Sawley Field Trial, 28 November 2015


1st  Hawkstalon Aberfeldy at Turtonmoor handled by Adrian Blackledge.

2nd  Zoldmali Lepke handled by Zsofia Miczek.

The association held a novice field trial on the 28th November 2015 at Sawley, in the East Midlands, by kind permission of the Warren Lane Shoot and kindly sponsored by Skinners dog foods.

The day started bright and clear but very brrrr.  A brisk breeze kept the temperature low, it was forecast that the breeze would get brisker and bring with it its pals cloud and rain during the course of the day.

Our judges Mrs. Sheila Kuban and Mr Paul Burdess in consultation with the keeper Mr. Jason Allaway came up with a plan and off we set.

We worked a strengthening backwind through fields of white grass, rushes, reeds, old cover crop, hedgerows and ditches in pursuit of game.  Along the way some dogs found the wily critters and had the full HPR whilst others weren’t quite so fortunate.

After all runs had been completed two dogs went to water, both succeeded and were awarded 1st place to Adrian Blackledge and his dog and 2nd place to Zsofia Miczek and her dog.

Luckily the rain held off until after the event with just a sprinkling during the presentation, so happy days.

Our thanks got to our hosts Mr. Jason Allaway and the Warren Lane Shoot, the judges Sheila and Paul, the guns Mr. Steve Freeston, Mr. Jordan Robson and Mr. Steve Robson.  The picker up Mr Michael Caine and his dog Cleo.

Phil Robinson

Grouse Field Trial

On Saturday 15 August 2015 The HWVA held a HPR Field Trial Novice Stake on the Conniston and Grassington Moors, North Yorkshire by kind permission of the Keeper Mr Harvey Wiggins.  A full card of 12 dogs ran under Judges Mrs Jean Robertson (A panel) and Mr Jim Bird with, at the end of a fabulous day, 2 dogs going to water

Below is the Judges report of the day:

Conniston And Grassington Moors North Yorkshire Hungarian Wirehaired Vizla Association Novice Field Trial Saturday 15th August 2015.

Weather, Bright & Sunny with a good breeze.

My Journey alongside my co Judge Jean Robertson was full of anticipation with us both looking forward to our early appointment to Judge the HWVA Novice Field Trial at Grassington. There can be no better place to run an HPR than on open moor land and the privilege of working Grouse.

I had anticipated early season grouse to be sitting tight and after our climb up the hill to our starting point the first few dogs where confronted with a boundary fence to their right and a cheek wind to deal with before we came around the corner and into wind.

At the start of the day with a good breeze and warmth from the emerging sun i thought that the scent would be good, but this proved anything but with the first half of the card struggling to deal with small coveys and single birds tucked in extremely tightly all around us. With poor scent and lack of good coverage essential to deal with the birds we had on the beat, we very soon discarded half of the dogs due to missed birds either caused by a failure to point or poor ground treatment, The first half of the day certainly turned out to be a minefield. Coming around the corner into wind as we climbed and the day becoming warmer scent certainly started to improve with the remainder having a better chance, we started to get some points and nice dog work as we completed the first round.

Only 3 dogs had survived and it wasn’t long before those remaining had shown us what we needed to see with 2 making the awards.

3rd Ladyhawke Perdita, GSP.B Louise Holmes and Guns Award

We didn’t know it at the time but was this GSP’s first field trial, and my goodness she didn’t disappoint with her hunting, it was simply a joy to watch with her taking good ground at a fair pace completely in sync with her handler with minimal handling. Her ground treatment was spot on, carefully checking pockets of scent we watched with bated breath until she staunchly came onto point producing a pair of grouse which spilt across the moor in opposite directions. With one bird down and not marked she had to be handled for the retrieve which she accomplished with some encouragement.

Her second run didn’t disappoint either quickly coming onto point again or producing another pair, a reasonable short distance made for a rather difficult retrieve with handler patiently guiding her to the downed bird

Both myself and Jean felt had both retrieves been cleaner this young dog could have easily won the trial.

Water. Good entry, a difficult exit lead to a poor delivery.

COM Tournesol Inox.  Brittany D.  Paul Bennett.

My thanks go the HWVA, our hosts, keeper Harvey and his Helpers my co Judge Jean Robertson and very importantly to the guns for the day providing us with exactly what we needed to judge every dog.

I thoroughly enjoyed my day thank you

Jim Bird.

