Sympathetically handled to bring out the best in him.
  2. Newman’s ZOLDMALI SZELES MORGANNA (Imp)  On entering the ring I thought he would have been my winner but threw it away on the move as he had that “done my bit and had enough” attitude.  An excellent example of the breed, moderation in all departments and loads of breed type.  Balanced outline, correct slope to shoulders, excellent depth and forechest.  Ribbing carried well back to short strong loin, nicely rounded well muscled quarters with good turn of stifle and well developed second thigh.  Tail set on and carried correctly.  Typical head with kind expression, wide nostrils and correct dentition.  Such a shame he didn’t move as I know he can – still another day maybe?
  3. Howard’s LANOKK SZIVOS  Dog of good make and shape with a decent wire jacket, good head and expression who moved well enough if a little proud of his tail.  Unlucky to be in the company of two other cracking dogs.


HWVA Championship Show 2017 – Seventh Championship Show

15th April 2017

Judge John Thirlwell (Ferndel)

BEST IN SHOW -Upton's Sh. Ch. Tragus Fox Appeal
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW -Newman's Ch. Morganna Star Anise JW Sh.CM
BEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SHOW Newman's Ch. Morganna Star Anise JW Sh.CM
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Moss's Ewtor Nobody Does It Better
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW Holman & Moss's Sh Ch Silvanus Modesty Blaise
Best Dog Upton's Upton's Sh. Ch. Tragus Fox Appeal
Reserve Best Dog “Spillane's Sh Ch Belatarr Hercules
Best Puppy Dog Moss's Ewtor Nobody Does It Better
Best Bitch Newman's Ch. Morganna Star Anise JW Sh.CM
Reserve Best Bitch Stafford & Clayton's Galicar Game On Farnfield
Best Puppy Bitch Burgoyne's Hugachi Don't Think Twice
Minor Puppy Dog (3)
1st Zoldmali Szeles Morganna (Imp)
2nd Hugachi Hasta La Vista
3rd Zoldmali Tudor For Galvikki
Puppy Dog (5, 1abs)
1st Ewtor Nobody Does It Better
2nd Zoldmali Szeles Morganna (Imp)
3rd Ewtor Skyfall at Mindszenty
Res Zoldmali Tudor For Galvikki
Junior Dog (5)
1st Herlinga Herbert
2nd Ewtor Nobody Does It Better
3rd Moricroft Akos
Res. Zoldmali Misi
VHC Morganna Copyright
Yearling Dog (1)
1st Sh. Ch. Tragus Fox Appeal
Graduate Dog (1)
1st Belatarr Vertigo
Post Graduate Dog (5, 2abs)
1st Belatarr Sculptor
2nd Tragus Aladin At Stukeley
3rd Zoldmali U R Special (Imp)
Limit Dog (6)
1stBelatarr Charlie Parker
2ndBelatarr North By Northwest
3rdTragus Fire King
Res Zoldmali Vodka (Imp)
VHC Napvirag Dolgos Arlo
Open Dog (2)
1st Sh. Ch. Belatarr Hercules
2nd Sh. Ch. Ragnolds Fantastic Mr. Fox to Tragus JW
Veteran Dog (4)
1st Riannor Oszkar
2nd Cwsscwn Perchance To Dream
3rd Monkstrod Hornet
Res. Tragus Rudo
Special Working Dog (1)
1st Belatarr Vertigo
2nd Belatarr Sculptor
Minor Puppy Bitch (2,1ab)
1stHugachi Don't Think Twice
Puppy Bitch (0)
Junior Bitch (6, 3abs)
1st Galicar Game On Farnfield
2nd Leiborschy Give A Tuppence With Swyndwr
3rd Leiborschy Silver Farthing For Riannor
Yearling Bitch (6)
1stHolstan Wirestone From Morganna
2nd Herlinga Molleva
3rd Fourlums Flora
Res Tragus Red Feather At Stukeley
VHC Amiryck Chasing A Dream
Graduate Bitch (4)
1st Tragus Foxy Lady
2nd Bardontop Plum Duff
3rd Lanokk Violeska
Res. Indriel Eowyn
VHC Zoldmali Kitty Of Jaktaya
Post Graduate Bitch (4,1abs)
1st Zoldmali Kefir Of Lanokk (Imp) JW.Sh CM
2nd Zoldmali Mokka (Imp)
3rd Indriel Eowyn
Limit Bitch (8)
1st Kisdons Attribute
2nd Vynesbrook Savanna
3rd Herlinga Zaffron To Zilvarson
Res Oakberrow Gintastic
VHC Herlinga Hulda With Aswann
Open Bitch (4,1abs)
1st Ch. Morganna Star Anise JW Sh.CM
2nd Tragus Honey Buzzard JW
3rd Belatarr Mahalia Jackson
Veteran Bitch (3)
1st Sh. Ch. Silvanus Modesty Blaise
2nd Moricroft Maple Via Bardontop
3rd Kenmillax Sparta Of Eurotas At Goldpaw
Special Working Bitch (2)
1st Amiryck Chasing A Dream
2nd Herlinga Heleva Sh. CM
Special Awards Dogs Judge Mrs. Jennifer Millard (Rubylea)
Special Award Junior Dog (5, 1ab)
1stEwtor Nobody Does It Better
2nd Ewtor Skyfall at Mindszenty
3rdMoricroft Akos
Res Zoldmali Misi
Special Award Post Graduate Dog (2, 1abs)
1stZoldmali U R Special
Special Award Open Dog (1)
1stLanokk Szivos JW
Special Awards Bitches Judge Mr. Steve Richardson (Carlequin)
Special Award Junior Bitch (3, 1abs)
1st Galicar Game On Farnfield
2nd Blamtrinever Bloomer
Special Award Post Graduate Bitch (6,3abs)
1st Tragus Red Feather At Stukeley
2nd Tragus Foxy Lady
3rd Lanokk Violeska
Special Award Open Bitch (7,1abs)
1st Sh. Ch. Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh.CM
2ndOakberrow Gintastic
3rd Sh. Ch. Silvanus Modesty Blaise
Res Vynesbrook Savanna
VHC Indriel Eowyn


The HWVA Seventh Breed Championship Show 2017

I would like to thank the committee for their invitation & hospitality throughout the day. The show was a friendly well run show with a good atmosphere. Thanks also to the exhibitors for a quality entry & the sporting way they accepted my decisions & lastly to my two efficient stewards who helped keep everything flowing.

BIS was Upton’s Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal; RBIS, Newman’s Ch Morganna Star Anise; & BP, Moss’ Ewtor Nobody Does It Better.

MPD (3) 1 Newman’s Zoldmali Szeles Morganna, lovely young dog full of quality & type, from a pleasing head & eye through well made balanced body to strong well angulated hindquarters. Shown in good coat, moved well to win class, just lost interest in next class a little. Once he gets his act together should have a bright future; 2 Burgoyne’s Hugachi Hasta La Vista Baby, raw youngster of pleasing type & balance, just needs time. Presented a good outline; 3 Hope-Cliffe’s Zolmali Tudor for Galvikki. PD (5,1a) 1 Moss’ Ewtor Nobody Does It Better, smart youngster with a good head shape & eye. Balanced body with plenty angulation both ends. Presented a balanced outline standing & on the move which he does with good side gait. BP; 2 Z Szeles Morganna; 3 Hibbert’s Ewtor Skyfall at Mindszenty. JD (5) 1 Mitchell’s Herlinga Herbert, mature young dog with masculine head, good bone, legs & feet. Deep well ribbed body with strong muscular hindquarters, moved well; 2 E Nobody Does It Better; 3 Sutton’s Moricroft Alos. YD (1) 1 Upton’s Sh Ch Tragus Fox Appeal, super young dog, still a junior & not in his prime yet but has the quality & construction & type I was looking for. From a masculine yet refined head with good eye & expression, deep well made body with very good hindquarters. He presents a picture of balance & style. Added to this an excellent wire coat with first class presentation. When moved he covers the ground soundly with ease & precision. Delighted to award him CC & BIS. GD (1) 1 Ryan’s Belatarr Vertigo, masculine dog of good overall type & balance, presented in good wire coat. Well made throughout & covering the ground well with good reach & drive. PGD (5,2) 1 Ryan’s Belatarr Sculptor, half brother to winner of last class & very similar in type & construction, just a little heavier all through. Good type & balance. Moved well; 2 Erskine’s Tragus Aladin at Stukeley, nice headed dog, good legs & feet balanced outline. Moved OK just not rear of 1. Shown in good condition; 3 Howard’s Zoldmali U R Special. LD (6) 1 Belatarr Charlie Parker, masculine headed dog with a balanced outline. Well made throughout with well ribbed body & strong hindquarters. Shown in good coat & condition moved soundly with a good ground covering stride; 2 Collier’s Belatarr North By Northwest, pleasing overall type & construction, very similar to 1 in balance, just preferred coat & bone of 1; 3 Godfrey’s Tragus Fire King. OD (2) 1 Spillane’s Sh Ch Belatarr Hercules, quality dog of lovely type with well made & balanced construction. Interesting to see he has the same mother as my Grad, Post Grad & 1 & 2 in Limit. All with similar qualities & type the sign of an excellent brood bitch. This dog presented a good flowing outline of maturity & was presented in 1 class coat & condition. When moved he covered the ground with ease. RCC; 2 Upton’s Sh Ch Ragnolds Fantastic Mr Fox to Tragus, well known worthy champion, shown in excellent coat & condition. Just a little unsettled on the move today. VD (4) 1 Lawson’s Riannor Oszkar, pleasing overall for type & construction. Balanced outline, good bone & substance & shown in good coat & condition. Moved well; 2 Hibbert’s Cwsscwn Perchance To Dream at Mindszenty, good balance & substance presenting a pleasing outline. Lacked animation on the move. Shown in good condition.

MPB (1) 1 Burgoyne’s Hugachi Don’t Think Twice, very raw & needing time to settle & learn what is expected of her. Pleasing type & construction, just needs to mature & develop. Good coat a little erratic on the move but there were moments when she covered the ground well. PB (0). JB (6,3) 1 Stafford & Clayton’s Galicar Game On Farnfield, top class young bitch of super type & balance. She flows from a feminine head to well made hindquarters, with plenty bone & substance. Shown & presented in excellent coat & condition & moves around the ring soundly with good side gait. Still young & needing a little more maturity to complete what is already a quality picture. RCC; 2 Quigley, Day & Piper’s Leiborschy Give A Tuppence with Swnydwr, slightly bigger rangier bitch of pleasing type & balance. Not in her best coat, moved well; 3 Lawson’s Leiborshy Silver Farthing for Riannor. YB (6) 1 Bendikas Holsan Wirestone from Morganna, Pleasing type & outline. Feminine head with good eye & expression. Deep well made body with good bone & substance. Moved well; 2 Rickman’s Herlinga Molleva, another of good type & construction. Balanced outline, just preferred movement of 1; 3 Deighton’s Fourlums Fiora. GB (9,2) 1 Upton’s Tragus Foxy Lady, litter sister to DCC & very similar in type & construction, presented a balanced outline, just needs to strengthen in rear. Shown in excellent coat; 2 Guest’s Bardantop Plum Duff, pleasing overall type, well made throughout with good coat. Moved OK; 3 Newman’s Lanokk Violeska. PGB (4) 1 Walker’s Zolmali Kefir of Lanokk, pleasing headed bitch who presented a balanced outline with good legs & feet. Well made mature body with strong muscular hindquarters. Moved well, shown in good coat; 2 Johnston’s Zolmali Mokka, another with similar qualities & balance, shown in pleasing coat, just preferred rear movement of 1; 3 Smith’s Indriel Eowyn. LB (8) 1 Deighton’s Kisdons Attribute, quality bitch of lovely overall balance, type & construction presenting a good outline standing. Shown in first class wire coat & presentation. Moved soundly with drive, I considered her closely in the challenge; 2 Lewin’s Vynesbrook Savanna, feminine bitch of pleasing type & construction. Well ribbed mature body with good outline. Moved well; 3 Pike’s Herlinga Zaffron to Zilvarson. OB (4,1) Lovely class of three quality bitch. 1 Newman’s Ch Morganna Star Anise, top class bitch of lovely type & substance. She presented a balanced flowing outline with plenty angulation fore & aft. Shown in good hard muscular condition & wire coat. Moved with a long ground covering stride. CC & RBIS; 2 Upton’s Tragus Honey Buzzard, another well made bitch of good type & balance & as with all dogs from this kennel presentation & coat first class. Moved with a good stride covering the ground with ease; 3 Collier’s Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson. VB (3) 1 Holman & Moss’ Sh Ch Silvanus Modesty Blaise, quality bitch worthy of her title with good balance. Shown in good coat & condition, moved well. BV; 2 Guest’s Moricroft Maple via Bardantop, feminine bitch of good size & overall balance. Shown in lovely condition for age, moved well; 3 Nokes’ Kenmillx Sparta of Erotas at Goldpaw. Working B (3,1) 1 Caine’s Amiryck Chasing A Dream, balanced outline with pleasing coat. Good head, bone & substance, moved soundly; 2 Wand & Rickman’s Herlinga Herleva, quality bitch of good overall balance & construction, shown in lovely wire coat. Unfortunately not happy with floor & wouldn’t move.



