Working Test

The HWVA held its Gundog Working test on Sunday 10th September.
Judge: Ian Jones
1st Simon Kirby – Annagors Corbracky Chief at Helwyrcwm GSP
2nd Tom Robinson – Mylo Boondocks GSP and Best puppy water
Judges: Peter Szalai and Sue Wagstaff
1st Samantha Brook – Formala Fidelis GWP
2nd Richard England – Lindenwood Gwydion HV
3rd Paul Beerling – Hosokter Nagy HWV
4th Pauline Kirby – Finnougric Furlow at Helwyrcwm HV
COM Andrew Mead – Karaszy Lel HV
Best Water: Paul Beerling – Hosokter Nagy HWV
Judges: Steve Chant and Christine Carpenter
1st Adrian Shaw – Nemzet Kincse Gummy Bear at Magyar
2nd Devaki Belassi Page – Miadsc Make a Wish at Lassanyi
3rd Nigel Samson – Canalgame Giovanni
4th Mark Taylor – Radipole Chasseresse
Best Water: Paul Jones – Ynyslas Deadly Accurate
Highest points for HWV went to
Paul Beerling – Hosokter Nagy HWV
Congratulations to all in the awards, Thank you to all our Judges and helpers on the day, and our landowners John and Julia Griffiths
Thank you Sharon Newman for the pictures and to Sporting Saint who sponsored the prizes.

‘Working Test Ready’ Training Day – April 2023

Chris Guest kindly opened her training ground for a ‘Working Test Ready’ training day on Good Friday. 
The sun shone for the whole day, it was a pleasure to be in the beautiful Shropshire countryside.
Along with individual tests and water retrieves we were blessed to have the winter wheat field and a piece of rough ground for hunting training. One person managed a Hunt and Point on a pheasant, but we also saw a huge hare making a speedy getaway. Everyone had a chance to do all the tests and evaluate their results and see where they could make improvements. Every single point that can be gained in each test might get you into the awards.
We have been invited back in July for a Water Training Day, details and entry form are on the website, or contact
Chris Guest writes: “Thanks to all those that came to the HWVA ‘Working Test’ ready day… split into two sessions, puppies in the morning and novice in the afternoon. Working Test style retrieves were set and completed, then we looked at how it could have improved and what were the potential ‘bunkers’ or pitfalls they could have encountered before having another go taking into account what we’d discussed. Every dog had opportunities to hunt the winter wheat and some rough ground with one of them having a H.P flush! As the day had kindly warmed up everyone went to water… to sum up; a great day I thoroughly enjoyed hosting, a lot more work needed for the puppies to be Working Test ready and dummy dropping/‘adjusting’ seems to be a problem for some, in particular from water… and frankly we just ran out of time even with the longer days there was still so much we could have covered, but my brain, along with everyone else’s, was fried and there was a steak and cider waiting with my name on it!!” 
Photos Rose Summerfield

HWVA Grouse Experience Days

We were very pleased to be invited to put on a Grouse Experience weekend in March on Egton Moor, North Yorkshire. We had full groups each day, and most were Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, just a Weimaraner and a German smooth, or two, for variety!
It was a cold, wet and windy weekend, something unusual for us on the moors. The wind, however, was in our favour and every single dog worked well, whether experienced or not, or how well behaved the handlers were.
Every dog had several grouse on every turn, giving the greatest experience possible.
All went away feeling accomplished, enjoying the new experience or having seen improvement in their dogs hunting ability.
We thank Roy Bebbington for facilitating these days for us, Andrew, the Keeper of Egton Moor, and his Beat Keeper, Morgan, and Debby and Ian Wearing for their help with the groups, and sharing their extensive experience.
We have been invited back in the summer, please keep your eye on the website for dates when they become available.

HWVA Novice Field Trial – Thursday 26 January 2023 – Results

The HWVA held its NOVICE stake Field Trial at Haverholme, Sleaford, on Thursday 26 January, 2023.
Judges were Helen Evans A2852 and Paul Burdett N/P
There were 5 awards:
First – Pioro Z Cudownego Lasu (GSP) Emma Carter
Second – Zoldmali Onga (HWV) Jordan Bell
Third – Abdecker Dancer (LM) Annette Davis Green
Fourth – Vizellven Eks Wizard (HV) Jason Froome
COM – Sigourney Sirocco (GSP) Pete Bakewell
Guns Award to Abdecker Dancer (LM) Annette Davis Green
CONGRATULATIONS to all in the awards
Thank you to the Host, William Thornhill and the Haverholme Estate, Keeper Nigel, Carl Isitt, and the brilliant Guns including the host himself.
Thank you Judges, Helen and Paul, Ruth Webster for being the Chief Steward and allowing me to shadow her. Gill Pillinger, picking up dog, Amanda Tasker for her expert Red Flag duties, and Victoria Webley our game carrier.
Thank you to all at the Finch Hatton for hospitality, and all who helped along the way.
It was a great day !!
Photo Amanda Tasker

HWVA Open Field Trial – Saturday 28 January 2023 – Results

The HWVA held its Inaugural OPEN stake Field Trial at Upton Pyne, Exeter, on Saturday 28 January 2023
Judges were Mark Firmin 2788 and Christine Carpenter 2907
There were 6 awards.
First – Not Awarded
Second – Wamilanghaar Point Blanc of Caldera (GLP) Steve Kimberley
Third – Bonario Fagiana (BI) Alan Parr
Fourth – Deepthatch Rocket (GSP) Ruth Webster
COM – Indijaz Beautiful (GSP) Philip Parker
COM – CH Raycris The Temtress (LM) Rory Major
COM – Questor Lutz (GLP) Steve Kimberley
Guns Award to Wamilanghaar Point Blanc of Caldera (GLP) Steve Kimberley
CONGRATULATIONS to all in the awards.
All competitors dogs were presented with Commemorative Entrant medals and some special Devon Bug treats, and winners with medals and rosettes.
The highest placed dog also received the Inaugural Open Field Trial Trophy.
Thank you to the keeper Paul Bowyer and the Upton Pyne Estate, whose expertise provided the birds and the brilliant Guns Mark, Nigel, Ray and Jon.
Thank you Judges, Mark and Christine, Jackie Hammans picking up dog, Karen Caile as Red Flag, and Sue Wagstaff our game carrier, and all who helped her over the day.
A final thank you to everyone who supported the HWVA to get approval to hold this first Open trial, everone who supported the day, and everyone who has supported me to put this Trial on.
It was a great day !!
The Judges Report can be read here
Photo Jackie Hammans