Working Test at the Tunley Shoot, 16 May 2015

The HWVA were lucky to be offered a new site near Bath for their summer Working Test. The Tunley Shoot, with the kind permission of Mr Stephen Jones provided possibly one of the best sites available to HPRs for hunting. In one class nearly every dog encountered game and every dog had fresh ground to hunt.

The weather was once again perfect with sunshine and a good breeze. The only minor concern for the organisers was the water however on the day the Judge for the water, Mr Nigel Wroe was able to set tests which certainly pushed some of the dogs. Field Trial Secretary Hazel Drew had secured a great team of Judges meaning that there were very good entry numbers especially in the Novice and Open Tests. The Association is very grateful and would like to thank those volunteers who came and helped with stewarding, dummy throwing and helping with all the paperwork on the day. There is no doubt that without their help these events could not take place.

Special thanks to the Judges who give their time freely and the HWVA hope that they enjoyed the day.

The area covered made it difficult to follow all the Tests therefore the Special Beginners Class was followed for the following report. The definition for the Special Beginners was for dogs who have not entered more than two KC Working Tests and have not won a 1st in Special Beginners or an award in any classified class. Training and help was available to competitors. The Judge for this Test was Mr Richard May and the Steward Mrs Joan Dowell. The six handlers were all asked to give a few details about their dogs working experience and it was very noticeable that they all concentrated on the negative, ” my dog won’t sit to the whistle”, ” my dog won’t hunt very well”, ” my dog won’t always retrieve”. It was pointed out to them that there were lots of positive things that their dogs would do and really they should be concentrating on them. There was so much land available it meant that each handler was able to hunt their dogs over some super ground where there was scent. Richard walked with each handler and their dog during the hunting pointing out how the dog was working the wind and how to encourage the dog to quarter the ground by changing the angle of the handlers body. It was good to see improvement in all the dogs hunting and some showed tremendous natural ability. It was noticeable that the atmosphere among the handlers had lightened and they realised that all their dogs could hunt and had more idea of what they were working towards.

The majority of the dogs retrieved well, not always to hand but tips were given as to what they should be working on. It was interesting to see that one dog was just not interested in the dummy but was very keen to go back hunting! A couple of the dogs were keen to retrieve but not to return to handler with it, again after some training tips in some instances the problem was overcome and in some the handlers knew what to practice when they got home.

The water was not the best for these dogs however the water Judge made it clear that he was looking for the setting up and steadiness of the dog before entering the water. There was the chance for a different retrieve before the day ended. There was no doubt that all the handlers ended the day on a much more positive note than they had started and all said that they would take the training further and enter more Working Tests. The Judge’s job was done.


Special Beginners

Judge: Mr Richard May

1st Crumpsbrook Rather Radient (LM) Niki Griffiths-Rose
2nd Vadaszfai Kapos (HV) J. Hobbs
3rd Silvestre Courage N’Duty (WEI) Danielle Brooks
4th Knabynnus Springtym Maple (GSP) Ruth Mackay
5th Cherrybower Abbey Road (HV) Sue McCathie
6th Kamaze Liberty (LM) Karen Caile


Judge: Mr Simon Kirby

1st Wiggmansborg Lucinda at Deertracker (GWP) Pete Garraway
2nd Warrendown Sahara (GSP) Emma Carter
3rd Seasham Dancing Queen (GSP) Helen Hopkins
4th Zoldmali Hera (HWV) Philippa Williams
5th Crumpsbrook Bayleaf Von Rutland (LM) Matt Smith

Novice Dog/Handler

Judge: Mr Andrew Farley

1st Halpoint Peregrinus (HWV) Alun Lerwell
2nd Eebeegeebees Harlequin (HWV) Andy Littlecott
3rd Gunsyn Piselli at Kelbenic (BI) Gill Gayler
4th Sekely Viz (HWV) N. Heath
5th Belatarr Mahalia Jackson (HWV) Irene Collier


Judges: Mr Paul Bradley & Mr Lee Loveridge

1st Iron Albion Xenon Burst (GSP) Dionne Jenkins
2nd Castlegarnstone Coranbong (GWP) Shaun Moore
3rd Aranys Fara (GLP) Martin Palmer
4th Warmden Whistler (HV) R England
5th Kentredecim Foxtrott (GWP) Ben Hall


Judge: Mr Murray Wakeham

1st Moricroft My Choice (HWV) Michael Caine
2nd Russetmoor Gold Big Ben (HV) Jason Froome
3rd Warrendown Flash of Atilla (GSP) Emma Carter
4th Monty’s Magic (GSP) Bob Turnbull
5th Harrigoss Fenice (HWV) Philippa Williams

Spring pointing test, Garendon March 2015

This was held at Garendon Park Estate near Loughborough Leicestershire by kind permission of Mr. Ben Nichols, and sponsored by Skinners dog foods.