My sincere thanks to the committee of the HWVA for the honour of judging the special dog classes at their seventh championship show.

Special Award Junior Dog (5 entries, 1 abs)

1. Moss’s  Ewtor Nobody Does It Better headed a class of promising youngsters. Won on size and correct proportions, best front angulation in the class, with a typical head and expression, lovely laid-back personality and a wire jacket just where you want it for age. One to watch.
2. Hibbert’s Ewtor Skyfall at Mindszenty littermate to 1, much to like just needs to settle a touch more, moved very well particularly in profile, super expression his day will come I am sure.

Special Award Post Graduate Dog (2 entries, 1 abs)

1. Howard’s Zoldmali U R Special (Imp) Lovely head and expression and a nice size scores in spring of rib, with a lovely correct hard workmanlike body, with nice bone but not overdone, handler didn’t always make the best of him.

Special Award Open Dog (1 entry)

1. Howard’s Lanokk Szivos JW Mature male exemplifying the correct proportions, level topline, well bent stifles and balanced to the fore and rear. A really lovely picture on the stack and didn’t disappoint on the move.

Judge, Jennifer Millard


I would like to thank the Committee of the HWVA for their very kind invitation to judge the special classes Bitches, at their Championship Show. I was made so welcome and looked after all day. Thank you also to my lovely steward Christine Morgan, but my biggest thanks are to the exhibitors who so kindly entered and let me go over their lovely girls THANK YOU.

I think our breed is improving all the time but are still not an easy breed to judge, as there is still a massive contrast in both size and shape of the breed. Of course I was looking for good conformation and sound movement, but most importantly I was looking for BREED TYPE, and all my winners had, what is for me, the most important features to give them breed type, a robust build, a good WIRE COAT, and heads that give that intelligent and AFFECTIONATE look, which for me, is the essence of the breed. The dogs that are completely smooth in coat, or have just 3 wire hairs across there back & a head that gives a harsh stare in appearance, loose the essence of the breed and then of course breed type. Having said that, today all the bitches had good wire coats and none were harsh in expression.

S Award Junior (B),

1st Stafford & Clayton, Galicar Game On Farnfield, a medium size bitch, who has a very nice head with moderate broad skull, her expression gives both intelligence and affection. She has good bone and straight in front. When viewed from the side her neck is well muscled, which flows into a strong body with excellent topline and super croup. Her hind quarters are moderate in angulation with good development. A super wire coat covers her body, when moving she was smooth and controlled.

2nd Jameson & Waites, Blamtrinever Bloomer, pleasing in head with very good skull shape and correct stop. straight front on tight feet, again good topline, but did not quite have the body of 1, correct wire coat, in both texture and colour.

S Award PG (B)

A very nice class.

1st Erskine, Tragus Red Feather At Stukeley, very nice head with lovely ear set, straight front with good shoulder angulation.  Loved her neck, and she is super in body with deep chest, again excellent wire coat. Well-developed hind quarters, and covered the ground with good action when moving.

2nd Uptons Tragus Foxy Lady slightly taller bitch, beautiful in both head shape and expression, good strong bone, nice deep chest with ribs carried well back, correct in both topline and croup, super wire jacket. Moved well when settled. A great effort by her handler who I believe made her debut in the ring well done.

3rd Newman, Lanokk Violeska, another nice bitch again nice head in both shape and expression, lovely arched neck, very good in topline strong in body giving a balanced profile when standing, super wire coat. Very well handled and moved steadily.

S Award Open (B)

A super class of bitches.

1st Collier, Sh Ch Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh. CM, a super bitch that is a great example of breed type, lovely in head in both head shape and muzzle, so affectionate in expression, powerful neck, with good front angulation, her body is strong with deep chest, lovely level topline   that slopes correctly at the croup, well-muscled in hind quarters, which when moving gives a strong driving action. Excellent wire coat.

2nd Smillie-Gray Oakberrow Gintastic, another very nice bitch robust in appearance with lovely head, strong bone with very good muscle on the shoulder and hind quarters, good strong body with good spring of rib and correct wire coat.

3rd Holman & Moss, Sh Ch Silvanus Modesty Blaise, a 7yr old youngster still showing her socks off. Balanced in head profile with lovely ear set, she has good bone, with correct angulation both front and rear. Her neck is well muscled, which goes into a strong body, she has a good wire coat, and moves with great enthusiasm, Very well handled.

4th Lewin, Vynesbrook Savanna, smaller in size than the first 3 but again very balanced when stood. Good in both skull and muzzle shape lovely ear set, affectionate in expression, straight front on good feet, when viewed from the side her topline is level and is correct in croup her body is in balance with her size and she has a good wire coat. Very steady with control on the move.

5th Smith, Indriel Eowyn, this bitch has some excellent qualities, but some days she tries to be as uncooperative as possible with her owner and today was one of those days. Good in head with super eye shape.  Straightest fronts with good bone on excellent tight feet. Lovely topline, felt she could have carried a bit more weight today. Her hind quarters are correct in angulation and hocks well let down. She has excellent movement when she settles.

Judge, Steve Richardson.

HWVA Championship Show 2016 – Sixth Championship Show

16th April 2016

Judge Mrs Pam Blay (Stabheim)

BEST IN SHOW Collier's Belatarr Mahalia Jackson
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW Pryer's Herlinga Helewise
BEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SHOW Upton's Sh.Ch. Ragnolds Fantastic Mr Fox to Tragus JW
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Walker's -Zoldmali Kefir Of Lanokk (imp)
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW Riley's Kenmillix Metope At Fassfields
Best Dog Upton's Sh. Ch.. Ragnolds Fantastic Mr Fox to Tragus JW
Reserve Best Dog Aldridges Gwaithmaes Shameless
Best Puppy Dog Stone's Sonnetend Shylock
Best Bitch Collier's Belatarr Mahalia Jackson
Reserve Best Bitch Pryer's Herlinga Helewise
Best Puppy Bitch Walker's -Zoldmali Kefir Of Lanokk (imp)
Minor Puppy Dog (1)
1st    Tragus Fox Appeal
Puppy Dog (2)
1st Sonnetend Shylock
2nd Indriel Faramir
Junior Dog (5,1abs)
1st  Belatarr Vertigo
2nd Belatarr North By Northwest
3rd    Fassfields FameAnd Fortune
Res. Auchnen Fionn
Yearling Dog (6, 1abs)
1st    Tragus Prince Charming
2nd Belatarr Vertigo
3rd    Brown George
Res  Gonegos Climb Upon My Music
VHC Tragus Aladdin At Stukeley
Graduate Dog (4)
1st Belatarr Sculptor
2nd  Zoldmali U R Special
3rd Brown George
Res Bobby Robson
Post Graduate Dog (5)
1st  Napvirag Dolgos Arlo
2nd Gwaithmaes Hades
3rd Zoldmali U R Special
Res Zoldmali Vodka
VHC Lyharr Flavio Akos For Bonisia
Limit Dog (4)
1st  Belatarr Hercules
2nd  Tragus Fire King
3rd  Lanokk Szivos JW
Res.- Leiborschy Lincoln Of Fryerfold
Open Dog (6)
1st Sh. Ch. Ragnolds Fantastic Mr. Fox to Tragus JW
2nd Gwaithmaes Shameless
3rd Belatarr Charlie Parker
Res Riannor Oszkar
VHC Monkstrod Hornet
Veteran Dog (1,1abs)
Special Working Dog (1)
1st Belatarr Sculptor
Minor Puppy Bitch (5)
1st Zoldmali Kefir Of Lanokk (imp)
2nd Holsan Wirestone
3rd Tragus Foxy Lady
Res Tameriel Black Widow With Cuffnells
VHC Zoldmali Kitty Of Jaktays (imp)
Puppy Bitch (7)
1st Holsan Wirestone
2nd Amiryck Chasing A Dream
3rd Indriel Eowyn
Res Sonnetend Laiqa
VHC Tragus Red Feather At Stukeley
Junior Bitch (7, 3abs)
1st Belatarr Thirtynine Steps
2nd Bardontop Plum Duff
3rd Deifstock Duetzia
Yearling Bitch (6,1abs)
1st  Herlinga Helewise
2nd Leiborschy Maia Do Ones Best
3rd Bardontop Plum Duff
Res Jeamora Constance
VHC Falcongreen Kizsca
Graduate Bitch (3)
1st  Lanokk Szodaviz At Kellyhill
2nd  Kisdons Attribute
3rd  Deifstock Deutzia
Post Graduate Bitch (6)
1st  Zoldmali Mokka (imp)
2nd Lanokk Dorottya
3rd Herlinga Zaffron To Zilvarson
Res Gwaithmaes Persephone
VHC Amiryck Dabinett
Limit Bitch (7)
1st Moricroft Mayfair To Sonnetend
2nd Lanokk Csinos
3rd Tragus Apricot Beauty Of Carlequin
Res Herlinga Hulda With Aswann
VHC  Zoldmali Narcisz With Deifstock
Open Bitch (10,3abs)
1st Belatarr Mahalia Jackson
2nd Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow
3rd Sh. Ch. Cuffnells Sweet Violet
Res Zoldmali Huncut Of Lanokk (imp)
VHC Tragus Honey Buzzard JW
Veteran Bitch (3)
1st Kenmillix Metope At Fassfields
2nd Farnfield Pussy Galore Of Galicar Sh.CM
3rd Falcongreen Dajka
Special Working Bitch (2)
1st Herlinga Heleva Sh. CM
2nd Zolmali Alom For Morganna (imp)
Special Awards Dogs Judge Mr. Gary Howes
Special Award Junior Dog (5, 1ab)
1st Sonnetend Shylock
2nd Fassfields Fame And Fortune
3rd Indriel Faramir
Res Auchinnen Fionn
Special Award Post Graduate Dog (9, 1abs)
1st Gwaithmaes Hades
2nd Napvirag Doigos Arlo
3rd Tragus Prince Charming
Res Lanokk Szivos
VHC Zoldmali Vodka (imp)
Special Award Open Dog (1)
1st Monkstrod Hornet
Special Awards Bitches Judge Mrs. Debby Wearing
Special Award Junior Bitch (10, 4abs)
1st Amiryck Chasing A Dream
2nd Sonnetend Laiqa
3rd Deifstock Duetzia
Res Bardontop Plum Duff
VHC Indriel Eowyn
Special Award Post Graduate Bitch (9,2abs)
1st Zoldmali Mokka
2nd Lanokk Dorottya
3rd Lanokk Szodaviz At Kellyhill
Res Jeamora  Constance
VHC Leiborschy Maia Do Ones Best
Special Award Open Bitch (6,1abs)
1st Sh. Ch. Cuffnells Sweet Violet
2nd Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow
3rd Falcongreen Guba
Res Oakberrow Gintastic
VHC Zoldmali Alom For Morganna


The HWVA Sixth Breed Championship Show 2016

The Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Association held their sixth breed championship show at Tomlinsons Canine Centre, Markfield with an excellent entry of 82 dogs making 91 entries and only a few absentees for my first time in giving CCs in the breed. I have followed the breed since giving one a RBIS at an HPR show back in 1993. Over the years I have judged quite a few including Crufts in 2004, so felt I knew exactly what I was looking for.

My, how the breed has improved over the years, no longer do they look like Vizslas with a bit of coat nor do they look like woolly, incorrectly coated ones either. Nowadays there are very few which are ‘Vizsla’ type & the coat texture has certainly come on leaps & bounds. Obviously, as with the early Vizslas, the breed still has problems with upright shoulders & short upper arms, but in such an excellent entry, I had no trouble finding the good moving, workmanlike dogs who could do the job for what they were bred. Congratulations to the breeders who have made such strides to really make the breed one to compete against any of the other HPRs both in the field & show.

I was very impressed with the friendly, happy atmosphere at the show with the audience clapping every class & exhibitors shaking hands with the winners. It was a lovely change from some of the shows you go to. Well done committee for giving us a well run show with an attractive ring with number boards 1 to 5 & photos after each class & a good steward who kept the show moving at a good pace.

I understand that the two special classes at lunchtime were well filled & my thoughts go to the special dogs judge who unfortunately broke down on the way to the venue.

