HWVA Spring Pointing Test 1/04/06 gradings

HWVA Spring Pointing Test       1 April 2006       Scawby Shoot, Twigmore, Lincs

Judges Dave Chamber and Ray Butler











Hungarian Wire-Haired Vizsla Association       Spring Pointing Test       Scawby North Lincolnshire       April 1st 2006

Judges Critique

The Weather was to be Cloudy /Sunny with strong breeze coming from the South West.       Possibility of Heavy Showers likely.

The test was to start in fields of O/S/R with just the right amount of growth.

We wanted to run all the Dogs into the wind to give them every opportunity of finding game

This is how the test transpired.

Dog No1 H V Hunted well pointed and flushed Partridge Graded Good

Dog No2 GSP Hunted well pointed and flushed Partridge Graded Good

Dog No3 HWV Hunted very nicely got a point flushed Partridge Graded Good

Dog No4 HWV Hunted nicely to start with unfortunately dropped its head and ran into birds

Dog No5 GWP A very novice dog and handler. Started off nicely but missed a bird then followed Hare scent

Dog No6 HWV Again a novice dog and handler. Unfortunately chased a Hare

Dog No7 GWP Had wide fast beat turned nicely into wind. Took scent of a bird a long way out,gave a good solid point moved into flush carefully Graded Excellent

Dog No8 GSP Ran pretty good at times but sometimes a little erratic bored forward into wind to get a point on Partridge Graded Good

Dog No9 HV Ran pretty well tended to back cast on occasions. Unfortunate to bump a bird.

Dog No10 HV Hunting at times a little erratic but ran on to get agood solid point Graded Good

Dog No11 WEIM Novice dog and handler hunted ok but needs more of this type of working

Dog No12 HWV Dog got out well was soon onto birds picking them up at distance flushed nicely on command and was steady Graded Very Good

Dog No13 GSP This dog was the best of the day. It got out and hunted superbly in stylish manner ending with a first class point Graded Excellent

Dog No14 HWV This dog covered the ground well but was unfortunate to bump a bird

Raymond and I would like to thank the HWVA for inviting us to Judge on this excellent ground and in such good company

David Chambers April 3rd 2006

Grouse pointing test 29/07/2006

The HWVA held a grouse pointing test on 29/07/2006

This being my first, even I was hoping all would come together and everyone would have a good day.

I was first to arrive at the Scotch Corner Hotel, and waited patiently for people to arrive. The judges for the day were Keith Scattergood and Eddie Kania. Since the weather had been very hot all week, we were all praying for a bit of a cooler day and a bit of breeze.

The final runners were seven HWV’s, five HV’s, two GSP’s and one Bracco. It was lovely to see all the russet working dogs together. When everybody had turned up, we set off to the moor with Roy Bebbington in front, being that he was the only one knowing where we where going. We were met at the moor by the keeper Roy and his under keeper Matt. On the moor the weather was being kind to us. There was a bit of a breeze that kept the dogs a bit cooler, which would also help with scenting.

It was decided to run the adults first into a cheek/back wind. I must say at this point that quite a few adults were beginners. All the dogs had problems with the scenting conditions as it was very dry, and had been for a while. There was a nice amount of birds on the moor, just the odd little barren patch. When all the adults had run, it was time for the juniors to have their go. The judges then turned and headed back towards the car’s and into a head wind, as all the runners and their dog’s were new to this and some had never seen a grouse, let alone smelt one. I think they should all be very proud of their dogs; they all worked hard and ran quite well.

When we got back to the cars we had lunch, and the judges told me which dogs they wanted to run again. We duly set of to run those dogs again. After those dogs were run, the point of the day came as we where walking back to the cars. A couple of dogs started to pull on the leads to the left of the handler and Roy the keeper told Andy Peers to let his dog have a go. The dog crept slowly on point for about five minutes till it was told to flush and five grouse got up. Back at the cars the judges gave me their results;

Four dogs where awarded:

Dogs Name     Awarded / Class / Breed
Ayita Independence Day Good / Junior / HWV
Zachary des Champs des Dunes at Gonegos Excellent / Adult / HWV
Friedewald Merrimac Good / Adult / GSP
Gonegos Sarika Good / Adult / HWV

The judge’s were thanked and given a bottle of wine as a thank you. The keeper was thanked and then the judges gave a few words.

All in all a very good day was had by all and it was so nice to see so many wires out and having a go.

Let’s hope this is new beginnings.

Mark Lovell


Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Association       Grouse Pointing Test July 29th       Barningham Estate
The Weather was around 20 Centigrade as we began, the moor was tinder dry, and an awkward wind scenting conditions appeared to be somewhat difficult. Given the wind direction, we decided to run the adults first, running a short time with a back wind turning left into a cheek wind and left again into a head wind. Juniors were run into a head wind as we made our way back to the vehicles

Some of the dogs were clearly struggling with the heat as the temperature rose during the day.

Those that were graded worked hard and effectively finding, pointing, holding and flushing on command.

In numerical order       2 Junior Ayita Independence day HWV Dog Handler Mark Hebert,       The first Junior to run, keen, cast well out quartered flat making good use of the wind. Covered his beat quite well soon found a small brood. Pointed and produced was steady to the flush Graded Good.

11 Adult Zachary Des Champs Des Dune at Gonegos HWV Dog Handled by Roy Bebbington       Cast off almost immediately indicating the presence of scent. Pointed staunchly and produced a lone hen, moved on to work out the ground, showing his experience he moved out down wind turning back after a short distance and almost immediately indicated and pointed the Hens mate once again pointing staunchly and producing on command. Moved on for a short distance covering his beat effectively and thoroughly. Graded Excellent

14 Adult Friedewald Merrimack GSP Bitch Handled by Mr T. Betambeau       First Run this bitch covered her beat well ran with sufficient pace however she seemed to require a little reassurance. She indicated scent and worked her ground out well. The handler assured us that the birds had moved on as she did not point staunchly First Run Was Blank. Second run. Ran with a little more pace seemed to be more confident indicated, pointed and flushed on command, steady honouring the flush, Graded Good

16 Adult Gonegos Sirika HWV Bitch Handled by Roy Bebbington       First run quartered well if a little narrow. Continued to improve during her run. improving ground coverage unfortunately her run was blank. Second run. Worked well covering her ground with determination she located pointed and flushed on command making good her ground she found the mate again pointing and producing on command. Graded Good

A few observation, those unsuccessful handlers in the main didn’t allow their dogs time to cover the ground, either making forward progress to quickly narrowing the pattern., some moved forward so quickly they restricted the dog to working to one side only. Some of the dogs sought a little to reassurance from their handler.

Keith and I had a super Day on the North Yorkshire Moors. We would like to thank the HWVA for the invitation to judge the Pointing Test. The Barningham Estate for allowing us to run our dogs on their ground, perfect for HPR’s. Thanks to Roy keeper and Mat the under keeper for sparing time to guide our progress during the day. Finally thanks to the competitors for entering.

Eddie Kania