The judges were Mr. Mark Firmin and Mr. Tim Bennett.

The day started a bit dull and grey and just before midday the weather god made sure we were damp on the outside, but spirits remained dry, a couple of hours later the sun was smiling down upon us, a brisk South westerly wind kept the temperature down.

A field of fifteen, of which 10 were junior dogs, sadly only 3 Wirehaired Vizslas were entered, hunted for Partridge and Pheasant. The judges endeavored to run each dog into wind over fields of rape and wheat, the first dogs were run on the fields outside the estate wall, here several areas were rejected as the crop was too low but 7 dogs had their first run over the remaining area.

We returned to the main estate area and, after a warming brew, the remaining dogs were run on the available fields within the estate boundary. Six dogs were called forward for a second run. There was some quality dog work seen, a good number found birds, one found a hare, and four dogs were graded.

Graded Good

Amblescharm Borusco handled by Jon Roberts

Graded Excellent.

Ladyhawke Perdita handled by Louise Holmes

Barleyarch Beetle at Tequesta handled by Dawn Elrington

Hawkwise Berkutchik handled by Will Tyler

The privately sponsored Hartley Trophy, a sweet statuette, presented for Hare awareness was awarded to Ian Wearing and Zoldmali Anzis.

Our grateful thanks go to the Garendon estate and the keeper Ben Nichols for allowing us to use the ground. The judges who gave their time and expertise. Michael and Hazel Caine for their time, guidance and cake. Most importantly the competitors who supported the event.

HWVA Field Trial – Durley, 2 January 2015

Once again the HWVA were blessed with good weather when they held their Novice FT on 2nd January at Durley by kind permission of Mr Sam Broad. The Judges for the day were Mr Alan Hender (A Panel) and Mrs Sue Hender.  Shoot captain was Mr Andy Cheeseman, Red Flag and picker up was Mr Phil Robinson and his dogs Vinny and Harry. I was delighted to be asked to act as Chief Steward for the first time.

All 12 dogs went through to the second round as a number failed to find game on their first run but with two having good points but unfortunately the birds were not shot. The second runs started and sadly finished very quickly for the first 4 dogs after a duck was shot but all 4 failed to retrieve it. Two dogs then had a bird shot but neither was judged to be a satisfactory retrieve and so were out. Running at number 8 was Pip William’s Harrigoss Fenice who hunted well on her second run and from cover a cock bird was shot which she retrieved well and was through to a third run. Next was probably the unluckiest dog of the day, Ped Barmard’s Daxpack Court Case who had 4 points and flushes on his second run but none were shot. The last two dogs to have their second run were two GSPs. First of those was Russell Hicks and Artlan Wilson who because he was listed as 5th Reserve had told his wife that he would have been able to go shopping in Southampton on the day of the FT, he was very grateful for the call to run! His dog hunted beautifully but sadly was too keen to go for the retrieve. The next dog was called forward for the retrieve, that was Jon Roberts and Sanjon Chico who had points on his first run. He made very short work of what was a difficult retrieve and then hunted on and had an excellent HPR which meant that he was going to water. Pip Williams had a third run to try for a point and although Niche had gone up one or two gears she was unable to find a bird. Again Ped’s lovely little Vizsla found birds they weren’t shot. A duck was shot over the water but it landed badly behind a pallet and his dog wasn’t keen to go for the retrieve in not very clear water. This meant that only one dog was going forward for water, Sanjon Chico. Saying that we then witnessed Phil Robinsons dog Vinny retrieve the difficult duck beautifully to hand. Jon’s dog did a good water retrieve.

Hazel Drew and Firefrost Enchantress had a water certificate from a recent Novice FT which she completed confirming her CoM from that Trial.

Congratulations to Jon who was awarded a 1st and also the Guns Award. Thanks have to go to the Judges, Alan and Sue Hender, Andy Cheeseman, Red Flag and Picker up, Phil Robinson, the Guns and of course the runners. It was a lovely day with some very good dog work.

Now the Committee will start planning for the rest of this years Field Trials.

Sharon Newman