BIS went to Belatarr Mahalia Jackson; RBIS was Herlinga Helewise; BOS, Sh Ch Ragnolds Fantastic Mr Fox to Tragus; BPIS, Zoldmali Kefir of Lanokk; RBPIS, Sonnetend Shylock & BVIS went to Kenmillix Metope at Fassfields.

MPD (1) 1 Upton’s Tragus Fox Appeal, 6.1/2 months old roly poly boy with such potential to take over from his sire, lovely head & expression, well balanced with a good neck & shoulders, held his topline well both set up & moving, nice well muscled hindquarters & a well set tail, moved well for one so young, excellent coat for age & a lovely type. PD (2) 1 Stone’s Sonnetend Shylock, on the top size hence does not need to grow on but he is a lovely mover on well boned legs & feet, good hindquarters, he is well coated, head is in proportion to his body, good topline & well set & carried tail, showed well & looked a picture set up. BPD & RBPIS; 2 Smith’s Indriel Faramir, this youngster needs time to complete, at present he is not so balanced nor the movement of 1 because his hindquarters still need to finish & strengthen, moves OK in profile but is lose in front at present. He has a good coat & a nice topline, well boned legs & feet, look forward to seeing his progress. JD (5,1a) 1 Ryan’s Belatarr Vertigo, won by a head! Loved his classic head & expression with a lovely eye & well set & carried ears, good neck & shoulders, lovely profile movement really using his sound hindquarters & well made forequarters, he is balanced & a lovely type, a good size, well boned, excellent coat in tip-top condition with lovely muscletone; 2 Collier’s Belatarr North By Northwest, well boned & bodied youngster who still has his puppy head on!  Correct neck & shoulders, still has his old jacket on but his new coat is coming through, lovely topline & tailset, he is balanced with good muscletone but oh what a handful for his owner, when he settles, nothing should stop his. Today beaten by his brother, I reckon these two will have many a battle in the future; 3 Shaw & Gower’s Fassfields Fame And Fortune. YD (6,1) 1 Evans’ Tragus Prince Charming, lovely head & expression, he is not an overlarge dog but he is balanced with an excellent coat, in lovely condition, nice neck & shoulders, balanced with a strong topline & well set tail, well boned legs & feet, moved well particularly in profile, he was effortless covering the ground well, good depth of chest with a good loin & nice hindquarters; 2 B Vertigo; 3 Sitch’s Brown George. GD (4) 1 Ryan’s Belastarr Sculptor, not quite the head I was looking for but his overall balance & free movement took the class, good coloured & correct shaped eye, good earset & carriage, in lovely coat & condition, he is well muscled with the correct hindquarters, topline & tailset, good neck & strong forequarters, steady up & back but excellent head carriage & tailset carriage in profile; 2 Howard’s Zoldmali U R Special, smaller dog who perhaps can look a bit feminine but despite eating all the pies he is balanced! Excellent coat & a good head & expression, moved soundly with a good hindquarter, lovely neck & shoulders, strong topline held set up & moving, a different type but has lots of plus points; 3 Brown George. PGD (5) 1 Allison’s Napvirag Dolgos Arlo, such a sound dog in excellent coat & condition, masculine head & expression, lovely neck & shoulders, good topline & tailset, good muscletone, good depth & width of chest with a nice forechest, he is balanced & when he moved he covered the ground with style & grace with a good head carriage; 2  Aldridge’s Gwaithmaes Hades, balanced dog who could do a day’s work, in excellent muscletone, masculine head & expression, nicely coloured & shaped eye with a well set & placed ear, good neck & shoulders, well boned legs & feet, lovely coat in good condition, nice type who moved well in this good class; 3 Z U R Special. LD (4) 1 Spillane’s Belatarr Hercules, very balanced dog of a lovely type, excellent masculine head & expression, good neck & shoulders, good forechest, lovely topline & tailset, good depth of chest, in excellent coat & condition with a well muscled hindquarters, he is quality, he kept a strong topline set up & moving & his profile movement was a joy to see, showed well to win a good class; 2 Godfrey’s Tragus Fire King, good head & expression, masculine but not a large dog but he well proportioned with well boned legs & feet, correct coat of a good texture, good ribcage & loin, nice hindquarters & a well set & carried tail, moved well match 1 paw for paw; 3 Howard’s Lanokk Szivos. OD (6) 1 Upton’s Sh Ch Ragnolds Fantastic Mr Fox to Tragus, not surprised he made it to the upper house, last time I judged he was my BOB but was still young, he is now the finished product, such a masculine head & expression, movement where he scores every time, he can’t put a foot wrong in profile, his effortless front movement is swiftly followed by a strong hindquarters which he really used to cover the ground with purpose yet graceful, he was put down to the empth degree, his coat is the correct texture & the correct double coat, so very masculine in outlook yet now has the maturity to carry it off, good neck & strong topline leading to a well muscled hindquarter, he is quality & is an excellent example of the breed & it looks as if he is now siring some interesting youngsters too. As always, a pleasure to judge & well handled too. CC & BOS; 2 Aldridge’s Gwaithmaes Shameless, masculine dog who moved so well on well boned legs & feet, in excellent coat & condition, excellent head & expression, he is balanced & so close up to 1. Lovely depth & width of ribcage with a strong loin & well muscled hindquarters, kept a strong topline set up & moving with lovely head carriage too. RCC; 3 Spillane’s Belatarr Charlie Parker. VD (1,1) Working D (1) 1 B Sculptor.

MPB (5) 1 Walker’s Zoldmali Kefir of Lanokk, oh wow, how lucky this owner is! What a little cracker with such potential, I just can’t believe how balanced she is, it is as if she has been here before because she knew exactly what to do & she did it all with style & panache. In lovely coat & condition, not overcoated but what she has is the correct texture, such a feminine head & expression, excellent neck & shoulders, strong topline & well set tail, lovely type & she is quality, I can’t wait to see her progress. BPB & BPIS; 2 Bendikas’ Holsan Wirestone, taller girl who is also a good mover, another nice type who now just needs to fill out to complete the picture but she is still very young & has plenty of time, needs to settle in movement but she has an excellent head & expression, good neck & shoulders, strong topline & well set tail, well boned legs & feet; 3 Upton’s Tragus Foxy Lady. PB (7) 1 H Wirestone, 2nd in MPB but better suited to this class, took the class with ease; 2 Caine’s Amiryck Chasing A Dream, close up, again that feminine head & expression that is balanced that I would looking for, lovely bone & feet, good coat & condition, she is balanced with a lovely neck & front assembly, moved well & in excellent muscle condition, very feminine in outlook & showed well for a youngster; 3 Smith’s Indriel Eowyn. JB (7,3) 1 Halhead’s Belatarr Thirtynine Steps, no wonder I wrote nice type, it is yet another littermate to the JD 1 & 2! Feminine head & expression with a lovely eye, good neck & shoulders, lovely topline & tailset, she is balanced of a good size & outline, nice depth of chest, moved soundly on well boned legs & feet, well muscled hindquarters, excellent coat of the correct texture; 2 Guest’s Bardentop Plum Duff, pretty, balanced bitch of a different type, slightly heavier but still very feminine, good body coat, strong topline with a good depth of chest, pretty head & expression, moved well on well boned legs & feet, nice hindquarters & a strong topline, well set & carried tail; 3 Cooper’s Deifstock Deutzia. YB (6,1) 1 Pryer’s Herlinga Helewise, this bitch kept calling me back, I loved her balance & feminity, such a pretty head & expression with a lovely eye of the correct colour & shape, good skull & earset, well proportioned headpiece, excellent neck & shoulders, lovely coat & condition, strong topline & correct tailset, well muscled hindquarters, good depth & width of ribcage with a good width of chest, when she moves she just comes alive, I could see her working in the field, loved her head carriage & tailset, graceful yet with purpose she looked fantastic in profile covering the ground with ease, carried on showing her socks off to beat all the big girls to win the RCC; 2 Holt’s Leiborschy Maia Do Ones Best, not so developed as 1 as yet & she decided she would play the fool on the move, but I wasn’t going to be put off by all of this because she had so many breed points which I admired, pretty head & expression, excellent coat of the correct texture & in excellent condition, strong topline & ribcage, nice loin & well muscled hindquarters, good bone & feet, balanced bitch of a lovely type; 3 B Plum Duff. GB (3) 1 Pattullo’s Lanokk Szodaviz at Kellyhill, excellent type of bitch with a lovely head & expression, good neck & shoulders, moved well on well boned legs & feet, she has an excellent coat of the correct texture, balanced & in hard condition, still needs to just drop in chest to complete the picture but this quality girl has a lot going for her; 2 Deighton’s Kisdons Attribute, pretty bitch with a good coat again of good texture, carries her tail slightly high which spoils the outline in profile movement but she has a nice head & expression, good neck & topline, she is balanced with good body proportions, well boned legs & feet, good ribcage & loin, nice hindquarters; 3 D Deutzia. PGB (6) 1 Johnston’s Zoldmali Vodka, best moving bitch in the class, she is still young but she is balanced with a pretty head, good neck & shoulders, correct coat, enough depth of chest. Just needs to fill out to complete the picture. This breeder is certainly sending over some good stock for you to all work with; 2 Walker’s Lanokk Dorottya, very similar in type again with a good coat, just preferred 1’s expression but she has a feminine head & outlook, good neck & shoulders, correct bone & feet, enough forechest, well muscled hindquarters, held a strong topline on the move & set up, lovely head carriage & tailset, very feminine bitch; 3 Pike’s Herlinga Zaffron to Zilvarson. LB (7) 1 Stone’s Moricroft Mayfair to Sonnetend, what a sound bitch who is so feminine with a beautiful head & expression, excellent neck & shoulders, good topline & tailset, good depth of chest, strong loin & well muscled hindquarters, moved so soundly back & forth & in profile that she just stole the class, her head carriage & tailset & forward reach just gave you the impression that she could work all day, she is balanced with the added bonus of an excellent coat of correct texture; 2 Walker’s Lanokk Csinos, another feminine bitch of a lovely type, so very pretty there would be no mistaking her sex, lovely head & expression with a good eye & earset, excellent coat which was beautifully presented, moved well on well boned legs & feet, she is balanced with a good topline, lovely neck & shoulders, she is quality; 3 Richardson’s Tragus Apricot Beaut of Carlequin. OB (10,3) 1 Collier’s Belatarr Mahalia Jackson, I make no secret of the fact that I have liked this bitch before. This is the third time I judged her, first time she wasn’t ready, second time she was the best bitch but boy look at her now!  Now the finished package and am very surprised that she is still wanting her third CC. So very feminine in outline & outlook, such a pretty head & expression, I love her type, she is balanced & quality & is everything I want in a Hungarian Wirehaired bitch. She moved so true on well boned legs & feet, excellent neck & shoulders, strong topline & well set tail, good depth of chest, moved with ease & style covering the ground with an excellent head carriage & tailset, the bonus is that she has an excellent coat of the correct harshness & a beard, not an overlarge one, as I am know to prefer less, but just enough for perfection, her muscletone just gleamed on a sunny day, even though we were inside, when the sun caught her going round in profile, it completed the picture. Thrilled to give her the CC & BIS; 2 Aldridge’s Ginger Lillie around Oakberrow, another quality bitch who fought hard for her place in this star studded class, again that feminine head & expression that I wanted, good neck & shoulders, she is balanced with a good topline & tailset, good bone & feet, moved well using her well muscled hindquarters, in excellent coat of the correct texture, good depth of chest & she has excellent body proportions; 3 Reed’s Sh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet. VB (3) 1 Riley’s Kenmillix Metope at Fassfields, a workmanlike bitch who I would be happy to work with, in such fit condition with excellent muscletone despite her 9.1/2 years, feminine head & expression, lovely type with good body proportions, correct coat, excellent topline & docked tail which was well set, well boned legs & feet, correct depth of chest, the more I looked at her the more she appealed, she really gave the youngsters a run for their money in the challenge, she is quality & I have my fingers crossed for you. BVIS; 2 Smillie-Gray’s Farnfield Pussy Galore of Galicar, gosh it seems an age since I have seen her, I never recognised her, she is still a good looking bitch despite her age, more coat than 1 but still OK for texture, moved well but what a fidget behaved like a puppy, this substantial girl has good body proportions & a feminine head, good neck & shoulders, when she decided to show properly she looked the part; 3 Stoneley’s Falcongreen Dajka. Working (2) 1 Wand & Rickman’s Herlinga Herleva, unplaced in a strong open class but won here on her outline & size, sound mover with a pretty head, good coat & condition, lovely neck & shoulders, moved with drive using her well muscled hindquarters & strong forehand to power round the ring; 2 Newman’s Zoldmali Alom for Morganna, not quite as balanced as 1 but in excellent muscular condition, pretty head & expression, moved very well on well boned legs & feet, good depth & width of ribcage, strong loin thus holding her strong topline with ease both set up & moving, in excellent coat & condition.


