HWVA Code of Conduct for Committee Members


The Association recognises the huge contribution made by Officers and Committee Members.

The purpose of this Code is to maintain high standards of conduct, assist committee members in their role and to protect the best interests of The Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Association. Conduct within the Club is driven by The Association’s values and objectives as set out in the Association Rules. These are to promote the breeding of good gundogs and to hold training sessions, working tests, field trials and dog shows.

All Committee Members have agreed to abide by this Code.

As an Association Committee Member, I will:

  1. consider the welfare of their dogs and breed above any personal gain or profit and will take responsibility for any dogs I own
  2. only breed from Hungarian Wire Haired Vizslas of sound temperament, which show natural ability and will always strive to produce Hungarian Wire Haired Vizsla conforming to the standards as published by the Kennel Club.
  3. use my discretion as to the number and suitability of bitches covered each year by my stud dogs
  4. ensure that any stock from which I breed shall be registered with the Kennel Club, in the accordance with the rules in force at the time.
  5. take advantage of all relevant official schemes devised to test the dog’s soundness
  6. hip score all of my stock
  7. test all of my breeding stock for all known breed relevant hereditary conditions for which there is a DNA test.
  8. when engaged in events with my dogs, conduct myself in such a way as not to bring discredit to the breed or Association and will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.
  9. promote the values, aims, rules and regulations of the Association by acting as its ambassador and advocate always presenting it and its members in a positive light
  10. act only in the interests of the Association as a whole not individuals or small groups
  11. listen and respect the views of others and always use appropriate and respectful language and behaviour
  12. apply sound judgement when using social media
  13. manage Association funds so as to maximise value for money in all Association financial dealings
  14. champion equality and respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the Association, regardless of gender, race, marital status, colour, disability, sexuality, age, occupation, religion or political opinion
  15. actively contribute to the effective work of the Association Committee by:
  • good preparation for meetings by reading all papers which have been circulated prior to meetings
  • regular attendance, participation and contribution at meetings including constructive challenge when appropriate
  • dealing with issues of agenda clarification before meetings and maintaining a sharp focus on agenda items in meetings so that time is used effectively
  • respecting the office of the “Chair of the meeting” to ensure the orderly conduct of meetings and any management of conflict
  • attempting to reach decisions by consensus and always publically support group decisions even if my personal opinion is different
  • ensuring timely response to, and completion of, agreed actions
  • supporting fellow Committee members in their leadership of the Association
  • attending the Association AGM and any other meeting as and when required
  • return all Association property in my possession when I leave the Committee

As an Association Committee Member, I will not:

  1. allow my bitches to whelp more than once in every (12) twelve months, or before (2) two years of age, or to whelp over the age of (8) eight. A bitch will not have more than (4) four litters during her lifetime or be mated before (2) two years of age
  2. allow my stud dogs to serve bitches of less than (2) two years of age, or bitches who will whelp over the age of (8) eight. Neither dogs nor bitches in poor health, of unsound temperament or with any serious hereditary disease will be used for breeding.
  3. allow my stud dogs to be used before they are (18) eighteen months of age
  4. allow my stud dogs to serve any bitches who have not been hip scored or who have not been tested for all known breed relevant hereditary conditions for which there is a DNA test.
  5. when advertising, knowingly misrepresent themselves or their stock and will deal only in an open and honest manner with the clients, who shall be advised of any fault that the dog may have. Clients buying the stock shall be encouraged to present the dog to a veterinary surgeon within (5) five days of purchase. Should the veterinary surgeon at such examination, advise that the dog is not in good health, members will verify the opinion, take back the dog and refund the purchase price.
  6. attempt to exercise individual authority over the association or its members except as explicitly set forth in agreed policies or in my assigned lead responsibility areas
  7. become inflexibly caught up in promoting my own views at meetings
  8. gossip or act with bias or prejudice towards others
  9. use offensive or discriminatory language or behaviour at meetings whether face to face or online
  10. send emails containing offensive or discriminatory content
  11. subject any other committee member to harassment or bullying
  12. fail to deliver on my commitments as a committee member
  13. publically disagree with decisions that the committee takes as a group, even if I have a different personal view including on social media

Declarations of Interest

All Committee members are required to:

  1. ensure that private or personal financial interest never influences decisions
  2. ensure that the position as a Committee member is not used for personal gain
  3. disclose any direct or indirect interests which could influence judgment or give the impression that the Committee or Committee member was acting for personal reasons


Committee members should not pass any confidential information gained through their involvement with the Association to a third party without the approval of the Chair or Committee Secretary.

Committee members agree to abide by the Association’s General Data Protection Rules in force at the time

Outside Activities

Committee members should consider themselves at all times as being potentially regarded as ambassadors of the Association and should, therefore, ensure that none of their other activities has the effect of bringing the Association into disrepute.

Membership Subscriptions

Committee members must keep their annual subscriptions due 1st January up to date

Important notice

Committee members should understand that if they do not follow these principles and fall short of the expectations and responsibilities in being a committee member that the Association may be obliged to implement and enforce the code with sanctions under the Association Rule 10 – which includes the possibility of removal from the list of members.