Special Awards – Bitches

Judge – Debby Wearing

I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge the special awards at their Championship show.  I would also like to thank the exhibitors for your entry and allowing me to assess your dogs, a great opportunity for me to gain hands on experience judging the breed.

I was pleased overall with the presentation of the dogs, a couple would have benefited from a manicure and a few from their handlers taking some ringcraft training to show off your lovely dogs to their best advantage.

Special award Junior: (10, 4)

1. Caine’s Amiryck Chasing A Dream. 10 month old lively, full of enthusiasm puppy. When settled she held her shape. Good bone and coat of a lighter colour. Pleasing head and furnishings. Good angulation behind. Moved soundly enough to win the class. Promising puppy.

2. De Costobadie’s Sonnetend Laiqa. 11 months, balanced size and proportions, feminine head and expression. Good coat. Moderately angulated, one to watch with maturity.

Special award Post Graduate: ( 9, 2)

A good class of some quality bitches. My first three could change places on another day.

1. Johnston’s Zoldmali Mokka. Everything to like about this girl , free from exaggeration. Excellent head with good furnishings. Correct coat. Long neck leading into clean shoulders. Good depth of ribs. Excellent muscled hind quarters. Covered the ground with ease keeping a level topline. Best mover on the day.

2. Beardshall & Walker’s Lanokk Dorottya. Similar to 1, good type and harsh coat texture, preferred the head of 1. Strong neck leading into well placed shoulders. Deep brisket, well sprung ribs. Moved well would have liked to have seen more extension on the move.

3. Pattullo’s Lanokk Szodaviz ay Kellyhill . Another excellent type of bitch, good coat and colour.  lovely head and expression, moved soundly.

Special award Open: (6,1)

1. Reed’s Sh Ch Cuffnells Sweet Violet. Quality bitch, well boned , good depth of chest. Harsh coat of good deep colour. Excellent head and expression. Moved soundly keeping a level topline. To be critical would have preferred to see more drive but performed well enough to win the class.

2 Aldridge’s Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow. Slightly larger than 1 but of good proportion. Good coat of lighter colour. Pleasing head and expression. Moved soundly.

3 Revell’s Falcongreen Guba. Another lovely type bitch with a good coat and colour, well muscled throughout but not quite having the movement of 1 and 2.

Special Awards – Dogs

Judge Mr. Gary Howes

Due the very unfortunate circumstances that befell our scheduled judge Mr Tim Branney I was asked at the last minute to stand in and judge the Special Awards Dog classes. Thank you to the exhibitors for the warm welcome.

Special Award Junior Dog (5 with 1 absent)

1st – Sonnetend Shylock

Lovely on the move, balanced, well boned legs with tight feet, body covered with good textured coat, head masculine, eye colour complemented coat. Head / body in proportion, powerful when moving but purposeful, held a good top line, level, correct tail set and carriage. Striking with good angulation, well muscled and presented.

2nd – Fassfields Fame And Fortune

Really liked this dog, also very pleasing on the move with nice proportions, balanced with a strong drive, top line steady and tail set correct. Head expressive, eye colour complimented a well covered and textured coat, body felt muscled but not over developed.

Special Award Post Graduate Dog (9 with 1 absent)

Excellent entry with quality dogs. I have admired many of these dogs from outside of the ring and it was a pleasure to get my hands on them.

1st – Gwaithmaes Hades

Very pleasing to look at when moving around the ring, powerful yet balanced. Covered the ground with ease. Head very much male, masculine yet expressive, eyes complimented the coat, ears well set. Coat in good condition, textured, dense. Powerful neck and shoulders with a good front. Body felt muscled and legs well boned. Top line strong with good tail set.  Rear balanced, muscled with good angulation. Strong drive on the move.

2nd – Napvirag Doigos Arlo

Very close to 1, another fine example of the breed, balanced when on the move, exhibiting a steady top line with strong head carriage. Head and body in proportion, with a good conditioned and textured coat. A very expressive head, with correct eye colour and ear set. Strong neck leading to a well developed front. Body felt muscled and in good condition, well boned legs to tight feet.

Special Award Open Dog (1)

1st – Monkstrod Hornet

Only entry but such a nice dog. 6 years old, ideal size, moved really well, held his top line with a strong head carriage. Again well boned with tidy feet. Good coat and furnishings, head very expressive, stood square showing balanced front and rear.

HWVA Championship Show 2015 – Fifth Championship Show

Judge Miss Sharon Pinkerton (Bareve)

Dog CC            Gwaithmaes Shameless  
 Dog Res CC              Belatarr Hercules   
Bitch CC       Kenmillix Metope At Fassfields 
 Bitch Res CC   Morganna Star Anise
Best In Show – Kenmillix Metope At Fassfields
RBIS – Morganna Star Anise
Best Opposite Sex – Gwaithmaes Shameless
Best Puppy In Show –     Tragus Prince Charming
Res Best Puppy In Show- Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue At Miadsc
Best Veteran In Breed – Kenmillix Metope At Fassfields
Minor Puppy Dog  (1 entry)
1st                 Bobby Robson
Puppy Dog  (6 entries)
1st                 Tragus Prince Charming
2nd                Silvanus Hang Cool Tedy Bear
3rd                Ambermoore Diamond Heist Hollowmoor
Res        Tragus Aladdin at Stukeley
VHC       Bobby Robson
Junior Dog  (6 entries)
1st                 Fassfields Tan Divo By Herlinga
2nd                Tragus Prince Charming
3rd                Galicar Oh Bling It On
Res        Lanokk Szivos
VHC       Herlinga Auden
Yearling Dog  (5 entries, 2 absent)
1st                 Belatarr Hercules
2nd                Lanokk Szivos
3rd                Avar Zoldmali (Imp)
Graduate Dog (2 entries)
1st                 Lanokk Szivos
2nd                Zoldmali U R Special (Imp)
Post Graduate Dog  (3 entries)
1st                 Tragus Fire King
2nd                Zoldmali U R Special (Imp)
3rd                Herlinga Heortwode
Limit Dog (7 entries,1 absent)  
1st                 Belatarr Charlie Parker
2nd                Leiborschy Lincoln Of Fryerfold
3rd                Cragvallie Zenit
Res        The Brigadier of Blamtrinever
VHC       Pheonix Rising Over Miadsc
Open Dog  (8 entries)
1st                 Gwaithmaes Shameless
2nd         Pitswarren Sirocco               
3rd          Sh. Ch. Ragnolds Fantastic Mr. Fox To Tragus JW
Res        Sh. Ch. Herlinga Herveus
VHC       Leiborschy Ekko
Veteran Dog (1 entries)
1st                 Leiborschy Wilfek
Special Working Dog (0 entries)
Minor Puppy Bitch  (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st                 Leiborschy Jante A Legacy
2nd                Leiborschy Maia Do Ones Best
3rd                Ananaszkan Tecca
Res        Falcongreen Kizsca
Puppy Bitch  (12 entries)
1st                 Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue At Miadsc
2nd                Jakatta At Redrafi Du Domaine Saint Hubert
3rd                Leiborschy Jante A Legacy
Res        Herlinga Helewise
VHC       Leiborschy Maia Do Ones Best
Junior Bitch  (5 entries)
1st                 Morganna Star Anise
2nd                Herlinga Zaffron To Zilvarson
3rd                Herlinga Hulda With Aswann
Res        Elyscea Xanthe
VHC       Blamtrinever Boa Venus
Yearling Bitch  (4 entries, 2 absent)
1st                 Kisdons All Over Again
2nd                Zoldmali Anisz At Genlusa
Graduate Bitch (3 entries)
1st                 Morganna Cosmopolitan
2nd                Honey Buzzard
3rd          Indriel Aine
Post Graduate Bitch  (4 entries)
1st                 Tragus Sweet Rocket To Ferrarian
2nd                Falcongreen Guba
3rd                Tragus Apricot Beauty Of Carlequin
Res        Indriel Aine
Limit Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st                 My Solitaire For Silvannus JW
2nd                Oakberrow Gintastic
3rd                Firefrost Amethyst
Open Bitch (9 entries)
1st                 Tragus Honey Buzzard
2nd                Herlinga Herleva Sh. CM
3rd                Belatarr Mahalia Jackson Sh. CM
Res        Fassfields Queen Breha
VHC       Sh. Ch. Tragus Zuri Sh. CM
Veteran Bitch (4 entries)
1st                 Kenmillix Metope At Fassfields
2nd                Gamepoint Cupcake At Gwaithmaes
Special Working Bitch (2 entries)
1st                 Firefrost Huntress
2nd                Herlinga Hadley            
Special Awards – Dogs – Judge: Mrs Leslet Trow (Winterwell)
Special Award Junior Dog (7 entries, 2 absent)
1st                 Silvanus Hang Cool Tedy Bear
2nd                Ambermoore Diamond Heist Hollowmoor
3rd                Lannok Szivos
Res        Bobby Robson
VHC       Tragus Aladdin at Stukeley
Special Award Post Graduate Dog (5 entries, 2 absent)
1st                 Tragus Fire King
2nd                Lannok Szivos
3rd                Zoldmali U R Special
Special Award Open Dog   (7 entries, 1 absent)
1st                 Phoenix Rising Around Miadsc
2nd                Leiborschy Lincoln Of Fryerfold
3rd                Gwaithmaes Shameless
Res        Leiborschy Ekko
VHC       Tragus Rudo
Special Awards – Bitches- Judge: Miss Alex Friar (Sashal)
Special Award Junior Bitch (8 entries, 3 absent)
1st                 Gwaithmaes Persephone
2nd                Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue At Miadsc
3rd                Blamtrinever Boa Venus
Res        Silvanus Original Sinn
VHC       Leiborschy Maia Do Ones Best
Special Award Post Graduate Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st                 Firefrost Huntress
2nd                Indriel Aine
Special Award Open Bitch (5 entries)
1st                 Oakberrow Gintastic
2nd                Fassfields Queen Breha
3rd                Kenmillix Metope At Fassfields
Res        Firefrost Amethyst
VHC       Gamepoint Cupcake of Gwaithmaes


The HWVA Fifth Breed Championship Show 2015

Many thanks to the officers and committee from the HWV association for asking me to judge their Championship show.  I thoroughly enjoyed my day and had the pleasure of judging some excellent dogs.

Well grown young dog with a lovely head and super expression, long neck leading into clean shoulders, very good coat, medium angulation behind, topline a little rounded leading into a steep croup, moved OK

PUPPY DOG (5, 1ab)
Lovely type of puppy, balanced head with a kind expression, lovely neck leading into clean shoulders, lovely depth of ribs, correct topline, very good hindquarters, good textured coat, moved really well just a little proud of his tail. Delighted to award him BPIS
Masculine head with a lovely expression, very long neck, clean shoulders but forward placed and lacking length of upperarm, moderate depth of ribs, strong topline, lovely textured coat, moved on a great profile stride but not so clean in front as the winner

Lovely type of dog with a balanced head, lovely expression, good length of neck, clean shoulders and good length of upperarm, good boned limbs, good topline, excellent coat, moderate angulation behind when stacked but free standing is much better in second thigh, moved cleanly
3rd Taylor & Jordan GALICAR OH BLING IT ON

YEARLING DOG (5, 2 ab)
Masculine dog with a lovely typical quality head, super expression, strong muzzle, strong neck of good length, lovely bones legs and good feet, super well sprung ribs, strong loins, correct topline, very good hindquarters including width of second thigh, excellent coat, moved really well covering the ground – delighted to,award him the RCC
This dog really settled as the classes went on and presented a much better outline on both the stack and on the move, nice type of head and lovely expression, strong neck, topline much better in this class, good hindquarters and moved well
3rd Coates-Macdonald AVAR ZOLDMALI

Shorter coupled dog with a fabulous textured coat, strong neck, deep brisket, moderate angulation behind, moved ok

I was really taken by this dog but he needs more ring experience to enhance his quality.  Lovely headed dog with a good expression, lovely neck leading into well placed shoulders and upperarm, Well sprung ribs, good topline, very good,hindquarters, excellent coat, moved well just didn’t show in the challenge.
3rd Rickman & Williamson HERLINGA HEORTWODE

Lovely headed dog with a kind expression from dark eyes, strong neck, clean shoulders but a little forward placed, lovely boned legs, very good ribs, strong topline, very good angulation behind, moved well.
Very similar to the winner in type, lovely head with a great expression, lovely neck into clean shoulders, well boned legs, very good depth of ribs, well angulated behind, lovely textured coat, moved well but not so clean in front.

OPEN DOG (8) – Unfortunately one dog was withdrawn as he was very slightly lame
Lovely type of dog that I personally wouldn’t want any bigger.  Having said that he is a lovely type and sound moving.  Lovely masculine head with an excellent expression, strong neck into clean shoulders and good length of upperarm, deep brisket, well sprung ribs and good forechest,  correct topline, very well angulated behind including good width of second thigh, moved soundly with drive.  Delighted to,award him the DCC.
Another lovely quality dog with a much stronger head, dark eyes but his right eye looked a little irritated, good strong neck, clean shoulders but not as laid back as the winner, good forechest, lovely boned legs, deep ribs, well angulated behind, excellent textured coat, moved well.

A dog I have liked before and still looking good, lovely head and dark eyes, strong neck, clean shoulders, lovely boned legs, excellent topline, very well angulated behind, moved well.
Two very pretty puppies of similar type whom I found out later were litter sisters.  Such a lovely type with a very pretty feminine head, lovely neck leading into clean shoulders, great topline, deep brisket, excellent hindquarters, thick coat, moved soundly but would have preferred a little more animation.
Another very pretty puppy, lovely head with a kind expression, long neck, clean shoulders, deep brisket, very well angulated behind, moved really well, excellent texture coat just needs more experience in the ring to help show off her many virtues.

Lovely stylish quality bitch, typical feminine head with a lovely expression, long neck leading into clean shoulders, deep well sprung ribs, well,boned legs, correct topline, croup a little steep, very good angulation behind, moved soundly and with drive, very good coat – RBPIS
Another quality puppy, balanced in head but not quite the typical head I was looking for, long neck leading into clean shoulders, good boned legs, correct topline, very good angulation behind including width of second thigh, deep ribs, moved well.

headed by two lovely bitches
Fabulous young bitch whom I liked as a raw puppy and is now growing up to be a force to contend with.  Such a lovely size and balance, typical feminine head with the best of expressions from lovely eyes, strong neck of good length leading into well placed clean shoulders, lovely boned legs and tight feet, deep brisket, well sprung ribs, excellent topline, very good angulation with good,width of second thigh, lovely coat and moved well.  I really thought she would be my CC winner but in the challenge the Veteran bitch outmoved everyone.
Another lovely quality young bitch, lovely headed bitch with a good expression but eyes not as dark as the winner, good length of neck, clean shoulders, good depth of ribs, well angulated behind, very good coat, moved soundly.

Lovely sized bitch with a pretty head, long neck into clean shoulders, deep ribs, topline a little rounded leading into a steep croup, very good,hindquarters, coat OK.
Typical headed bitch, long neck, good depth of ribs, moderate angulation behind, good coat, unfortunately not moving completely level with an intermittent un-soundness.

Quality bitch with a fabulous head, lovely expression, strong neck, clean shoulders and enough length of upperarm, lovely boned legs and good feet, well sprung ribs, excellent topline, very well angulated behind, super textured coat, very sound moving especial in profile but a little wide in front movement.
Another pretty bitch with a lovely head and gentle expression, strong neck, good depth of ribs, more moderate in angulation, excellent coat, moved well

Very pretty bitch with a fabulous head and expression, good length of neck, clean shoulders, medium boned legs, deep brisket, lovely topline, very good coat, shown to perfection
Very pretty headed with lovely dark eyes, good length of neck into clean shoulders, very good,hindquarters, moved well

Such a pretty bitch, lovely quality head with a kind expression, medium boned limbs, long neck into clean shoulders, deep brisket, super spring of ribs, correct topline, excellent coat, moved with such a great profile stride.
Different type to the winner but still very pretty and typical, a little larger all over than the winner, lovely head and a super expression, long neck into clean shoulders, deep brisket, well angulated behind, moved soundly.

Lovely class
Pretty feminine bitch with a super head, lovely expression from dark eyes, good length of neck into clean shoulders, lovely boned legs, good forechest, well sprung ribs, good topline, very well angulated behind, sound moving just lacked a little enthusiasm in the challenge maybe the heat got a bit too much for her.
2nd Wand and Rickman HERLINGA HERLEVA
Rangier than the winner but still a lovely type, very pretty headed with a lovely expression, long neck leading to well placed shoulders and good length of upperarm, medium boned, deep,ribs, correct topline, very good hindquarters, moved well but would have preferred more body condition.

When I first saw this bitch she reminded me so much of the bitch we showed – such a lovely type and overall balance, lovely feminine head with an excellent expression from dark eyes, very good coat texture on her head, long neck leading into clean well placed shoulders, a tad shorter in upperarm than ideal, well boned legs and good feet, deep ribs and well sprung, correct topline and croup, excellent hindquarters including width of second thigh, excellent thick coat with wire texture, so sound on the move showing great profile stride and drive behind she just flowed around the ring with such ease I could have watched her all day.  Delighted to award her the CC/BIS and hope her third CC isn’t that far away.
Pretty headed bitch with a lovely expression, good length of neck, well boned legs and good depth of ribs, moved OK

SPECIAL WORKING (2) two lovely quality bitches showing true dual purpose capabilities
Lovely sized bitch with a pretty head, good expression from eyes of good. Colour, long neck, clean shoulders, deep brisket, very good topline, well angulated behind, super textured coat, moved well
Rangier in type than the winner but still very typical, lovely expression and a feminine head, good length of neck, clean shoulders, well ribbed, good textured coat, moved well.

Judge – Miss Sharon R Pinkerton

Dogs – Judge Mrs Lesley Trow

Junior Dog

1st  HOLMAN,Mrs D L & MOSS,Mr A D, Silvanus Hang Cool Tedy Bear. Good head and eye. Good strong straight legs leading to good feet. 10 months old  Needs to tighten up

2nd   WILLIAMS, Mrs A D, Ambermoore Diamond Heist.Again good head and eye nice depth of chest .

3rd    HOWARD, Mrs S M & Mr L W. Lanokk Szivos.

Post Graduate Dog

1st  GODFREY. Mrs J. Tragus Fire King.Good head and eye moved well.

2nd     HOWARD, Mrs S M  & MR L W.  Lanokk Szivos Good balanced dog good coat and facial hair.

3rd HOWARD,Mrs S M & MR LW.Zoldmali UR  Special(Imp)

Open Dog

1st   SUMMERFIELD, Mrs R & BRODERICK, Mrs,  Phoenix Rising Around Miadsc. Good head and coat moved well good in front  assembly  well muscled needed a little more weight to finnish the picture.

2nd     STEPHENSON, Mrs S, Leiborschy Lincoln of Fryerfold.Good head and eye good coat .

3rd      ALDRIDGE, Ms Y L,  Gwaithmaes Shameless.

Bitches – Judge: Alex Friar

Junior Bitch (8, 3 absent)

1st Gwaithmaes Persephone

Tall bitch, balanced head, good expression and sufficient furnishings. Lengthy neck, clean shoulders and sufficient forechest. Good depth to chest for age, ribs reaching well back, level topline. Good width of thigh and straight hock to ground. Moved soundly on a long free stride once settled. Coat of good texture and colour.

2nd Ambermoore Tanzanite Blue at Miadsc

Balanced head, good eye and expression. Adequate length of neck, good forechest and depth of chest, level topline, Moderately angulated, Good legs, bone and feet. Moves soundly Well presented in good condition and well schooled.

3rd Blamtrinever Boa Venus

Post Graduate Bitch (3,1)

1st Firefrost Huntress

Preferred balance and type of this bitch over 2. Presents a typical outline with correct body proportions. Balanced head, good eye and typical expression. Sufficient length of neck, adequate depth of chest, ribs well sprung and reaching well back. Good boned legs and good feet. Level topline, Good width of thigh, hocks to ground short and straight. Tight coat of good colour and texture. Moves very soundly, straight and true down and back.

2nd Indriel Anne

Good eye colour, alert expression, clean neck, ok bone, good feet, good depth of chest, moderately angulated, hocks to ground short and straight. Excellent coat of good depth, texture and colour.

Open Bitch (5)

1st Oakberrow Gintastic

One I have liked before as a puppy and pleased to see she is fulfilling her potential. Excellent type, good height to length, presents a balanced outline. Balanced head, good eye and typical expression. Adequate length of neck, good shoulder, forechest and depth of chest. Level topline held on the move, ribs well spring reaching well back. Good width of thigh, hocks to ground short and straight. Coat of good depth and texture. Moves very soundly on a long free stride, straight and true down and back

2nd Fassfield Queen Breha

Balanced bitch with good breed type, good head and expression with good eye colour and furnishings. Good straight boned legs, good shoulders and upper arm, ribs well sprung, deep and reaching well back to short loin. Hocks to ground short and straight. Moved freely on a good length of stride.

3Rd Kenmillix Metope at Fassfields

HWVA Championship Show 2014 – Fourth Championship Show

Judge Marion McAngus

BEST IN SHOW                                         COLLIER’S BELATARR MAHALIA JACKSON
BEST DOG                                                   UPTON’S RAGNOLDS FANTASTIC MR FOX TO TRAGUS
BEST BITCH                                              COLLIER’S BELATARR MAHALIA JACKSON
RESERVE BEST BITCH                          DREW’S FIREFROST HUNTRESS         .
Class 1                         Minor Puppy Dog 5 Entries (1 Absent)
1st       Spillane & Salisbury’s Belatarr Hercules
2nd      Ryan’s  Belatarr Sculptor
3rd       George & Parker’s Firefrost Full Moon
Res      Harmer’s Leiborschy Kolyok
Class 2                         Puppy Dog 3 Entries
1st       Ryan’s  Belatarr Sculptor
2nd      George & Parker’s Firefrost Full Moon
3rd       Harmer’s Leiborschy Kolyok
Class 3                         Junior Dog 6 Entries
1st       Upton’s Ragnolds Fantastic Mr Fox To Tragus
2nd      Johnston’s Zoldmali Vodka
3rd       Godfrey’s Tragus Fire King
Res      Harris’s Zoldmali Zeno At Tykashyyk (Imp)
VHC     Pope & Howard’s Zoldmali U R Special (Imp)
Class 4                         Yearling Dog 2 Entries
1st       Turton’s The Brigadier Of Blamtrinever
2nd     Allison’s Napvirag Dolgos Arlo
Class 5                         Graduate Dog 3 Entries
1st       Stephenson’s Leiborschy Lincoln Of Fryerfold
2nd      Rotherham’s Blamtrinever Top Gun
3rd       Marshall & Draper’s Bardantop Blueberry
Class 6                         Post Graduate Dog 7 Entries
1st       Stephenson’s Leiborschy Lincoln Of Fryerfold
2nd      Wild’s Herlinga Harlan
3rd       May’s Furdohazi Alnok Of Amiryck (Imp)
Res      Harris’s Golden Gatsby At Tykashyyk
VHC     Godfrey’s Tragus Kestrel
Class 7                         Limit Dog 4 Entries (2 Absent)
1st       Collier’s Belatarr Dizzy Gillespie
2nd      Godfrey’s Tragus Rudo
Class 8                         Open Dog 7 Entries
1st       Harper’s Pitswarren Sirocco
2nd      McLeish’s Cwsscwn Cadiz
3rd       Dowell’s Leiborschy Ekko
Res      Upton’s Sh Ch Tragus Jakobi
VHC     Allison’s Monkstrod Hornet
Class 9                         Veteran Dog 2 Entries (1 Absent)
1st       Parry’s Leiborschy Wilfek
Class 10           Special Working Dog No Entries
Class 11           Minor Puppy Bitch 3 Entries
1st       Harper’s Quodians Harifa at Pitswarren (Imp)
2nd      Parry’s Leiborschy Lenya
3rd       Branney’s Belatarr Lyra
Class 12           Puppy Bitch 3 Entries
1st       Edminson’s Kisdons All Over Again
2nd      Parry’s Leiborschy Lenya
3rd       Wearing’s Zoldmali Anizs at Genlusa NAF TAF
Class 13           Junior Bitch 4 Entries
1st       Smith’s Tragus Sweet Rocket To Ferrarian
2nd      Lewin’s Vynesbrook Savanna
3rd       Bendikas’s Morganna Hot Spice
Res      Dempter’s Hosokter Szirom Miatt Madilor
Class 14           Yearling Bitch 6 Entries
1st       Holman’s My Solitaire For Silvanus
2nd     Smillie’s Oakberrow Gintastic
3rd      Cooper’s Zoldmali Narcisz with Deifstock
Res      Lawson’s Zoldmali Sercli At Riannor
VHC     Grove’s Zoldmali Sari (Imp)
Class 15           Graduate Bitch 6 Entries
1st       Munday & Spalding’s Deifstock Dolce Vita at Kubear
2nd      Edminson’s Kisdons All Over Again
3rd       Smillie’s Oakberrow Gintastic
Res      May’s Amiryck Dabinett
VHC     Marshall & Draper’s  Bardantop Tayberry
Class 16           Post Graduate Bitch 5 Entries
1st       Aldriges’s Gwaithmaes Devine Design
2nd      Thompson’s Bardantop Mulberry From Moricroft
3rd       Lawson & Wright’s Zoldmali Sercli At Riannor
Res      Parry’s Leiborschy Griet
VHC     Strutt’s Casapeludas Queen Kate
Class 17           Limit Bitch 9 Entries (3 absent)
1st       Collier’s Belatarr Mahalia Jackson
2nd      Upton’s Tragus Honey Buzzard JW
3rd       Wearing’s Zoldmali Duna At Genlusa (Imp)
Res      Howes’s Firefrost Amethyst
VHC     Johnson’s Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
Class 18           Open Bitch 5 Entries (1 absent)
1st       Morgan & Schofield’s Cwsscwn Calico
2nd      Smith’s Tragus Ayana
3rd       Reed’s Cuffnells Sweet Violet
Res      Wearing’s Zoldmali Ubrez At Genlusa (Imp)
Class 19           Veteran Bitch 3 Entries (1 absent)
1st       Smillies’s Farnfield Pussy Galore Of Galicar Sh.CM
2nd      Lewin’s Cwsscwn Chozen For Vynesbrook
Class 20           Special Working Bitch 4 Entries
1st       Drew’s Firefrost Huntress
2nd      Drew’s Firefrost Enchantress
3rd       Johnon’s Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
Res      Dempster’s Madilor Moth
Class 21           Special Award Junior Dog 8 Entries (1 absent)
1st       Ryan’s Belatarr Sculptor
2nd      Harris’s Zoldmali Zeno At Tykashyyk (Imp)
3rd       Johnston’s Zoldmali Vodka
Res      Godfrey’s Tragus Fire King
VHC      Powell’s Bardantop Red Splash
Class 22           Special Award Post Graduate Dog 7 Entries ( 1 absent)
1st       Godfrey’s Tragus Kestrel
2nd       Wild’s Herlinga Harlan
3rd        Allison’s Napvirag Dolgos Arlo
Res      Marshall & Draper’s Bardantop Blueberry
VHC     Harris’s Golden Gatsby At Tykashyyk
Class 23           Special Award Open Dog 5 Entries (2 absent)
1st       Godfrey’s Tragus Rudo
2nd      McLeish’s Cwsscwn Cadiz
3rd       Allison’s Monkstrod Hornet
Class 24           Special Award Junior Bitch 4 Entries
1st       Wearing’s Zoldmali Anizs at Genlusa NAF TAF
2nd      Parry’s Leiborschy Lenya
3rd       Dempster’s Hosokter Szirom Miatt Madilor
Res      Branney’s Belatarr Lyra
Class 25           Special Award Post Graduate Bitch 8 Entries (1 absent)
1st       Cooper’s Zoldmali Narcisz with Deifstock
2nd      Aldridges Gwaithmaes Devine Design
3rd       Munday & Spalding’s Deifstock Dolce Vita at Kubear
Res      Grove’s Zoldmali Sari (Imp)
VHC     Drew’s  Firefrost Huntress
Class 26           Special Award Open Bitch 7 Entries
1st       Reed’s Cuffnells Sweet Violet
2nd      Collier’s Belatarr Mahalia Jackson
3rd       Morgan & Schofield’s Cwsscwn Calico
Res      Wearing’s Zoldmali Ubrez At Genlusa (Imp)
VHC     Howes’s Firefrost Amethyst

HWVA Championship Show 2013 – Third Championship Show

Judge Miss D Smillie


Championship Show Critiques

Special Awards Dogs

Special Award Bitches (Not Available)

HWVA Championship Show 2012 – Second Championship Show

Judge Moray Armstrong

History was made at the Second HWVA Championship show where the breed’s 2nd Show Champion, but first ‘Male’ Show Champion, was crowned. Donna Holman’s Silvanus Oh Oh Seven was awarded his third CC after winning the Veteran Class, Oh Oh Seven then went on to win Best in Show, and also Best Veteran in Show.

The Bitch CC was awarded to Peter and Linda Upton’s Tragus Honey Buzzard, again history in the making, as Honey Buzzard is just 6 months and 3 weeks old, making her the youngest CC winner in the breed. Honey Buzzard went on to gain Reserve Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show.

Reserve Dog CC was awarded to Tragus Jakobi and the Reserve Bitch CC went to Zoldmali Huncut at Lanokk(imp). Reserve Best Puppy in Show was awarded to Herlinga Harlan.

Congratulations to all the winners.

CC Dog Silvanus Oh Oh Seven
Res CC Dog Tragus Jakobi
CC Bitch Tragus Honey Buzzard
Res CC Bitch Zoldmali Huncut Of Lanokk
Reserve Best in Show – TRAGUS HONEY BUZZARD
Reserve Best Puppy In Show- HERLINGA HARLAN
Best Veteran In Breed – SILVANUS OH OH SEVEN
Best Breeder in Breed – Mr & Mrs Upton (Tragus)
Minor Puppy Dog (5 entries)
1st Leiborschy Lincoln Of Fryerfold
2nd Tragus Kestrel
3rd Bardontop Blueberry
Res Danton Secret Mission
VHC Blamtrinever Top Gun
Puppy Dog (7 entries, 2 absent)
1st Herlinga Harlan
2nd Leiborschy Lincoln Of Fryerfold
3rd Tragus Kestrel
Res Bardontop Blueberry
VHC Jani Vermentino
Junior Dog (4 entries)
1st Golden Gatsby
2nd Copernicus Hoochiecoochie
3rd Zamiyla Edvard
Res Hosokter Rivera
Yearling Dog (5 entries)
1st Leiborschy Syrus
2nd Leiborschy Ruari
3rd Leiborschy Vegul
Res Cuffnells Forester
VHC Hosokter Rivera
Graduate Dog (3 entries)
1st Cuffnells Forester
2nd Silvanus King Arthur
3rd Kenmillix Iris Acis
Post Graduate Dog (7 entries, 1 absent)
1st Monkstod Hornet
2nd Hejocsabai Turel At Cragvallie (Imp)
3rd Cwsscwn Cadiz
Res Tragus Rudo
VHC Tragus Kashka
Limit Dog (9 entries)
1st Tragus Jakobi
2nd Kisdons Well To Do
3rd Furdohazi Alnok Of Amiryck
Res Herlinga Herveus
VHC Riannor Oszkar
Open Dog (3 entries , 1 absent, 1 Withdrawn)
1st Cwsscwn Chanzer At Bethersden
Veteran Dog (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st Silvanus Oh Oh Seven
2nd Kisdons Russian Hero Miatt Madilor
Special Working Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st Kisdons Russian Hero Miatt Madilor
Minor Puppy Bitch (6 entries)
1st Tragus Honey Buzzard
2nd Leiborschy Rena
3rd Cwsscwn Cotton
Res Cwsscwn Calico
VHC Danton Saucy Secret
Puppy Bitch (9 entries, 3 absent)
1st Tragus Honey Buzzard
2nd Leiborschy Rena
3rd Moricroft Mayfair To Sonnetend
Res Herlinga Hadley
VHC Moricroft Mayfly
Junior Bitch (5 entries, 2 absent)
1st Zoldmali Huncut Of Lanokk
2nd Addaci Enchanted Spirit
3rd Fassfields Princess Leia At Chilston
Yearling Bitch (6 entries)
1st Leiborschy Griet
2nd Cuffnells Sweet Violet
3rd Leiborschy Hajno Of Elyscea
Res Falcongreen Guba
VHC Zoldmali Duna At Genlusa
Graduate Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st Cuffnells Sweet Violet
2nd Leiborschy Hajno Of Elyscea
Post Graduate Bitch (7 entries, 1 absent)
1st Cwsscwn Chanzy
2nd Zoldmali Csoda Of Lanokk
3rd Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
Res Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow
VHC Tragus Ayana
Limit Bitch (7 entries, 1 absent)
1st Silvanus Modesty Blaise
2nd Tragus Lily Of The Mohawks
3rd Miasdsc Diamond
Res Moricroft Maple Via Bardontop
VHC Kisdons Xcels At Herlinga
Open Bitch (9 entries, 1 absent)
1st Tragus Apache Feather
2nd Tragus Zuri
3rd Farnfield Pussy Galore Of Galicar Sh.CM
Res Herlinga Herleva
VHC Tragus Chinook Wind Of Pitswarren
Veteran Bitch (4 entries, 2 absent)
1st Ayita Wedding Day Of Miasdc
2nd Silvanus Moll Flanders
Special Working Bitch (3 entries, 1 Absent)
1st Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
2nd Leiborschy Skarlat
Special Awards
Judge: Mr D Moss (Ewtor)
Special Award Novice (9 entries, 1 absent)
1st Cwsscwn Cotton
2nd Moricroft Mayfly
3rd Cwsscwn Calico
Res Moricroft Mayfair To Sonnetend
VHC Golden Gatsby
Special Award Not Bred By Exhibitor (12 entries, 1 absent)
1st Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow
2nd Gamepoint Cupcake Of Gwaithmaes
3rd Ayita Wedding Day Of Miasdc
Res Zoldmali Duna At Genlusa
VHC Fassfields Princess Leia At Chilston
Special Award Good Citizen (6 entries, 2 absent)
1st Miasdc Diamond
2nd Firefrost Amethyst
3rd Monkstrod Hornet
Res Kisdons Version
Minor Puppy Dog (5)
1 Stephenson’s Leiborschy Lincoln of Fryerfold, pleasing head, nice bone and feet strong topline, moderate quarters, moved Ok. In nice coat.
2 Godfrey’s Tragus Kestrel, promising young dog of nice shape and make. Moved OK . Would prefer better tail carriage, but has many plus points. In good coat.
3 Bardontop Blue Berry
Puppy Dog (7)
1 Wild’s Herlinga Harlan top class pup of lovely breed type, pleasing head and eye, nice bone, feet, strong topline and quarters, moved well.
2 Stephenson’s Leiborschy Lincoln of Fryerford
3 Tragus Kestrel
Junior Dog (7)
1 Harris’s Golden Gatsby, quality dog of good size. Masculine head, good front and feet , nice neck and shoulder. Body and topline strong. Moved well in good coat.
2 Barto & Richards’s Copernicus Hoochiecoochie, top size young dog very sound and stylish. Masculine head, nice body and quarters, moved OK not the feet of 1
3 Zamyla Edvard
Yearling Dog (5)
1 Stockwell’s Leiborschy Syrus, medium size dog , excellent make and shape, good front, body and quarters, moved well, nice head shown in good coat and condition.
2 Spencer’s Leiborschy Ruari, litter brother to 1 same remarks as 1 too. Smart young dog a credit to their breeder. Sure they will change places on another day.
3 Harmer’s Leiborschy Vegul
Graduate Dog (3)
1 Dodd’s Cuffnells Forester pleasing head and eye, good neck, shoulders topline and quarters, in good coat, moved ok.
2 Jackson’s Silvanus King Arthur, masculine head, good ribs , topline and bone. Shown in good coat.
3 Kenmillix Iris Acis
Post Graduate Dog (7)
1 Allison’s Monkstrod Hornet, medium sized dog, pleasing head and eye, good front, bone and feet, Strong topline moved well in good side profile Excellent coat.
2 Whiting’s Hejocsabai Tural at Cragvallie ( Imp) masculine Head, super front, bone and feet. Strong topline, moved well. Could benefit from more turn of stifle, one of the best coats here today.
3 Cwsscwn Cadiz
Limit Dog (9)
1 Res CC Rowan & Upton’s Tragus Jakobi quality dog of good size, masculine head excellent neck and shoulders. Strong topline quarters, shown in excellent coat and condition, moved well in front and nice side profile.
2 Edminson’s Kisdons Well to Do, another top class dog super head and eye, well constructed front, strong topline, and quarters. Moved OK today last time judged him outside and he put on a much better performance.
3 Furdohazi Alnok of Amiryck (Imp)
Open Dog (3)
1 Tolladay, Morgan & Schofield’s Cwsscwn Chanzer of Bethersden, a quality dog of nice size, masculine head, well constructed front, good body length, nice quarters moved well with style, Shown in top class coat and condition. Close to top honours.
Veteran Dog (3)
1st CC BIS Holman Silvanus Oh Oh Seven, top quality dog from any angle, pleasing head and eye, well constructed, sound stylish. Shown in excellent coat and condition. Pleased to hear this was his 3rd CC Congratulations.
2 Dempster’s Kisdons Russian Hero with Madilor nice head and expression , pleasing front, body and quarters moved OK . Needs a bit more weight to complete the picture.
Minor Puppy Bitch (6)
1 CC Upton’s Tragus Honey Buzzard, top class bitch that I found hard to fault. Super head, well constructed body. Excellent bone and feet. Super body shape, good turn of stifle. Super side profile keeping a strong topline on the move. Shown in tip top coat and condition the only thing I would like to change is her ownership – into my name. Good luck.
2 Parry’s Leiborschy Rena another quality bitch. Has all the essentials to gain her title. Lovely breed type. Sound and stylish, quality head, very good body in super coat and condition.
3 Cwsscwn Cotton
Puppy Bitch (9)
1 Tragus Honey buzzard
2 Leiborschy Rena
3 Moricroft Mayfair to Sonnetend
Junior Bitch(5)
1 RCC Walker’s Zoldmali Huncut of Lanokk (Imp) top quality bitch of nice size with pleasing head. Well constructed front, nice body and quarters, moved well with good side profile. Shown in tip top coat and condition.
2 Reed’s Addaci Enchanted Spirit, feminine head, nice front and feet, good body and quarters, moved soundly. Not side profile of 1
3 Fassfields Princess Leia at Chilston
Yearling Bitch (6)
1 Parry’s Leiborschy Griet , top size bitch of good make and shape, nice head, very good front topline and quarters, moved OK in good coat and condition.
2 Reed’s Cuffnells Sweet Violet, lovely head and eye, good neck shoulder, moved OK close to 1
3 Leiborschy Hajna of Elyscea
Graduate Bitch(3)
1 Reed’s Cuffnells Sweet Violet
2 Stott’s Leiborschy Hajna of Elyscea, feminine head, strong quarters and body, bone and feet. In nice coat, moved OK, close to 1
Post Graduate Bitch (7)
1 Morgan & Schofield’s Cwsscwn Chanzy, quality bitch, pleasing make and shape, Good head nice front strong topline moved well with good side profile, nice coat.
2 Walker’s Zoldmali Csoda of Lanokk (Imp) medium size with good head pleasing neck and shoulders, good ribs and quarters, strong topline and quarters in good coat and condition.
3 Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
Limit Bitch (7)
1 Holman’s Silvanus Modesty Blaise, top size for me but has many virtues. Feminine head, nice front, body and quarters, in good coat and condition.
2 Smith’s Tragus Lily of the Mohawks, super coat and condition, nice head and front, good strong topline moved well tail carriage could be better.
3 Maidsc Diamond
Open Bitch ( 9)
A difficult class to judge, poor movement, a lot of bitches were top size for me
1 Upton’s Tragus Apache Feather, nice for size good head, balanced body , strong quarters and topline in nice coat, moved OK.
2 Richardson’s Tragus Zuri, bigger bitch, super head neck and shoulders, nice body bone and feet. Good topline, moved OK. Close to 1
3 Farnfield Pussy Galore of Galicar Sh.CM
Veteran Bitch (4)
1 Summerfield’s Ayita Wedding Day of Miadsc, a quality bitch of nice make and shape, moved well a credit to her owner.
2 Hamlyn’s Silvanus Moll Flanders, super front nice body and quarters, good body and coat Moved OK, close to 1
Sp Working Bitch (3)
1 Johnson’s Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
2 Newman’s Leiborschy Skarlat
Moray Armstrong (Judge)


Minor Puppy Dog (5)
1 Stephenson’s Leiborschy Lincoln of Fryerfold, pleasing head, nice bone and feet strong topline, moderate quarters, moved Ok. In nice coat.
2 Godfrey’s Tragus Kestrel, promising young dog of nice shape and make. Moved OK . Would prefer better tail carriage, but has many plus points. In good coat.
3 Bardontop Blue Berry

Puppy Dog (7)
1 Wild’s Herlinga Harlan top class pup of lovely breed type, pleasing head and eye, nice bone, feet, strong topline and quarters, moved well.
2 Stephenson’s Leiborschy Lincoln of Fryerford
3 Tragus Kestrel

Junior Dog (7)
1 Harris’s Golden Gatsby, quality dog of good size. Masculine head, good front and feet , nice neck and shoulder. Body and topline strong. Moved well in good coat.
2 Barto & Richards’s Copernicus Hoochiecoochie, top size young dog very sound and stylish. Masculine head, nice body and quarters, moved OK not the feet of 1
3 Zamyla Edvard

Yearling Dog (5)
1 Stockwell’s Leiborschy Syrus, medium size dog , excellent make and shape, good front, body and quarters, moved well, nice head shown in good coat and condition.
2 Spencer’s Leiborschy Ruari, litter brother to 1 same remarks as 1 too. Smart young dog a credit to their breeder. Sure they will change places on another day.
3 Harmer’s Leiborschy Vegul

Graduate Dog (3)
1 Dodd’s Cuffnells Forester pleasing head and eye, good neck, shoulders topline and quarters, in good coat, moved ok.
2 Jackson’s Silvanus King Arthur, masculine head, good ribs , topline and bone. Shown in good coat.
3 Kenmillix Iris Acis

Post Graduate Dog (7)
1 Allison’s Monkstrod Hornet, medium sized dog, pleasing head and eye, good front, bone and feet, Strong topline moved well in good side profile Excellent coat.
2 Whiting’s Hejocsabai Tural at Cragvallie ( Imp) masculine Head, super front, bone and feet. Strong topline, moved well. Could benefit from more turn of stifle, one of the best coats here today.
3 Cwsscwn Cadiz

Limit Dog (9)
1 Res CC Rowan & Upton’s Tragus Jakobi quality dog of good size, masculine head excellent neck and shoulders. Strong topline quarters, shown in excellent coat and condition, moved well in front and nice side profile.
2 Edminson’s Kisdons Well to Do, another top class dog super head and eye, well constructed front, strong topline, and quarters. Moved OK today last time judged him outside and he put on a much better performance.
3 Furdohazi Alnok of Amiryck (Imp)

Open Dog (3)
1 Tolladay, Morgan & Schofield’s Cwsscwn Chanzer of Bethersden, a quality dog of nice size, masculine head, well constructed front, good body length, nice quarters moved well with style, Shown in top class coat and condition. Close to top honours.

Veteran Dog (3)
1st CC BIS Holman Silvanus Oh Oh Seven, top quality dog from any angle, pleasing head and eye, well constructed, sound stylish. Shown in excellent coat and condition. Pleased to hear this was his 3rd CC Congratulations.
2 Dempster’s Kisdons Russian Hero with Madilor nice head and expression , pleasing front, body and quarters moved OK . Needs a bit more weight to complete the picture.

Minor Puppy Bitch (6)
1 CC Upton’s Tragus Honey Buzzard, top class bitch that I found hard to fault. Super head, well constructed body. Excellent bone and feet. Super body shape, good turn of stifle. Super side profile keeping a strong topline on the move. Shown in tip top coat and condition the only thing I would like to change is her ownership – into my name. Good luck.
2 Parry’s Leiborschy Rena another quality bitch. Has all the essentials to gain her title. Lovely breed type. Sound and stylish, quality head, very good body in super coat and condition.
3 Cwsscwn Cotton

Puppy Bitch (9)
1 Tragus Honey buzzard
2 Leiborschy Rena
3 Moricroft Mayfair to Sonnetend

Junior Bitch(5)
1 RCC Walker’s Zoldmali Huncut of Lanokk (Imp) top quality bitch of nice size with pleasing head. Well constructed front, nice body and quarters, moved well with good side profile. Shown in tip top coat and condition.
2 Reed’s Addaci Enchanted Spirit, feminine head, nice front and feet, good body and quarters, moved soundly. Not side profile of 1
3 Fassfields Princess Leia at Chilston

Yearling Bitch (6)
1 Parry’s Leiborschy Griet , top size bitch of good make and shape, nice head, very good front topline and quarters, moved OK in good coat and condition.
2 Reed’s Cuffnells Sweet Violet, lovely head and eye, good neck shoulder, moved OK close to 1
3 Leiborschy Hajna of Elyscea

Graduate Bitch(3)
1 Reed’s Cuffnells Sweet Violet
2 Stott’s Leiborschy Hajna of Elyscea, feminine head, strong quarters and body, bone and feet. In nice coat, moved OK, close to 1

Post Graduate Bitch (7)
1 Morgan & Schofield’s Cwsscwn Chanzy, quality bitch, pleasing make and shape, Good head nice front strong topline moved well with good side profile, nice coat.
2 Walker’s Zoldmali Csoda of Lanokk (Imp) medium size with good head pleasing neck and shoulders, good ribs and quarters, strong topline and quarters in good coat and condition.
3 Blamtrinever Dancing Queen

Limit Bitch (7)
1 Holman’s Silvanus Modesty Blaise, top size for me but has many virtues. Feminine head, nice front, body and quarters, in good coat and condition.
2 Smith’s Tragus Lily of the Mohawks, super coat and condition, nice head and front, good strong topline moved well tail carriage could be better.
3 Maidsc Diamond

Open Bitch ( 9)
A difficult class to judge, poor movement, a lot of bitches were top size for me
1 Upton’s Tragus Apache Feather, nice for size good head, balanced body , strong quarters and topline in nice coat, moved OK.
2 Richardson’s Tragus Zuri, bigger bitch, super head neck and shoulders, nice body bone and feet. Good topline, moved OK. Close to 1
3 Farnfield Pussy Galore of Galicar Sh.CM

Veteran Bitch (4)
1 Summerfield’s Ayita Wedding Day of Miadsc, a quality bitch of nice make and shape, moved well a credit to her owner.
2 Hamlyn’s Silvanus Moll Flanders, super front nice body and quarters, good body and coat Moved OK, close to 1

Sp Working Bitch (3)
1 Johnson’s Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
2 Newman’s Leiborschy Skarlat

Moray Armstrong (Judge)

HWVA Championship Show 2011 – First Championship Show

Judge Frank Kane

The HWVA held it’s first ever Championship Show on 23 April 2011

CC DOG Rickman’s Herlinga Herveus
Res CC DOG Dowell’s Leiborschy Ekko
CC BITCH Pearson’s Lanspar Reti Perge
Res CC BITCH Wearing’s Zoldmali Ubrez at Genlusa
BEST PUPPY DOG Stockwell’s Leiborschy Syrus
BEST PUPPY BITCH Walker’s Zoldmali Csoda of Lanokk (Imp) NAF TAF
BEST IN SHOW Rickman’s Herlinga Herveus
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW Pearson’s Lanspar Reti Perge
BEST OPPOSITE SEX Pearson’s Lanspar Reti Perge
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Walker’s Zoldmali Csoda of Lanokk (Imp) NAF TAF
RESERVE BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Revell’s Falcongreen Guba
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW Hamlyn’s Silvanus Moll Flanders
Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog
1st Stockwell’s Leiborschy Syrus
2nd Spencer’s Leiborschy Ruari
3rd Harmer’s Leiborschy Vegul
Class 2 Puppy Dog 6 Entries (1 absent)
1st Stockwell’s Leiborschy Syrus
2nd Spencer’s Leiborschy Ruari
3rd Haslin’s Cwsscwn Aramis
Res Harmer’s Leiborschy Vegul
VHC Dodd’s Cuffnells Forester
Class 3 Junior Dog 6 Entries (1 absent)
1st Branney’s Morehay Lars of Belatarr
2nd Whiting’s Cragvallie Copper
3rd Upton & Rowan’s Tragus Jakobi
Res Lawson’s Riannor Oszkar
VHC Godfrey’s Tragus Rudo
Class 4 Yearling Dog 4 Entries
1st Rickman Herlinga Herveus
2nd Jackson’s Silvanus King Arthur
3rd May’s Amiryck Vega
Res Godfrey’s Tragus Rudo
Class 5 Graduate Dog 6 Entries
1st Fisher’s Leiborschy Ylam
2nd Hibbert’s Cwsscwn Perchanze To Dream at Mindszenty
3rd Garstang’s Kisdons Version
Res Isgrove’s Cwsscwn Czardas
VHC Crews’s Moricroft Moments
Class 6 Post Graduate Dog
1st Whiting’s Zoldmali Vadasz at Cragvallie
2nd Walker’s Gosflight Tallon of Lanokk
3rd Wild’s Starshot Indiana
Res Mcleish’s Cwsscwn Cadiz
VHC Delf’s Starshot Laird
Class 7 Limit Dog 7 Entries (1 absent)
1st Dowell’s Leiborschy Ekko
2nd Edminson’s Kisdons Well To Do
3rd Proctor’s Leiborschy Steffan
Res Halls’s Vadkacsa Speyburn of Aranyhaz
VHC Baker’s Kenmillix King of Athens at Travaillant
Class 8 Open Dog 7 Entries
1st Boyes-Korkis Starshot Harvest Moon
2nd Tolladay. Morgan & Schofield’s Cwsscwn Chanzer at Bethersden
3rd Rowan &Upton’s Tragus Fred Astaire
Res Hill’s Leiborschy Remek
VHC Pearson’s Lanspar Kolibri
Class 9 Veteran Dog 3 Entries
1st Dempster’s Kisdon’s Russian Hero Miatt Madilor
2nd Guest’s Bardantop Rochester
3rd Gray’s Abafia Lord vom Abbeystag
Class 10 Special Working Dog
1st Dempster’s Kisdon’s Russian Hero Miatt Madilor
2nd Halls’s Vadkacsa Speyburn of Aranyhaz
Class 11 Minor Puppy Bitch
1st Revell’s Falcongreen Guba
2nd Parry’s Leiborschy Griet
3rd Stott’s Leiborschy Hajna of Elyscea
Res Isgrove’s Amiryck Atria
Class 12 Puppy Bitch 11 Entries (2 absent)
1st Walker’s Zoldmali Csoda of Lanokk (Imp) NAF TAF
2nd Reed’s Cuffnells Sweet Violet
3rd Parry’s Leiborschy Griet
Res Wearing’s Zoldmali Duna at Genlusa NAF TAF
VHC Stott’s Leiborschy Hajna of Elyscea
Class 13 Junior Bitch 6 Entries (2 absent)
1st Newman’s Morganna Allspice
2nd Richardson’s Tragus Zuri
3rd Smith’s Tragus Ayana
Res Webb & Casey Farnfield Ain’t Misbehaving
Class 14 Yearling Bitch 4 Entries
1st Rickman & Wand’s Herlinga Herleva
2nd Richardson’s Tragus Zuri
3rd Holman & Moss’s Silvanus Modesty Blaise
Res Rickman’s Kisdon Xcels at Herlinga
Class 15 Graduate Bitch 12 Entries (3 absent)
1st Wearing’s Zoldmali Ubrez at Genlusa
2nd Campbell’s Cwsscwn Caszandra of Blackcraig
3rd Burniston’s Eebeegeebees Razzie
Res Whalley’s Elerrina Elvenstar
VHC Edminson’s Kisdons Xena
Class 16 Post Graduate Bitch
1st Summerfield’s Miadsc Diamond
2nd Burniston’s Eebeegeebees Razzie
3rd Johnson’s Blamtrinever Dancing Queen
Res Trow’s Cwsscwn Clazique at Winterwell
VHC Dempster’s Madilor Magupati
Class 17 Limit Bitch 16 Entries (3 absent)
1st Pearson’s Lanspar Havassi
2nd Riley’s Kenmillix Metope at Fassfields
3rd Fisher’s Leiborschy Mila
Res Dempster’s Moricroft Moonshine Miatt Madilor
VHC Jones’s Addaci Belemenos Pipacs JW09
Class 18 Open Bitch 9 Entries (1 absent)
1st Pearson’s Lanspar Reti Perge
2nd Whiting;s Zoldmali Jacint at Cragvallie
3rd Smillie & Cairns’s Farnfield Pussy Galore Of Galicar
Res Upton’s Tragus Apache Feather
VHC Jones’s Addaci Belemenos Tulipan
Class 19 Veteran Bitch 3 Entries (1 absent)
1st Hamlyn’s Silvanus Moll Flanders
2nd Cameron’s Helmlake Rough Justice at Kasprowy
Class 20 Special Working Bitch
1st Jones’s Zoldmali Katica for Addaci
2nd Dempster’s Moricroft Moonshine Miatt Madilor
3rd May’s Ragnolds Meadow Brown at Amiryck
Res Newman’s Leiborschy Skarlat
Special Awards
Class 21 Special Novice Dog or Bitch 14 Entries (3 absent)
1st Reed’s Cuffnells Sweet Violet
2nd Dodd’s Cuffnells Forester
3rd Haslin’s Cwsscwn Aramis
Res Howes’s Firefrost Amethyst
VHC Hamlyn’s Cwsscwn Constance
Class 22 Not Bred By Exhibitor Dog or Bitch 16 Entries (3 absent)
1st Aldridge’s Gamepoint Cupcake
2nd Hibbert’s Cwsscwn Perchanze To Dream at Mindszenty
3rd Summerfield’s Ayita Wedding Day Of Miadsc
Res Dowell’s Leiborschy Ekko
VHC Aldridge’s Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow
Class 23 Good Citizen Dog or Bitch 9 Entries (3 absent)
1st Whalley Elerrina Elvenstar
2nd Summerfield’s Miadsc Diamond


The first club Ch. show for this breed was held in glorious sunshine at Tomlinson’s Canine Centre near Leicester. An ideal location with a large, well cut outside ring and plenty of space indoors too. The club celebrated its inaugural show with wine and cake for all exhibitors, and of course an entry of 103 dogs made it a very well attended show with some good classes. Type and size in the breed are very mixed. There are many who are too big to be called medium sized which is what the standard calls for and toplines and croups were disappointing in many. Coats varied in density and colour. I think it is very important to try and get to Vizsla type, and that comes through size, proportions and shape, and crown that with correct coat and colour. It is very easy to go off type and become a generic HPR breed and I did see some who veered towards other HPR breeds. However, I thought my top winners exemplified my interpretation of the Standard.

BIS was the yearling dog, Herlinga Herveus, of correct size and proportions, lovely head, good coat. Not yet fully finished in rib and body but he strode out well with correct tail carriage and topline, looked full of type, maturity should see him make up to a lovely dog; RBIS, Lanspar Reti Perge, correct for size, proportions and with a lovely coat, good head. Had the maturity of body on the dog but he has a little more scope on the move; BP, Zoldmali Csoda of Lanokk, lovely type, correct size, very sound with good coat. Needs a little more confidence but at her first show and this should come; RBP, the MPB, Falcongreen Guba, another lovely bitch and a great mover, same size and type as my top bitches, had she not been a little silly might have pipped 1. Should do very well; and BV, Silvanus Moll Flanders, of the size and type I like, it is a pity CCs have come a little late in the day for her.

MPD 1 Leiborschy Syrus, 8½ months, full sized but very well built and had a pull in ribs and body, good head proportions, very good coat. Eyes need to darken but still time for that. BPD; 2 Leiborschy Ruari, litter brother, lighter built but not as forward but I loved his type and balance. Not the rib or chest of 1 yet but on the move made a lovely picture. Should finish well and reverse the placings. Just a matter of judging on the day; 3 Leiborshy Vegul.
PD 1, 2 repeat; 3 Cwsscwn Aramis. JD 1 Morehay Lars of Belatarr, tall dog of 17 months, but without coarseness and having the pull in rib and coat. Good profile movement. A little wide in front, excellent topline. Would prefer him smaller; 2 Cragvallie Copper, better sized dog of just 12 months, lovely type and movement. Better size than 1 but looked the baby in coat and rib. Should have a great future, looked excellent going round, maturity will take him to the top; 3 Tragus Jakobi.
YD 1 Herlinga Herveus, 20 months, excellent type with lovely head and good proportions, very good coat. Needs a little more maturity in body yet and his rear movement is just a touch close but full of type and felt he deserved the CC and BIS; 2 Silvanus King Arthur, 20 months, heavier dog but of good proportions, head is a little heavy. Good coat, scored in rib and movement over 3 Amiryck Vega.
GD 1 Leiborschy Ylam, easy winner of this class, top size but very good shape and proportions. Just a little heavy in head. Excellent movement, good length of stride and topline; 2 Cwsscwn Perchanze To Dream at Mindszenty, too big for my taste, but he has a quality head, good coat and quite good on the move, will look more balanced when he drops into himself; 3 Kisdons Version.
PGD Very mixed for size and type, therefore hard to sort out. 1 Zoldmali Vadasz at Cragvallie, at the power end of the size scale and he is a little short in the body for perfect balance but he was a comfortable winner here. Excellent head, coat and movement, correct bone and good feet, very good outline held on the move; 2 Gosflight Tallon of Lanokk, bigger dog who needs to drop into himself now as he is looking leggy. Good head and eyes, good coat. Rear movement is a little wide; 3 Starshot Indiana.
LD 1 Leiborschy Ekko, lighter coloured dog but excellent texture, his balance took my eye, lovely type, lovely size and holds his shape well, excellent head and eye, scored in front action and topline here. Just a touch overangulated in rear but uses his hock well. RCC; 2 Kisdon’s Well To Do, excellent type with good coat, excellent head and eye. Not quite the layback of upper arm of 1 or as clean in his action or topline. Liked his bone, outline and proportions, full of quality, good coat and colour. Pressed 1 hard; 3 Leiborschy Steffan.
OD Difficult class, again mixed for type. 1 Starshot Harvest Moon, took the eye going round with his good stride and outline, lovely proportions and excellent movement. Would like a little more depth to his body but scored on the move here. Touch long in foreface and needs a little more coat density; 2 Cwsscwn Chanzer at Bethersden, excellent quality and good coat. Little soft in condition which shows in his topline. Not the front action of 1, but better in coat and head; 3 Tragus Fred Astaire.
VD 1 Kisdon’s Russian Hero Miatt Madilor, 9 years, excellent type, size and style, sound and active with good coat; 2 Bardantop Rochester, 8 years, bigger dog, excellent coat. Just a little heavier in head. Excellent coat. Working D 1 K Russian Hero Miatt M; 2 Vadkacsa Speyburn of Aranyhaz, reserve in limit dog, tall dog who is an excellent mover, good head. Frontal assembly could be better and this detracts from the topline.

MPB 1 Falcongreen Guba, 8 months, beautiful puppy all through and held her shape well on the move, good size and proportions, free from exaggeration, good coat; 2 Leiborschy Griet, 8 months, taller bitch who has good lines and moving well. Not as firm in body as 1. Good coat and colour, good head proportions. A lot of promise; 3 Leiborschy Hajna of Elyscea.
PB 1 Zoldmali Csoda of Lanokk, 11 months, appealed for size, balance, coat and movement, excellent head, free from exaggeration. Needs a little more confidence but I liked her a lot and full of type. BP; 2 Cuffnells Sweet Violet, 11 months, excellent outline and coat, very good head and eye. Just needing to drop into her body, looks the teenager yet but has a lot of quality; 3 L Griet.
JB 1 Morganna All Spice, 17 months, free striding, of good size, feminine head. Needs more coat. Scored in rear movement and croup; 2 Tragus Zuri, lovely headed bitch with better coat than 1. Very sound. Needs to be a little firmer in condition and to firm up over loin and croup. Will have better days; 3 Tragus Ayana.
YB 1 Herlinga Herleva, lovely bitch with beautiful coat, excellent proportions, very good ribbing and forechest, lovely head, carried herself well, great type and quality. Just a little loose in movement. Just needs to firm up; 2 T Zuri; 3 Silvanus Modesty Blaise.
GB 1 Zoldmali Ubrez at Genlusa, of the size and proportions I like and with an excellent coat, free from exaggeration and excellent movement, holding her shape well, should have a good future. RCC; 2 Cwsscwn Caszandra of Blackcraig, good moving, good coated bitch, little taller than 1 and not quite as firm in topline but very good type and movement. Scoring in coat over 3 Eebeegeebees Razzie.
PGB 1 Miadsc Diamond, appealed for size, proportions and with sound movement, in good coat, very good head. Would have preferred her a little harder in condition but good value here. Free of exaggeration and full of type; 2 E Razzle, very striking outline and good length of stride, has good coat texture but needs more of it. Flowing outline. Just a touch overangulated in rear; 3 Blamtrinever Dancing Queen.
LB Good class. 1 Lanspar Havassi, scored on her balance and coat here, of good proportion, excellent head, very good coat and colour. Would like a little more angulation in front to give more scope in the forehand; 2 Kenmillix Metope at Fassfields, lovely on the move but a little long for perfect balance, excellent head and lovely neckline. Needs a little more coat. Great appeal for construction and style but 1 better proportioned; 3 Leiborschy Mila.
OB 1 Lanspar Peti Purge, 7 years, same type as the limit winner, balanced in everything with excellent coat and good movement, true to type for the breed. Took CC and RBIS, just tiring a little in the last challenge; 2 Zoldmali Jacint at Cragvallie, same type, lovely proportions. Needs a little more coat to finish her. Better upper arm than 1 but not quite the carriage; 3 Farnfield Pussy Galore of Galicar.
VB 1 Silvanus Moll Flanders, 8 years, lovely type of correct proportions, in good coat, still sound, lovely head type; 2 Helmlake Rough Justice at Kasprowy, almost 14 years, enjoying her day, just showing her age in topline and movement now. Working B 1 Zoldmali Katica For Addaci, comfortable winner here, correct shape, good forechest, rib and coat. Could have a little more second thigh. Carried herself well and moved soundly, looked good in the challenge, liked her type; 2 M Moonshine Miatt M, 6 years, reserve in limit and I liked her for shape and soundness. A touch heavy in head and not quite the carriage of 1; 3 Ragnold’s Meadow Brown at Amiryck.